Blizzard : « One action per keypress »

Try again then xd, btw i dont care even if you believe me or not.

I did cant see either and i dont trust you at all sorry going by the way you have trolled others in this thread .

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No, clearly a ruined economy, or being mobbed by 15 characters at once guided by 1 single player has never affected me in any shape or form.
Clearly the endlessly climbing price of tokens does not affect anyone either.

We get it.
Your cheat is allowed by blizzard cause you pay for the accounts.
But trying to argue how your cheating should not be called cheating is just taking the cake along with the cherry. Grow a spine.

Show me a human being that can operate 10-20 characters at once, individually, without action duplication via software or hardware.
Then and there we can have a discussion about it.
Till then enjoy your legalized cheating from this spineless company and have the decency to at least stay silent about it.


This sentence is so idiotic on a semi-public forum, I do not even have the words for it. Perhaps you should not enter a forum if you cannot handle others not having the same view as you do.

You are self-evidently wrong. Whether its a public forum or a public hearing, nobody cares about your attempts at saving face.
Its pathetic to watch and implies there is a discussion here.
There is none.
There is exactly 1 single type of person who would try to argue/discuss for multiboxing and thats a multiboxer. Your cheat is legalized. Everyone gets it.

Nobody cares about your ** attempts at trying to circumvent the hate you get for it. Regardless of where you are doing it.


You really don’t get it, do you? :rofl:

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Legalized cheating is what it is - unquestionably. I’ll always hate multiboxers and those who whale out on multiple accounts to get an advantage over others.


Perhaps you should not enter a forum if you cannot handle others not having the same views as you do, huh sunshine?

:rofl: :joy: Oh boy, you really do not understand any of it. Poor you. Best of luck, I’ll leave it with that.

I wonder what it must feel like to have such a fragile ego that you’d try to pretend trolling just to somehow back out from a conversation and attempt to save face at the same time.
Dont let the door hit you on the way out.

Next let`s ban those who play longer then me and post more on the AH - they get an advantage over me.

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Search => awakened mindborer

Either you are a troll or didnt give a bullcrap. Should i make a screen shot aswell? But calling others trolls and liars probably easier for you.

I didn’t call you a liar I said I didn’t trust you and I called you a troll for how you have been in this this thread so yes I stand by what I said and I still cant see you5r FOS .

I dont know why armory doesnt show the FoS, sadly I cant repair it. But i have the mount, and thats what u get for the FoS.

I’m not trolling and I won’t argue semantics with you. I won’t argue with you about the rules either, I’m merely telling you what the rules are. I’m sorry if you somehow felt offended by that. If you don’t like the rules, you should take it up with someone who works at Blizzard, not me.

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No, you didnt cite the rules.
You made a case for the rules being right, and gave a fallacious if not completely wrong reasoning for it.

Know the difference.
Have a nice day.


It does give indivuduals privileges other players do not have, such as the ability to votekick anything they want. You can’t tell me this is how the game is intended to be played, that one person can votekick anything they want just because they have multiple accounts. I’ve always hated multiboxing and found it unhealthy in any gaming environment. And the ‘family and friends’ argument doesn’t fly. Family and friends are playing one person per account, not broadcasting one keypress to 10 accounts.


I think you missed the point so hard it almost shot down a plane.

Where is the logic - why would some multiboxer votekick a player for fun - after 20-30 min. in LFG or even more bad in classic - where you have to get to the dungeon too. And then have to wait another 10-20 min. to get a new group running.
The only reson for a votekick would definitely be the same as in a group without a multiboxer.
And most multiboxer are 5 - so they do there dungeons by them self.

I guess this could be a reasonable solution where everybody is happy.

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