Blizzard : « One action per keypress »

Or possible add “traps” to all sorts of resource nodes like herbs. Something trivial, but becomes untrivial attention requiring with large number of automated characters following one.

Such as, you pick up herb, there is some pretty good chance that you get entangled by roots, for example. You can just click it off in a second or something. Possibly not even dismounting, ect.

Now, alone, it basically has no effect on your efficiency, but if you got 1 character that you are controlling and 9 others that follow you. Now which one of them got entangled? You have to spend time to find it and separately release it. If you dont, it gets left behind and cant follow the leader.

It will make multiboxing nearly insurmountable task as you have to manage that minor thing on each of them.

edit: I suggested this in another thread. There are so many of them, that I’m not entirely sure it isnt this thread…


I can really understand your point of view.
Blizzard should focus on how to make it fun and less frustrating for the players who play the game how it was attent to be played. 1 account, 1 char, 1 pc.
I myself do some farming at the point im running out of flasks and pots, when im running around in nazjatar and i see several druidtrains ahead of me, i instantly ALT F4 because i cant be bothered getting frustrated by despawning herbs. I just go do something else, wich results in not renewing my sub. Yes blizzard gets more money from the MB, but they dont see that they loose a lot of loyal customers. i clearly believe that im not the only one who has had enough of this kind of gameplay. I think the option of capping herbs or accounts, or adding some random anoyances to the nodes just to make it more difficult for the MB`s will make it more playable for the normal players. This way they are still allowed to MB, but face some random obsticals aswell and that would make it more fair to all players.


Right now there are 30 druids in Nazjatar on my server.

I can’t even gather herbs to craft flasks. How am I supposed to do ?

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You are missing the point. It is not “one action per keypress” but “one action pet keypress for price of one subscription”

In tranlsation - multiboxer is paying 10 times more in cost of subscription than you are, which gives him right to do 10 actions per 1 keypress.

All multiboxers that I saw (except one) are using a key cloner software.

All their characters are casting at the exact same time = one keypress.

Reported them already, but they are still flying around all day and night.

And that is allowed. You are reporting for nothing.

If people can’t tell the difference between a multiboxer and a bot then they are free to report and let Blizzard work it out.

However multiboxing IS permitted, a person is making the key press and that action is being duplicated across multiple accounts, like herbing, or using an attack etc. This is not against the rules.


Botting is where no human interaction is required, a bot does all the actions. The account does not require a human being to be be sitting at the keyboard, the account or multiple accounts will take all actions by itself.


Mutliboxing should have never allowed in the 1st place. Should had to root out on the 1st use of this.

Making false reports is also against the rules, you could being the one banned. Multiboxers are not against the rules, key cloner software is not against the rules, you are admitting to making false reports against people who are not breaking any rules. Rules are the rules, you like it or not, rules are not subjective, you could believe is wrong, but your believes won’t change what is legal and what is not according to the rules. What you are doing is making Blizzard’s staff wasting their time with false reports. As you said none of those multiboxers are banned because they have not breaking the rules, that is not an opinion, is a fact that, no matter what you believe the truth wont change.

The only think you can do is insists Blizzard to change their rules, and so make that action againts their rules. That is how laws works, and Blizzard’s rules at the end is no different that a law, if an action is declared legal but a law it will be legal until that law changes. You can’t expect anyone to be punished while their extrictly following the current rules, first rules must be changed.

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These pls pls pls Blizz, ban Multi boxing (lots of QQ tears) entries are getting really old. I think they are fun and actually miss the days multiboxing was allowed in PvP. In our old PvP guild if we heard there was a multiboxer killing players we would team up and kill it. But annoying QQers like yourself made sure that came to an end! Now you want to remove multiboxers from the game because you want some herbs!? I could not care less about your inability to acquire the herbs or stubbornness to work around the issue to level your profession. There was a time before sharding when mining and herb gathering was way more difficult. I would log on and find so many miners in Northrend I would simply log off and try again later!

  • Old guild - the guild was a PvP guild and since BFA removed PvP vendors forcing PvP players to do PvE content to gear up for PvP the guild members stopped playing WOW and the guild died.

Back when 1 node equaled 1 times picking, it was fine. Ever since the change, multiboxing gives a huge advantage and actively harms other players.

Of course multibox gatherers don’t care about that.

And of course on every thread about multiboxing, there’s the same few people actively arguing for multiboxing, proudly proclaiming that they themselves are multiboxers and upvoting each other.

Nobody but people actively gaining from multiboxing / multiboxers like multiboxers and want them in their game.

The issue with this general topic is the arguments the multiboxers bring up are beyond silly and repeatitive, and to be honest, no argument matters, because Blizzard loves money more than anything else, so of course they’re allowing multiboxers. Hell, if I were in their position of course I’d allow it. Anybody not doing so would decline free money.

But regardless of stance or legality, multiboxing is hurtful to the economy and disadvantages regular players. Of course anybody can multibox at that point, no matter how bad their PC is, but is that truly the WoW we want to take part in?

But yeah, it really does not matter what you, me or anybody thinks about it, because money > everything else.


Multiboxing only used to gain advantage over those who dont. Thats all. If one could not gain any advantage from it, noone would use it.

Multiboxing only used to gain advantage over those who dont. Thats all. If one could not gain any advantage from it, noone would use it.

I disagree. I used Multiboxing for simple fun. I enjoyed running around with 5 Demo Locks with 5 Fel Guards and my little demon army.
I also enjoyed playing 5 BM Hunter with 10 Loque’nahaks and lining them up and have 5 barages destroy what ever was in front of them OR 5 Demon Hunters simultaneously cast Eye Beam on a target. I never used them for farming or gold as I played this game for fun and nothing else.

I stopped because to gear them up became a tedious process as I had to queue M+ dungeons solo as running even 3 dps multi box in instances is almost impossible as with all the debuffs and AOE mechanics it is hard enough to keep one player alive and I simply don’t have time any more for WOW which now requires you to spend a significant gaming time in mythic dungeons as it is the only way to gear up for PvP which used to be my main interest.

How exactly those 2 are related to each other?
Btw you have your own key go push it. I missed 2 patches and i’m perfectly fine , no excuses.

So multibox = disadvantage? Ok kekw

Both of them 3rd party programs (the rio client part), and i dont have problems pushing my keys, thx.

you know that rio is just a flashy tool that shows blizzards armory right?

Multiboxing is only allowed becasue it’s a huge source of income for Blizzard since these days even average 500$ PC can run many instances of the game easily so way more people than before use MB to make money in the game.
If not for money they would never allowed it since Mboxing is done via 3rd party software which never was liked by any online game developer.

So, when 5 guys will make a party and start grinding herbs/ore or mobs together, will you guys start screetching for blizzard to ban them too?

Oh wait, people already do that! The horror!

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5 people is nothing compared to 5 Mboxers with 10 chars each fo them.
You can’t even find herbs/ore sometimes.

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Yes, 50 characters are farming herbs nonstop and exactly in the lcoation you are. I find it hard to believe. You might have just seen 5 chars controlled by one mutliboxer (who actually pays for all thsoe characters) and decided to go take a REE on the forums.