Blizzard : « One action per keypress »

I don’t care what you believe because it’s a fact that people use up to 10 chars at once to farm herbs. Even if there are only 2 Mboxers and they run 5-6 chars they will still cause nodes to despawn almost instantly and other people will starve on resources.
I was farming many times with 1-2 Mboxers around and I was pretty much doing empty circles around the Nazjatar. Even if you cut their path they do the same and you go back to almost no loot.
The silver lining is the fact that sometimes they are only after herbs so you can still farm a decent amount of ore but if ore price is low then you are making poo amount of money.


Key cloners explicitly breaks the “One action per keypress” rule. Since now one key press would cause x amount of actions depending on how many extra clients you have.

Exceptions would of course be for those actually uses toggles like shift, ctrl, alt or whatever else you prefer to switch between multiple keyboard setups. Though this is clearly not the case with power users that got +5 accounts.

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That is totally false, it does not break the rules. You could interpret the rules that way, but that does not means it is true. People will be banned based on how Blizzard interpret their rules, not you. Like any other rule system the only one wo could interpret how rules work is an authority, and in this case is Blizzard.

Blizzard considered key cloners as not breaking the rules, that is not my opinion, is an absolute thruth. You could have a different opinion and believe those multiboxers are breaking the rules, but you opinion is not what determine who will be banned.

Rules are rules, it wont change just because you have a different opinion. You dont like the rules? Ask for a change, ask Blizzard to not allow multiboxers herb farming or something, but do not lie about the current rules. You cant expect seriously that Blizzard something as unlawfull like baning someone that has not breaked the current rules.

5 dif people, each get their own herbs/ores
1 multibox with 5 char get 5x resource.

Spot the difference.

I dont really care about that. I care about not getting my own herbs for my own flasks anymore. Give them all the flowers they want, really no problem when i also get mine.

The problem is nazjatar is old content so there are less players in there. This means less shards and this means when you are there you get almost guarenteed with boxers (and botters) in there. When nazjatar was current you had chances to get sharded without any.

Yup iknow, thats why i dropped herb + alchemy

You know that this isn’t even a rule right? I believe it was just the free interpretation from one of the CS staff here regarding an ingame question.

Grab the ToS and you won’t find this rule.

Indeed. I think the rule about multiboxing is; don’t hurt other peoples gameplay.

How can you not hurt other people’s gameplay with multiboxing?
Getting 15x times the resources and money from AH, pushing up prices on everything including wow tokens just so your accounts pay for themselves, etc.

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multiboxing !== gathering. Multiboxers CAN gather. It depend what activity they do, isnt it?

Not really, since there is no specific rule about multiboxing.

The rule is; no cheating (botting, hacks, cheats and something that alters the gameplay). Multiboxing does not fall under this category either.

Obviously there are some rules about disruptive gameplay (or whatever it is called), but that is quite a stretch.

Multiboxing shouldn’t be judged by specific rules like cheating etc. but trough what it does to the game and it’s players. If people keep having their gaming experience ruined becasue of multi-boxing then at least it should be limited to some reasonable degree.


First, it is the only thing we really can do as it is right now. And well those two are pretty related. Big negative impact on the game and players → adjusting rules.

And when is someones gameplay ruined by multiboxers? When are enough people affected? It is as subjective as it could ever be. Nothing to base an action or limit on.

I do not care about Multiboxers, but this is as vague as it can be.

The only real problem I read about is the lack of herbs. Fix the solution instead of the result; make them personal. No reason to limit multiboxers.

And they pay 15x of your subscription. And if you insist they pay their sub with tokens, it translates into 15x20€ = 300€ per month.

It’s also pretty obvious that a huge majority of multiboxers work for gold sellers.


I didn’t say we should adjust rules but the very thing which is causing the issue.
It’s done all the time with any in-game design when it leads to a negative impact on the game and players experience.

Reduction of the amount of account being used at once should be enough to remove most negative impact caused by multiboxing and at the same time people can still multibox.

It’s a win-win solution.

No, it’s not subjective becasue 1-2 multiboxers per phase can singlehandedly caused issue of resource-hogging. I don’t remember a day in last year without a bunch of multiboxers flaying around Nazjatar not just one or two but many of them at once.

Besides MMORPG’s weren’t designed for one person to play on multiple accounts at the same time in the first place.

I’m happy this thread exists and is doing so well.

When the outrage crew starts beating this dead hoarse you can be sure they’re really scraping the bottom of the barrel trying to dig up whatever remnants they can scour.

Multi boxing is fine, time to bring on the next complaint thread, I checked my flow chart and it’s either account wide reputations or pathfinder.

You chose.

Unfortunately, this all will be forgotten again as bfa slows down as SL gets closer. More people complete stuff they want and then take a break. Less people around needing herbs or trying to collect them.

If if not that, then eventually SL comes out. We wont have flying at start, I believe. Multiboxing becomes less of an issue even, if we still will be seeing herb farming on ground level, but its far slower and gives opening to more people.

This matter will be probably mostly forgotten until SL flying gets unlocked again.

Disclaimer: Im neutral to multiboxing. You perfectly summarise what it is here, but i’m thinking, sorry if i’m wrong only 1/10 of the actions here aren’t automated is my logic flawed or something?

So now you decide when everyone’s gameplay is ruined? Yea, sounds objective.