Blizzard : « One action per keypress »

Nah its not, one get x times more resource over those who dont.

Not my problem you fail to understand that there is a point at which multiboxers activity will be an issue no matter the subjective opinions.

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not an argument to use - one who farm 3 hours gets more than one who farm 1

Yes, gold selling is such ap rosperous business. Who needs wow tokens, that are cheaper and not against ToS, nononono we all rather buy are expensive gold from our friendly goldsellers.

Also trade chat and mailbox is literally flooded by gold selling offers… oh wait, it is not 2010 anymore…

My example obviously meant of both farming same time, and if even someone farm 3 hours with one char, other with 5 chars in one hour could still get more.

Except multiboxers get way more for way less farming time compared to everyone else lol
Effectively they buy in-game resources for real money and on top of that cause issues for other people.

Yes - and they could - they are more - like a party of 5 player get more than 1 singel player.
Buying ingame resources for real money - what are you talking about???

It´s Not a mutiboxing problem - Blizz could fix there bad game design - only one small zone to farm all resources need for M+/raiding - And forceing more farmers into same small zone becource of phase/sharding.

Just add Osmenite Ore and Zin’anthid to the new 8.3 zone problem solved.

That not gonna solve any problem…There will be more multiboxers…Personal loot to nodes and all will be happy

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I can just keep repeating myself in every MB thread. Just shard the fu*kers into the same shard and problem solved. let them stripmine each other 'til they’re blue in the face while us normal folks go about our business


Or add some little mini-game to herbing, mining, and skinning, kind of how it’s done with fishing, so that it’s not just a 1-click-loot interaction that’s boring and trivial for automation software to exploit.

Mining: use the Nazjatar Bejeweled-like mini-game but instead of having blue/red/yellow/green/purple, maybe add 3 types of useless rocks, 1 type for the actual ore you’re trying to get, and 1 type for rare gems.

Herbalism: use the Nazjatar “remove the intersections” mini-game, but instead of having that astronomy theme, make it based on untangling the roots of the plant.

Skinning: I don’t know, but something similar to the other cases.

Also: make fishing, mining, herbing, and skinning playable on mobile phones.

While I think your suggestion is slightly too complex, yes, something like that. What I meant was even more trivial, but something that is difficult or impossible to automate while still completely trivial for any actual player.

But it’s not a party of 5 people it’s ONE person which gets benefits of 5 people by doing the job of a 1 person.
That’s why multiboxing is nonsense in first place becasue people are allowed to abuse the system by paying more money which effectively turns into Pay 2 Win situation.

This is what multiboxing is a Pay 2 Win situation.
You pay money specifically to get the benefits of multiple people by doing the job of one person. You pay real money to obtain more resources/gold than you should have. It’s not different than going to the gold sellers and buying gold from them just the difference is that you pay Blizzard not the gold seller.

Even prior to Nazjatar you could farm the same herb/orb in multiple zones and still there was an issue of people despawning nodes instantly and resource hogging.
You are just redirecting becasue real problem is that people shouldn’t be allowed to play on multiple accounts in the same time and get benefits of many people by doing job of one person.

It’s blatant system abuse becasue of developer and players greed.


Since 8.3 came out, it’s impossible for a casual player playing on one account to farm zin’anthid. There are swarms of druids on every realm, WM ON and OFF, I saw more than 30 of them at the same time yesterday.

I can’t farm anymore, I can’t make gold, I can’t even craft flasks and pots for raids. I don’t want to spend 5 hours to gather a stack of zin’anthid. I will cancel my sub, as Blizzard rather allow goldseller’s multiboxers because they are greedy as hell.


You are arguing semantics and nothing more.
Your actions are copied via software help. If its okay to copy a button press to 20 clients, then you can self-evidently use the same bs logic to justify auto click macros as well, because you did the original clicks yourself, the software is only copying and replicating it.

Its tiresome really to listen to you people try and justify your **.
Its a legalized form of cheating because blizzard sees profit from it. Not more and not less. You are still cheating, the company just has no moral integrity or spine anymore to stand up against it, because its activision time baby, only the money counts hell yeah.

What i cannot really understand is why you people then also want to be free from the hate you get for it. You wont.
How entitled can you be?
Wanting to wreck ppl in 20 vs 1, farm mats with a 20x multiplier, and then also claim that you are doing nothing wrong.
Keep on dreaming legalized cheater.


No. There are just a couple of meaningful things you can do with multiboxing.
The main one will be always gathering to make gold, and then buy wow tokens in order to support the 20 accounts you are holding.
The other will be always pvp ganking.

To imply that you bought 20 accounts and set up 20 multiboxes just so you could stand around in stormwind and do nothing… yeah no. This line of thought is so deranged that i wont even bother with entertaining it. Let it sink in for yourself.

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I’m telling you what the distinction is between multiboxing and botting. One is permitted by Blizzard, the other is not.

You know it is far more profitable to sell transmogs from old raids than gathering for gold, do you? There are far more things you can do while multiboxing than the only 2 things you mention. Let that sink in for yourself.

Blizzard won’t stop this madness, too much profitable.

that is a really good idea, let them feel our pain by having multiboxers try to outmaneuver other mutiboxers and only them… but to make thing interesting, put ALL of them on the same shard regardless of WM or Not.

There is no distinction between multiboxing and botting outside of one thing: One was allowed by blizzard cause “muh ******* money” and the other is not cause they see no profit from it.
Thats the only distinction.
The rest is a twist and play on words.
From the mass of those avatars, exactly 1 is being controlled by a player. Every other character is running on a software.

And finally the irony: The logic applied here should allow any amount of macroing in the game.
I mean a player has input all the things that the software is then repeating in game. Its the exact same thing as with multiboxing, but hey we wont allow that one cause we have zero integrity, we dont give a damn about our rules or reason, we are just out to make money.

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