Blizzard : « One action per keypress »

Not only are you necroing an old thread but you can’t seem to grasp the finer points of multiboxing.

Botting is letting a computer program control the character(s), multiboxing is just sending your inputs to more than one Warcraft. If you can’t understand the difference I feel sorry for you.

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So the main account is controlled by the player, and the 5-10 other accounts in the string is running on programs. Programs that are recieving data to do exactly the same as the main account. As i dont really believe you going to ALT+TAB tru the other screens. Its automation wich is botting wich is against the rules.

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It is not automation, it’s a players input being sent to more than one WoW and was there really a need to necro this thread?

Its a players input on the main account, the keycopy software sends a signal to the other accounts, so the other accounts get their input from the keycopy software, wich makes it software controlled and makes it illegal. You can try to talk whatever you want, you cant get past the fact that no human can ALT+TAB tru 10-15 screens to send the keypress to the chars, its done by a software program, wich makes it automation and therefor against the rules.

You can see it that way but Blizzard don’t and they are the ones who count. They see it as the players input is controlling the character not a program making the inputs by itself.

Edit: Btw I’m not going to reply to you as all the arguments are already in this thread.

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And there you got the point, blizzard sees it like that because they make tons of money of of it and thats why they allow it, even when its agains all ToS they made themselfs. Simple conclusion: they allow it because they get a lot of dinero`s for it. however every single char in the trains are controlled by a program!!!

It’s sadly legal. Yes, sadly. Seeing bunch of Druids swoop down and harvest entire nodes of herbs is pretty bummer.

Allthough you are right it is absurd this way. You have to understand the keyboard is never attached directly to wow. There is always a, or more, program in between.

Yeah ofc there is Always a program in between, but you get my point.
Multiboxing would be legal if the person controling the chars manually clicks the key on every single char. But by using the keycloner they make it automation and thats against the rules.(as the other chars are running on a program) however blizzard allows it because they get paid for every single account in the string.

You dont have to reply, because there is no way to defend that multiboxing is legit!! its automation in its highest form and therefor in violatin with the rules.

You are forgetting, it is legal.

Nice conspiracy theory, do you believe aliens visit the Earth too?

oh my another one of those sigh

I did defend, you seem to be mistaking defending with morally supporting it.

No it isn’t, that would be using a botting program

Anyway I’m muting this thread as like many others, you think you are right. Whereas my point is proven right by Blizzard not banning multiboxers.

And what do you think the keycloner is?

A replicator program, as in CLONE not create.

This thread is chock full of misinformation and pointless raging with little to no understanding of the concepts involved.

There is nothing automation related happening when people multibox. Its been allowed since the dawn of time and most of the complaints against it are thin at best.

The problems that people are having with multibox herb farmers are legit, but they are mostly a consequence of the way herbs work nowadays, there are many ways they could have structured herbalism that would avoid this problem, but obviously this late in the expansion you’re not going to see any fundemental changes.

A bot plays by itself. You can go to sleep and the bot still plays. That is a big difference. I do agree this has gone a bit too far, but i am not against multiboxing in general. It depends how you do it and what you do with it, imo.

Cloning wich is duplacating the same action over and over again, wich is an automation, wich is botting, wich is against the rules, my god its really not that hard to understand. I know that you support the whole multiboxing idea, but dont try to make it sound like its legal as in the ToS (excluding blizzard way of thinking on this as they have there own benefits from it)

It is not botting. I can’t help it but it isn’t.

Nothing automation related for one. If you really believe that then it’s time to start saving up for a dictionary.

It’s common for Windows (and most mainstream OS’s) to send keyboard inputs only to the program that currently has focus. Multiboxing software just lets those inputs go to other/multiple programs at the same time.

It still takes a human to press a button for the wow client to react to that one buttonpress event.