Blizzard Address Shadow Priest In the near future

more dmg output burst

Which fight? Raid? M+? Which constellation? Which talents? You seem not to be a pro player which can result in lot of other facts why your dps was so much lower, regardless of playstyle because SFP plays differently.

Worth noting I don’t think SFP is worth playing in raid unless you’re night fae, at least not this tier.

If bliz make a fight like orgozoa next tier you’d play SFP regardless of covenant.

In M+ you play SFP regardless of covenant, except for maybe ToP where Talbs might still be a viable contender.

Top Halls SD wake Tal is still used. Also not going night fae because i’m gonna prove a point

This is also totally fine not going NF with every progress except mythic which is also not a MUST.

SFP is the most used Legendary in high keys however. we’re talking about a change thats less then a Week old… with shadow priests having uptoo 3 months investment in orginal choices.

thats a flawed concept in itself.

consider Tab had a 3 month headstart to rack up usuage SFP overtaking it in less then a week is enough to prove a Point.

also, Tab has been used in a +21 at highest
SFP has been used in a +22 at its highest

So ur data is outdated.

Top 7 Shadow priests are Night Fae.
Top 3 Runs for Shadow priest are run with night fae.

do i need to write much more?

and the other logs from ravendreth and Necrolords are using SFP Also.

Also this is a terrible push week to gather any data from.

you don’t need to improve anything for me am just bored blizzard didn’t fix anything really :stuck_out_tongue:

I’d disagree SFP in itself is far more fun to use then both tab or Void call imho so yeah as a overall i’d say a pretty Positive move. there are plenty of speccs below us which got less.

true… but its the first affixs of the Patch so its hard to really pull data from anywhere else on it really til a few more weeks in when we start seeing it in several affix set ups.

I’m still baffled by running ancient madness over hungering void, and attempting to justify it by saying its “more burst”. But not then choosing to play shadow’s objectively burstiest legendary, SFP, even if, for your covenant, it would be a minor dps loss in raids.

Like i said i dont know if this is just a troll.

Eternal call of the void was srsly the worst legendary created in SL. Im quite happy right now with what we got.

Well am not happy with this sloppy joe fix they diched out. Also hungering void don’t do any aoe damage

Also I just wanna nip this in the bud for anyone who might be reading this.

Don’t play ancient madness in raids under the misguided assumption it might be “more burst”, and don’t play mindbender over Void Torrent unless you’re running SFP or the fight is Very Very movement heavy (Only one I’d consider it is like Heroic sire while everyone is learning and things are a mess).

How is rebalancing legendaries a “Sloppy joe fix”… im confused to exactly where u pull this from.

were u expecting any class to take a major overhaul in SLs already delayed first patch?.. its not like other classes got some super fixs to situations and u got left with legendary changes.

Every Class prety much got given covenant / legendary / Anima power Buffs and changes…


not everything has to do AoE Damage.

ur taking the “Burstiest” Talent, while rejecting the burstiest Legendary and Rejecting a covenant that’d increase that “burstiest” Talents Usuage overall.

To be clear I don’t think anyone should be forced to swap covenants to use a legendary or be viable in a type of content, which is why it’s a good thing that neither of those things are the case.

Also I wasn’t talking about m+ when I brought up Ancient Madness. I was talking about raids, Hungering Destroyer and other single target encounters included.

Frankly I’m just confused at this point, I’m equally frustrated that Shadow launched with baseline problems and Searing Nightmare implemented / interacting as it does. But I also didn’t expect a fix to that (New talents, a new spell, major design changes) in a minor patch of an expansion.

Is this just frustration over the baseline state of Shadow getting in the way of appreciating a legitimately good change?

i agree… i hated necrolord to begin with so Swapping that out is a boon to me overall :stuck_out_tongue:

but from her reply on “why shes not going night fae” it almost feels like She beleives shes Preventing SFP Being a upgrade to her character to prove the point that “shadow aint fixed”… which is the metric i lack understanding towards lol.

I dont understand anything of what you’ve type i still see no buffs to shadows aoe or damage we still back to void bolt 1 target boring specc were’s the damage rework blizzard promised us.

This would be the same thing as if demon hunters needed to talent to jump in game.

SFP although a bandaid fix to a Legendary is a buff to Shadows Damage.

ur comparison doesnt make alot of sense considering

they also need a Legendary to maximise their Damage. at the end of the day. all classes are balanced Around their Borrowed Powers, we’re no diferent

only for mythic raiders and 1% of wows player base. Might as well reroll warlock they don’t have a sloppy joe fix.

How is it restricted to top 1%