Blizzard Address Shadow Priest In the near future

imma be honest, I am gonna wait for 10.2.5 or The War Within. this trash is pitiful and I see no pvp advancements.

still waiting for Damnation to return, and void origin as a bonus.

an easy fix would be let Silence be a priest talent remove shadow crash and add dot spread to mind blast and shadow word death add a aoe like cascade for aoe and devouring for ST.

Then let Mindbender be a permanent pet and make void form a 1min CD with Dark Archangel look instant cast.

and bring back doors of shadows remove mindgames and add unholy nova with the pet celeric

remove halo and divine star.

I wonder where the serious buffs are to be honest. . .

they should add [Catharsis] in to the pve play style of mind bender since it makes the damage go better along with self damage on the Shadow word death and tier set.

also make cascade instead of shadow crash.

make dark ascension so you can cast while moving and make it instant cast also make power word infusion a hero instead of a buff.

add back doors of shadow with instant cast that gives absorb and movement speed make it stack to 2

remove shadow crash, hate this ability in next expack please.
Make Mindblast spread VT
Make Shadow word death spread Pain.

also buff up our ending talents they suck.

Make dispersion and silence a priest talents instead remove mind games.

They need to seriously start caring about the class again make dispersion silence and mental fortitude, pyschic horror an priest as a whole talent.

make make mind blast applies VT
and shadow word death applies SWP

make dark ascension instant cast and you can cast while moving having it activated.

Make doors of shadows back to the game with two charges and bubble speed when using it a priest talent instant cast for holy shadow diciplin-

make mind bender an shadow only class pet which is permanent.

make devouring plague in to cascade and make it aoe spread like searing nightmare when loads of adds.

make infusion in to a hero instead.

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Same thread, different expansion :sweat_smile:

tbh the only reason it hasn’t closed is because thellanah keeps bumping it on alts, beardedman is another of their alts.

They could give SP an iwin button that ganks anything on the planet to death while healing all friendlies to full on a 1sec CD and they’d still cry about mobility or visuals or something.,some%20other%20caster. ← this is sad :stuck_out_tongue:

Is it another alt of yours? Talk about an echo chamber, everyone that agrees with you is up on a pedestal. All 3 of them.

I’m not one of their alts but idk, I don’t think it’s too much to ask to have a spec that is evergreen and doesn’t need either massive consecutive buffs or nerfs to bring it in line with others. Clearly they can make those (Fury warrior, BM hunter, all monk specs, etc).

Voidform was aesthetically and APM very satisfying, but created an extremely punishing and unintuitive gameplay for any form of endgame content outside of raiding, and ran literally within the 1st release patch into scaling problems where you had to make the spec weaker and weaker baseline because it would scale infinitely so well due to it’s broken design. To the point that in BFA more of your damage came from Essences and Azerite traits than it did from your baseline abilities.

Shadowlands SP ran into the problem that devouring plague started of oppressively strong and then it was nerfed progressively down from 150 % SP to 33% SP.

DF Ran into the problem that Blizzard tried to satisfy everyone and instead created an abomination that functions again, yes, with high and optimized gear, if you jump through 10 flaming hoops in PVP. IDk about pve, sounds bad there as well.

Top this with us being literally the only class that Blizzard told "Nah you can’t have a kick/silence baseline in your class while everybody else is getting one :slight_smile: " and also SP has to spend more spec talents into utility than the 3 other worst offenders combined- YEah. I do feel we’re singled out.

I mean, I put it this way. If Shadow was truly such an outstanding piece of gameplay design or good- Why do the devs need to reinvent it every expansion. Sometimes twice?

Idk. I’d just want a spec that is solid and evergreen going forward with clear vision of what it should be and shouldn’t be.

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Pallies and boomies dont have a kick baseline. First 2 i even thought of.

You decide how that reflects on the credibility ofthe rest of the post.

Pallies have it in their class talent tree- meaning every single spec has access to it.
Same with skull bash.

Silence is meanwhile only available to shadow.

I would ask you to do the same, but I doubt you will. Then again, posting before thinking seems to come to you as naturally as does being condescending to others.


Boomie’s kick is in their talent tree but the top 3rd of their tree is mandatory talent points, you can’t skip / be incentivised to take something else over it. In fact at the start of DF boomie was in the same position as shadow, where solarbeam required them to give up damage talents to pick up and this was explicitly changed in the rework they received in 10.0.5.


priest should have 1 more spec that focus on void form and one spec that focus on mind controlling pets and mind bender as permanent pet just make Dark ascension an spec then void in to one spec like Feral and guardian druid.

Like its not hard to have fun as a dev.

Its just devs needs more motivation.’

We should have Shadow ← specc With Dark Ascension permanet mindbender cleving dot spreading pukeing bending to your will.

And Void specc ← Mindcontrolling aoe specc with void lings spawning.

Make power infusion in to hero.

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shadow needs jebus,↓2 ←


To be fair, and not to negative.
But to me, our biggest issue is shadow crash, its just bad compared to other classes to start doing AOE.

Shadow crash needs a rework with like:
Traveltime increased by 50%
Is now 2 charges. 20 sec cooldown.
Damage reduced by 40% , Damage reduced beyound 8 targets.
Now applies Shadow word pain and Vampyric Touch to all targets hit.

If they would just change above, shadow would feel alot better.
I dont find our AOE etc that booring, bad or anything. its just the situation to apply new mobs with dots to start doing AOE again.

And Season 3 with our Shadow Word: Death spamming, is just killing ourself for the sake of god. 45-50k per use. during sub 20%, its could hit for like 250-300k during like what, 2sec? -_-


Shadow crash needs to go they need to change it to that mind blast does dot spread with VT like this thing with VT and SWP needs to get removed the game is to fast phased these days and healers just dispels them in game anyway so blizzard should Remove

shadow crash, SWP VT, and bake VT in to mind blast and SWP in to shadow word death.

I like that part of season 3 So much that hope blizzard makes a 2nd specc for shadow that is shadow with mind bender pet and one other specc that focus on void form.

make it like Feral and Guardian druid was in cata when they carried it over in to Mop 2 separate speccs.

Like the devs needs to wake up make Silence Dispersion [Psychic Horror][Mental Fortitude] ← in to the priest left side talent three and make priest better like why do i need to waste a talent for silence when i want to do dps.

Look at paladin for example they all got bubble as a defensive what does holy and Discipline got part from their healing CDS dispersion should be an universal priest talent and silence too.

Paladins got silence on their left side of their paladin three and bubbles and defensives too like mind games needs to go and blizzard should totally care and rework priest.

Still no rework for dot spread rip :stuck_out_tongue: but a minority meaningless buff.

minor buff still back to void bolt and shadow crash i hate those two abilitys they do nothing for the class its very annoying haveing to use those abilitys

Just rework the class in to the fun factor which is mind bender shadow word death and make

Make PI in to Hero and Remove shadow crash void bolt and void torrent and make Mind bender an permanent pet.

Make mind blast power up from shadow word death and make [Devouring Plague] cleave on to 8 targets like a cascade effect when used.

make an glyph for [Void Eruption] to use [Dark Ascension] effect and make it instant cast.

Like that would fix half the problems shadow has.