Blizzard Address Shadow Priest In the near future

Basically Shadow Priest is okay on bosses. Decent DPS compared to other classes.

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https:// www.warcraftlogs. com/zone/statistics/35#sample=7&dataset=95:~:text=8%2C627-,Priest,Shadow,-85.56

They went up slightly the problem is dot spread feels unrewarding and having to still after 10 years having to press chunky void bolt feels sad.

Dps is there its the playstyle that feels unrewarding. Shadow crash feels underwhelming when on cooldown when there’s 40+ adds in an m+ and also having to spec an silence when all other classes has silence in the left side talent three.

I don’t know personally i think the Devs can do better in the next expack make dot spread better add dot spread to shadow word death Vampiric Touch and shadow word pain make it spread to more adds nearby like affliction warlock and balance druids. Then remove shadow crash it feels like an annoyance ability rather than an ability that feels empowering.

The mindbender thing does work it was the most interesting thing to have played around with in season 3 Problem its blizzard need to focuse on that for ST and Aoe and make dot spread more Widely than it is like shadow feels like it is still in a beta state.

They should make Dark Ascension instant cast and void form too. And make mind bender stay up longer.

Also season 3 set bonus with Sw:P is interesting they should focus on that too in next expack.

I think would fix most my problems with it its the big groups that sucks still with no more alternative dot spread

Could you just let this die instead of bumping it on alts once every 3 weeks?

It’s literally just you with the same old tired complaint every 3rd post. Move on.


or remove it and add dot spread to mind blast and shadow word death instead.

Haha i just sim my char for M+ with a dungeon slice sim

And i was wondering if i should pic Mindgames and drop survival skills

For my build taking 4 points into mindgames was a 1k Dps loose, he casted it 7 times in the sim what a waist of Talent points if you consider you can put in 4 points

More worst is divine star witch the sim refuse too press or Holy Nova eaven with 20 stacks from rhapsody

The Talent tree looks more and more just of a illusion of choices

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Dungeon slice is 6 minutes, how many times did you think it would cast mind games?

Its not about the times of cast that was just for reverence, is that its not a dps gain i run it a view times because every sim is a bit different and the only time its worth 2 k dps is of you run out of proccs

But 220000 dps for 4 Talentpoints too get mindgames vs
218000 dps without mindgames and 4 points you can invest in utility or defensive

Thats insane, no wonder high key m+ shadow dont run it

If it was living shadow or a cool aoe then i understand taking it but mind games feels sloppy joe.

Hope season 1 War Within is better

fix dott spreading and survival big hits

rather depressing we sim so small numbers for losing defensives for a tiny insignificant dps dot.

Whats depressing is you keep bumping this one man dumpster fire with your alts.

what i feel

I wish they’d ban you for bumping on alts and always saying the same useless crap.

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fix it, thanks. Trying to tell a point.

Dot spreading is still not there yet in this expansion. Here’s hoping blizzard gives us what they are promising us.

Also good afternoon to you sir. Either make it an auto land ability with a range spread dot cleave that always lands or make mind blast cleave Vampiric touch spread or something.

For some reason Blizzard really seems to dislike easy and uncapped dot spread (although most melees can blast immediately going into a pull). So asking for that is probably not going to happen. So yea, as you said, make it an ability thats autotarget, cap it to 8 target if you must. Or give it a shorter cooldown, so missing a shadowcrash doesnt mean you are basically afk for that pull.

Or even better yet, remove the dot spread through shadowcrash entirely. I dont think there are many players that would be sad about it. Bring back mindsear, let mindsear spread dots on the targets to targets around, cap it to x target if you feel its necessary. Problem solved.


Would be cool if entropic rift dots enemies within the yards with vampiric touchh

Yea, that would actually be ideal

really Dragonflight doesn’t impressed me at all.

would be fun if mind sear got added back instead of void bolt and you can use it during void form to blast down cleave stuff with void form.

and you could spam it a lot.

i rather have mind sear over void bolt and void torrent those spells are boring remove them.

Then add mind bender stacking as a pet with insane cleaves during mind sear. Add back Shadowlands overlap casting insant mind blast during mind sear.

Shadowpriest The warwithin sucks. ← not alone in way of thinking. They need to do something about next season void torrent shadow crash needs to go.

All Hero talents need Void torrents talanted. so we forced to play Void torruent the only build.

we got new ablitys which is mindfly insantiy and mindgames looks bloated to me .
and everything still is hardcasting nothing new. lack of desgin just cosmtic staff to make people happy for a amonth and rest of the expac sucks.

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what is boring is the dot spread on adds that doesn’t last long and during 40 adds pulls no dot spreading past 20 sec 8 targets limit is boring.

part from that shadow should get buffs away from shadow crash dot limit.