Blizzard Address Shadow Priest In the near future

all am gonna say :stuck_out_tongue:

They arent tanky in open world

This was also made after the scaling “fixes” iirc which basically made all of the good specs feel really weak

The scaling can be bonkers- But when a prot paladin has more fun in AOE environment, pulling millions of adds. Watching a priest that constantly has to run with no instant cast even a CD that is a cast time then you know life is good as a tank but not priest.

Worst part they took away from the game was Instant halo and Void form and Dark Ascension.

Priest is just in the gutter i dont like it at all, dont get me wrong voidweaver visuals etc is amazing but it feels awful to play big suck into anything in pvp cuz they all gonna insta kick that so you gotta spent 20-30 seconds baiting kicks etc.

besides pvp its also annoying in m+ cuz there is a lot of mechanics that requires u to move imo

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Shadow feels underwhelming same in any version like in WOD you had DP healing you in this version DP heals you for nothing.

You had Instant Halo also instant DA now its hard cast like okay but still feels lackluster.

Also Going Out of mana during one spell feels like lack lustering when it does no healing to you.

In pvp it feels horrible when you get interupted then interupted again and dead, If not dispersion.

If melee does not attack you you can deal damage only problem why have a DPS CD being a hard cast Like VF and DA This is what i don’t get

I think VF halo DA should be instant cast we have enough casting already as is.

You could switch in [Void Form] using a PvP talent… is it still available? That was huge for a quick DPS switch onto a target.

removed in season 2 DF

Void Origins use to make DF VF instant cast Still don’t get why priest has so many cast time paladin wings has no cast time why should priest have.

Cata wings was instant cast

  • Void Origins (PvP Talent) has been removed.

They should make VF and DA instant cast at lest feels so sloppy to dps as a cast time as tank face rush.

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worst patch in wows life after Dragonflight pre release.

Only thing good with it was DA back but not instant cast outside of pvp which was removed.

They should still make halo and DA VF instant cast.

Paladin don’t have cast time on Divine Toll/Avenging wrath as Holy do they.

It feels like devs having a personal vendetta against the specc.

A little unsure why it was removed, this actually makes up for some of the players who want a blink or teleport as well being able to switch into [Void Form] without casting.

IT was better when DA halo VF was instant cast shadow should Have instant cast not casts only VT should be a cast and flash heal.

[Misery] a game changer for Shadow Priests… the whole GCD changed the spec.

what you on about?

Explain what do you mean what are you on about?

[Misery] a game changer for Shadow Priests… the whole GCD changed the spec.

Without the GCD there is a cast of [Mind Blast] or another ability which creates opportunity for more damage with [Devouring Plague].

I have not played Shadow Priest for many expansions now simply due to the fact that I was capped against Warriors without paying to get to the next rating. If I pay I go 2.4+ as a Shadow Priest.

The fact you sit with 2 melees on you with only dispersion with the waiting for dying from their instant melee cds and attacks meanwhile you DA and VF is both on hard cast also Halo 3 ability’s which used to be instant casts. Why they want shadow to be hard cast I don’t get either.

Its like if they gave Holy paladin a cast time on their divine Toll its just insane.

As a Shadow Priest it then moves into positional play, and pulling the melee from the healer and cleaving them down. If they split DPS then hard casting is now a viable option vs any comp even double melee,

If you team mates notice what you are doing in a random PUG with pulling melee LoS that is, then it’s fairly simply with kiting to mid and pulling back to LoS from the enemy healer… much easier said than done of course.

YOU CAN’T like, what is it that you don’t understand!?

You litteraly have zero idea what you are talking about, it’s clear that you don’t play the game.
Currently a fully dotted 3s team can barely feel that you have your two dots on them. The only time you deal any meaningful damage is after you’ve used DA/Halo - and halo have stacked 3 Flays for you.
Now good luck not getting CC’d on trying to get damage off.

Forcing Melee to LOS does not happen, you don’t have to mobility to move them around a pillar quickly enough. All half decent healers will simply reposition.

Like seriously, if you’ havn’t played any 3s arenas since DF - then don’t belive you have any knowledge on the current state of Pvp. i played around 300 matches on Beta, and it was horrible - worse than its ever been.
The only positive thing about SP is that it’s so bad in PVE aswell that my entire guild’s SP’s are all rerolling, so maybe we see chances because blizzard balance after pve.

You are seriously making my head hurt.

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“but shadow priests pump if nobody focuses them”

Are you simply trying to communicate that you are finding it tough to play Shadow Priest… and not open to reasonable suggestions/comments from a fairly experienced player?