Blizzard Address Shadow Priest In the near future

will be interesting to see shadow in low lvl content next expack were adds dies 1 seconds :stuck_out_tongue:

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Stop bumping your thread with alts you troll. If you’d spent the time learning to aim shadow crash instead of cycling through alts to stop this car crash dying then this wouldn’t be a problem any more.

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We will see i think the other oracle talent three seams better you get 5% more hit points more haste and more damage on dps talents we will see i think am going that.

only boring part i wish halo would be a target thing instead of targeting from the priest.

that it explodes from you current target rather than you charging it up.

hope next expack is fantastic at lest for shadow. Problems i will have is aoe on low lvls is kind of clunky.

Shadow needs a good dot spread!!

will be interesting to see the dot spread problem next ptach still undressed in the wardrobe.

its now or never.

If it was like paladins divinestorm or beast mastery hunters beast cleave then we would be talking.

Our aoe is kind of beta stage.

fix dot spreading.

please fix this class before release its so clunky. ← even US people agree.


The Us forum is in high regards ← ←

They need a dev team with competent Good men who think about what we want not they want.

I fully support this thread.

It’s a shame they don’t even release anything from taking paid 60 euros.

Not even a rework.

Shadow had a chance for the first time in history to escape the ramping suffer dmg profile and have some burst profile with nice visuals and good quality of life talents until they started nerfing the world out of it over and over again even if it curently does 200k less overall than Tanks on beta, so they can push the giga trash Archon gameplay with hopes that the class will be super terrible and people will play the buffed classes and the internet won’t cry anymore for Priest. Meanwhile there is Mage, chiling for 12 years. Just saying.


It is what it is Blizzard are not interested in making shadow great again showing the currently remodeled talents that didn’t work for one week and having auto toggle crash makes people wondering what is wrong with their dev crews.

It’s really hard to make something great when given the chance and not wanting to take the chance and make something great each chance they been given they are to afraid of making it better.

They could have made dot spread and Mind sear co exists. Instead they removed mind sear after a failed existence of being a spender.

Their crew should look towards what BM hunters and Mages are doing right and copy from that and go away from shadow crash. Shadow crash is a failed format that is more grief play.

Will always be that way when it comes to mages. Blizzards favouritism but also it has 3 dps speccs so its easy to find 1 out of them 3 speccs that is op.

I hope they fix the boring 8 dot target miss shadow crash system, during the expack at lest we know they can’t carry over this beta stage with shadow crash.


she has a point

Point taken remove shadow crash or make it in a target lock explosion. Instead of a frustrating tank rush miss.

and make power infusion a 5man target.

Why are you replying to yourself on an alt?

It’s the only thing keeping this dumpster fire alive.

Thellanah / Rolannd / Dagumba / Beardedman / Upstandingorc etc are all the same person bumping it so it doesn’t get locked.

We will see which one is the better stand to be a bit mixed until release.

The nerfs are probably aimed towards the ending talents being tuned to carry.