this is the only answer needed for this conversation.
and this is also true. Ppl knew it from the beginning and even now everybody is still able to go every covenant they want in everything except mythic progress raiding. I mean something always have to be the best. There is and never will be a perfect balancing.
ghow can u even include shadow in that catagory lol…
Shadow is competitively Above more classes then it isnt. being below 1 Specc doesnt put shadow on Survival / Arcane / Sub rogue Level lol.
the false information here is mental.
Shadow prior these buffs were Insane in ST Fights. which made it a great candidate in Tyrannical Minimum.
With the AoE buff to its Legendary its now Competitive in AoE Aswell.
Just because ur somehow managing to swallow so much Damage u cant afford a 10% hp loss upon Using Shadow Word Death. and Donty like a Fix doesnt mean it doesnt fix something.
Prism is the go to for mythic plus over talbs. Talbs like builds still kinda work in like ToP but Prism is burstier and better in every other dungeon noticeably.
Stop saying this. Prism is more than competitive in every single scenario except prolonged single target without night fae. You only need to be fae to run it over talbs on single target raid fights.
Night fae is so rubbish play with that 100% cd reduction ‘‘force play’’ and you can say anything i still state the aoe isn’t fix there’s just a forces swap covenant play marketing scheme from blizzard to make you pay more.
Still you benefit more from it if Night fae which makes talbadars better for all other covenant because it don’t line up on pulls if not night fae cd reduction on void form with mindbender lines up better if night fae.
But it’s still a significant improvement over the options you had before this. You’ve been repeatedly telling people not to craft or use SFP unless they are Night Fae, something that is straight up incorrect.
its like hammering without a nail to hammer in a sloppy joe fix that address nothing to the freedom of choice. you get more of an inpact with Talbadars ove rall becouse you can keep 3 dots up with searing and shadow weave focused target
For the record I do think the way shadow delivers aoe damage with SN is a bit of a bandaid fix to a larger problem. Shadow has never had proper cleave dps tools and mind sear as a channelled filler kinda holds the spec back in terms of how mechanically you could add one.
SN is a compromise, you get your cleave tool but somehow you also keep mind sear. The talent or not thing is obviously another problem and I am annoyed that we aren’t seeing baseline fixes to either of those problems.
Baseline SN in its current state is nothing but a straight up buff to Shadow’s M+ damage because it lets you run ToF essentially everywhere for free. I don’t think shadow needs that. HOWEVER, I do think shadow needs something to spend insanity on at 4+ targets without having to talent into it. Perhaps splitting SN into the aoe damage and the pain application then making the pain application the talent.
Except you don’t because SFP is better in dungeons no matter what covenant you are. I am not concerned with your opinion of SFP as a ‘fix’ nor your opinion of covenants as a whole.
I am concerned by you repeatedly telling people something that is incorrect information and will lead to them getting worse results.
It is. its Not a Baseline fix for Shadows DPS but being able to use that legendary is a Fix to shadows DPS. u can call it a band aid, u can say its not the Fix u wanted… and it doesnt fix the Core Shadow priests problems… but saying this buff doesnt help shadow is incorrect.