Blizzard are you kidding us warriors

I knew it that you post in every single person dares to make a post and complains to your beloved Blizzard about their sh!tty Class Balance? Do you have a poster of Blizzard’s Class Developers in your room? Do you have a tattoo of their names on your chest? I bet you do

Νοw about Op complains. Well warriors was over the top dude. A nerf was expected. Dont know how big is the nerf but hope not to big so your class underperforms. Hope other overturned classes get a nerf too so things are balanced.

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Tell me you’re mad that facts got in the way of your arm waving without telling me youre mad…

You cant even pull a graph for the correct time period :rofl:

Tell me you are a Blizzard fangirl without telling me you are.
You stalk forums and bash every single person who dares complains to your honeys.

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Just go protection for M+

The optimal word here being “was”


Warrior was overperforming in any fight that adds dont stay alive long enough for them to drop off due to really high burst aoe but poor sustained aoe, they got nerfed and it brought them down, they got nerfed a second time and there was a drop off, they nerfed it for a third time and they startes appearing below middle of the pack for higher m+ and raids…this 4th nerf is unjustified.


Yep, pretty close to packing it all in myself. The first nerf was fair but 3 is utterly ridiculous. Frost DK, Ret and other classes are out performing us in m+ with less gear! and they have more utility. Mage? are they ever not S-tier?

I’m genuinely just convinced they hate warriors at this point because anytime we look even remotely fun and on par or good they nerf the f out of us.

No lust / cr.
Low attack range compared to all melee classes (this is a genuine troll at this point that it’s still the case).
Low single target damage.
Now, lower aoe damage than many other classes.
Trash tier set.


And our tier sucks, so basically another nerf on top of that when everyone else got theirs.


So frost dk are getting a big nerf right? ret? yeah. Hey, how about mage? you realise we’re literally middle of the pack now AND there’s more nerfs coming.


Casual players moaning like they play RWF…

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Erm, casual players are the ones that get f’ed over by this stuff most, what do you mean? you’ve got this backwards.

Top players can usually make it work, they have m+ groups, raid guilds etc. They’ll just switch out to another character if needed.

Casual players are the ones that struggle to get into pugs, average keys when its known their spec is trash, after 3 nerfs. When they have no utility pretty much or special reason to bring them.

Why would any random key group maker bring a warrior when they have no CR, no Lust etc. and their damage is literally worse than other classes that have those things. The ‘moaning’ is valid, warranted and a very real expression of annoyance from people who know all this means is we either switch class, or we sit spamming apply for keys hoping someone takes pitty.


What is your problem? If someone enjoys chasing a rank 1 heroic log its their right, not in the hand of any company or anyone else for that mater to tell people who pay a sub whet not to take pride in, respect other people for 1 day someone might say that you dont need something because you are not important and then you ll find out.

Play PvP warriors have no problem there at all

Laughs in Arms warrior

Obvious sarcasm but it does highlight a big issue with blizzard balancing, for certain classes they dislike. They don’t do it based on all forms of content.

They have almost never allowed Fury to be top since Cataclysm. It is weird though that they designed the spec specifically to have a “hero/zero” kinda gameplay with all of the damage baked into cooldown windows, and then get surprised that the spec does a lot of damage if you play around those strengths.

I don’t know what the aim is with constantly trying to lower pull sizes, but the spec is extremely specialised in large, short duration pulls. On those pulls it is completely untouchable, but on longer sustained AOE it drops off, still good but not overpowered anymore. Outside of those scenarios (so single target/cleave etc) it’s actually not very good right now anyway.

So with nerfs to target count Fury loses the only strength it has under the current design, Arms also gets hit by this but it at least retains its strengths.


arms is terrible and fury is mid tier like in pve. they fall off a cliff the moment you play past 1800 MMR

representation shows this on drustvar but so does just the gameplay itself. its a noobstomping spec. if you wiped the ratings people have right now and asked them to get them again they couldn’t because the swifty macro that all of us use to surprise people with damage just does about 20% less damage now on top of everyone else having better gear and having their tier sets which actually increase their output, where as furys i’d imagine is probably in the 0.5% damage increase range.


I mean, you are not maxing your dps and rotation enough in the first place for these changes to have anny impact on your dps.

Sure we can pretend you are, if you want to have a moan. We have all been there, but when we really look at the data, you’ll gain far more dps by improving your rotation / gear than blizz reverting these changes.

None of us are grinding mythic raids.

a damage nerf is a damage nerf is a damage nerf.

this is like slashing someones tyres just before a race and then going ‘well, you weren’t even shifting properly anyway… so why do you care?’

idk man maybe i just want my tyres to not be slashed? can I shift badly while doing the race? that too much to ask?


I’m a casual because I have other things to be doing, I’m not 21 years old anymore able to sit around playing progression WoW every day. All that said, I play Warrior really well, I always have, it’s definitely going to be noticable for me even if I am still able to crush the noobs, when you play among good players who are equally good you really see these changes have effect.

Some players are overly invested tho, very good at the game but sweating lakes over margins because of competitiveness, if you nerf them 1% it means they just lost a lot of ground in a game of margins, so they get very animated.

But these are not small changes, a 37.5% decrease in targets with no announced counterbuffs is huge no matter how good or bad you are.