Blizzard are you kidding us warriors

Blizzard you are joke


Make Warriors Great Again! (especially Protection Warriors)

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i mean - you we can all pretend that fury isnt overperforming hugely atm but it wont make it real :slight_smile:

that nerfs are more then warranted.

They must be on something new that didnt even hit the streets, cant explain it otherwise…
This expansion is falling apart…

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Great Example of a strawman argument

I was being kind by offering you an analogy to convey how out of touch your comment was - the comment warranted far less and your follow up proves that.

Yeah, casual or not the amount of gold it costs to craft weapons now, get enchants. The time it takes to do vaults and other things, dailies etc.

I’ve chosen to do it but 2 weeks of nerfs now another coming has basically just been a big f you to all that time I’ve put in the last few weeks setting everything up.

I was excited for warrior this season. A fresh expansion and finally a genuine reason to invite us to keys, our damage. I put the time in, the gold etc. farmed gear at each stage of their ‘stumbled’ release weeks to be ready and it’s just nerf after nerf and now we’re middle of the pack with another coming that kills the spec / class basically.

Isn’t so easy to just reroll when as you say you have a life and other things to do (and also, why the f should we? if they just ruin your favourite class and don’t care anyways).

They clearly don’t think these things through. I get the OF/TR nerfs last week but the 3% overall nerf wasn’t needed, we would’ve been upper a tier, maybe even s tier for a bit while people catch up with their tier, big deal? mage is every single season. Even after the second round of nerfs okay whatever we’re back to being ‘fine’ I can live with that but now more. What are they playing at?

It makes absolutely no sense and hopefully they scrap the ptr changes, and while they’re at it fix our god awful single target.

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They care mostly about pve.
Nerfs/buffs come around the pve part of the game.

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A very specific part of PVE, raiding. These changes don’t reflect anything at all to do with M+ or take into account M+ which I’d argue the average person in wow spends far more time doing weekly than raiding (I’d love to see the data but I think it’s a fair assumption).

This proposed change will gut warriors in m+ when they’re already less desireable now after the previous nerfs anyways. It’s basically kicking us when we’re already down, for many reasons people have stated already.

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Arms is top 3 dps in the raid and prot is still a meta tank.

Keep crying while you have 2 top tier performing specs, average warrior tears. Sorry u aren’t as broken as in Molten Core days.

did you try put some of that intellect on your warrior gear??
maybe that will increase your DMG

Imagine fury warrior with 2 x two-hand weapons attacks from 5 yards only while others with tiny one-hand weapons can attack from 8 yards and beyond! Ridiculous!


Thanks for the extra post, helps this thread get more traction.

Not interested in your poor attempt to get a bite. Have a good evening.


It’s genuinely a perfect example of how they have no devs actually playing warrior. Such an old issue now that makes no sense. Every other melee class gets that extra range and warriors have to practically be up the targets b’hind.


if I wanted a bite I’d just mention the fact that you parse green on majority of fights meaning u don’t even know how to play ur broken class so its no wonder u want it to remain in the broken state to feel powerful with 0 effort.

E: also have not even cleared the whole raid yet. Lmao.

I wish sometimes I can attack from behind the boss! Sometimes I need to be under the boss to attack e.g. Broodwister Ovi’nax


I have cleared the raid? Glad it bothers you so much you’ve gone out of your way on a Thursday evening to look at logs from the opening few weeks of a new expansion, not even getting it right (you realise some pug runs don’t log, right?) when most of the player base hasn’t even killed heroic ansurek.

Once again, nice try and thanks for the extra post. Genuinely every extra post in here makes the thread more active and the issues noticed more. Appreciate you, friend.

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I wonder would it take alot effort to copy paste the changes causing an issue into the post if making thread of something so it would be easy to read from post or atleast write something of the issue. Not particularly keen on watching a video about patch notes when theyre more faster examined in writen format :dracthyr_a1:

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On my phone but a rough copy paste:

  • Thunderous Roar now deals reduced damage beyond 5 targets (was 8).

  • Arms

    • Warbringer now deals reduced damage beyond 5 targets. The tooltip will be updated in a future update.
  • Fury

    • Odyn’s Fury now deals reduced damage beyond 5 targets (was 8).

As you can imagine in m+ that will be a severe damage hit, on a class already losing out to many others, who are uncapped.

For a fun added extra, they care so little they didn’t even get the name right with Warbringer.


Thank you! It looks like a m+ nerf yeah, i was hoping changes related fury for pvp. Mage got 40% nerf on shield and nerf on ice lance but it still remain top of range dps prolly cause the aoe slow/root is so disruptive but other classes are bringing more dmg now atleast

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