Blizzard are you kidding us warriors

If this happens i will vote with my wallet and cancel sub immidiatly…


meanwhile frostmage ,whose damage is more than fine btw, has a flavor problem where the rotaation is too much icelance spamming because their other abilities are not so strong that they lose damage if they dont press them so blizzard ofcourse had to find a way to SAVE THE MAGES from having a boring rotation IMMIDIATELY so they did this

if warriors were in the same position they would ,as history has proven, INSTANERF TO THE GROUND 10 WEEKS IN A ROW.

just look at hunters, the most neglected class in the game, they dont even have a dev and their talents are such a mess they were forced to rework all 3 specs mid tier

favouritism is obvious


It seems like they buff/nerf classes not according their performance, but acc their overall popularity, idk how to explain that some classes with mediocre popularity always getting buffs, even when they are more than ok



(Looks up from the bottom)

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Cries in Prot


Join the club :smiley:

I feel like I didn’t miss to level up my monk and dk this expac…

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I can feel you. I consider myself lucky since im not interested in performance so the power of my class is unimportant.
But the updates not linked to performance is a bbit odd. So better unsub and back again later


There is only 1 excuse for this nerf, which were mentioned in this video - that fury does great burst, for content like low keys, m0, normal/heroic raids it was too much, and the problem is that this content ran by around 80-90% of player base, and blizzard try to tune class according this kind of activities but not high keys and mythic raids.
Again, this is only excuse, ofc this nerf seems like total BS


It is what it is …

Meanwhile their precious mages are getting weekly buffs.


Pff haha. That burst AoE was the only thing that kept me in the top5 dps on my casual day-to-day activities. Because it averages out our low single-target dps to a manageable level. If we have a fight with a stationary boss with no adds, I’d be at the bottom of the list. Whereas my warlock’s damage will shoot through the roof because of that.

Either buff single-target or keep our AoE the same, because it is our only saving grace at the moment. The ONLY reason you’d want a Fury Warr in a raid or dungeon is because of the bursty AoE. It’s sad that is our only gimmick, though. Besides that, we have nothing - no raid utility, nothing unique, just a worse DK or Pally version.

EDIT : well, technically we do have Commanding Shout but I haven’t picked it because it is pre-nerfed out of the box - 10% HP, used to be 20% last time I played. Does it even help in a raid when it’s just 10% ? Does any other class have a similar ability now?

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This has to be a joke.

Clearly someone at blizzard has an agenda towards warriors.


Blizz is looking increasingly incompetent.

Warriors do make me laugh tho.

In their minds: GIGACHAD RAWR!!!

In reality:


sorry but wariors just “zug zug”


Basicly there is no reason to play warrior anymore instead of paladin.

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I’m still mourning my favorite spec, which is Beast Master (Hunter), which had their leech taken away and now, even with Mend Pet on constant cooldown/pressed, can’t stay alive for very long. And it’s such a slow and painful combat now.

Marksman is my spec now.

What they should do for Furu Warrior is nerf AoE and buff single. And this comes from a Retri.

Retri buff is valid. If you look at the end season gear sims…retri is at the bottom. Bliz should balance classes in high item levels and let lower levels just be what they are.

I unsubscribed. I spent too much time, gold, and energy to gear up my fury warrior.

I don’t want to spend hours in the mythic+ queue one more time or doing $hit dps in mythic raid.


lol. I’m sorry but these posts always make me laugh. The spec was over performing… even in crap gear you can top dps meters.