Are you seriously telling me you think there are no ‘Straight’ people on the Proudmoore server?
There really are. There is also no prohibition from Straight people rolling a character on that server either, They aren’t asked with a pop-up to link their Grindr profile? I think you might be confusing what exclusivity means.
Its like "Do I have the right to chill with people whether LGBT+ or Straight in an environment that is not spammed by people making homophobic slurs because we have grown that way together as a community? " Yes. “Do I have the right to be concerned when we get slammed into another server that has not had that experience and may still include -some- (Not all, Some) Jerks who will throw around Homophobic slurs?” Also Yes.
Who gets annoyed?
Some Straight people going “We’re being discriminated against! They’re saying all Straight people are Homophobes!”
They’re really not. That hasn’t been said at all. I mean I am the absolute alpha of privilege, being White, Straight and Male, and thats not what I took from this, I don’t see myself being discriminated against, or insulted or excluded, if I wanted to make a US account tomorrow and roll a character on Proudmoore I would not be barred from doing so, and it sounds like a pretty chill place. I’m not going to get ‘dissed’ for being straight, or kicked out or anything…So it isn’t -excluding- people if anyone can log on there.
Yeah and?
I know plenty of epithets for homosexuals, some of them I use to my LGBT friends because I know they will take it in the spirit intended, just as I don’t get offended when they call me a Breeder, But thats because we are friends, and they can hear the tone of my voice and expression on my face, and they know I am not a Homophobe. I would -never- make some of the jokes to my friends to random strangers on the internet. . You’re talking about a vastly disconnected bunch of people who would only get the text of what was said, and lose the context and meaning, so what is friendly fun between two mates, could seem like vile homophobic slurs between people who don’t know each other.
Straight people can roll on Proudmoore just fine.
Says who? Literally, who is saying this?
Lets use a metaphor here.
Say we were talking about Argent Dawn, right, we’ve got a big built up community based on a common interest (I know sexuality isn’t an ‘interest’ as such, but work with me here) They then suddenly announce they are going to merge us with Draenor or Outlands. We’d be incensed! Of course we would, it would destroy the server community which is an RP Realm. Does that mean we think everyone on those servers are horrible monsters? No, of course not. Would it be bad for the server? Yes. Would we therefore petition Blizzard not to do it? Yes!
They aren’t waving a placard saying “no Straights allowed” as there are straight people on that server already, They’re saying “Really? Can we not, we don’t want to have to put up with the disruption and the slurs that -some- people on that server spew”, and tell me that I’m wrong in that. Tell me that isn’t a legitimate concern.
Only works if everyone signs up to it. Plenty of people on the US Servers don’t. “Be Excellent to each other” is a brilliant phrase, but like religion or communism it only works until it comes into contact with actual human beings, many of whom, as we can see on the forums, are incapable of being so.
Ideally every realm should be a place without any discrimination of any kind. Can anyone honestly hold up their hand and say they’ve never seen that on their own servers? I know I can’t.