except there is no sign on the server and I’ve said multiple times already, anybody can sign up to it and it doesn’t exclude anyone. you are projecting in a big way.
I don’t see any evidence in anything I’ve said or anyone from those servers that says no straights allowed, I’m pretty sure they are going to welcome anyone who is an ally to them or is not full of hatred. anyone who is comfortable being around LGBT people can and probably will join that server and i’m pretty sure everyone is happy with that.
own what? the fact that I have many many friends straight, gay trans, etc ? what exactly are you trying to do ‘expose’ me for something? what the heck is up with that? I can only assume it’s more projecting and maybe you’ve got something to hide.
Which is sort of the point, I could apply this logic to their behaviour.
What a cheap response. No, Proudmoore is a meme for a reason and they’re very easily trolled. If they were happy being around straights they wouldn’t need to create a community to wall themselves off from the outside world, with the assumption that everyone is out to get you. I am intimately familiar with their victim mentality and I chose not engage with it from the get go.
If you’re going to create your own little ethnostate with your own little rules, have the balls to admit it.
no thanks, had them, got rid of them. they were toxic. I try to keep away from toxicity so I think I’ll stop conversing now.
it’s almost as if wanting a place that feels generally friendly to you is some massive crime. no signs, no gates, just a friendly place.
it’s sad to see LGBT people who are bigoted towards LGBT people.
The rules apply to everyone or they apply to no one. Creating double standards, holding others to different standards and acting hypocritical is the biggest reason I get hate the minute someone finds out I’m homosexual. The vast, vast, majority of the time is because of the LGBT practicing their mental gymnastics to justify their often disgusting behaviour. That’s toxicity and I will not defend it.
Edited: Notice how they need to strawman, avoid the point being made or unironically dub me the gay equivalent of a house negro. It’s like talking to a brick wall.
while we’re at it, I guess we should demolish the gay village in manchester and other towns. we should probably get rid of chinatown too. can’t have people spending time with people like them to feel more comfortable.
can’t have subcultures congregating together, then they might get ideas.
we should probably ban lgbt guilds and communities too. it’s so awful having all this segregation. no guilds for people of different languages either. too much prejudice.
I think Draenor or Tarren mill dwarf the size of the server… if it wasnt Low pop it wouldnt of been targetted at all, considering these merges are for lower pop realms…
yeah i noticed that when i checked the server out haha.
prolly shoulda put it under a seperate tab as a Language Based Realm like the others tbh
There is LGBTQ monsters too. Pretending that only stright people have monsters and judging them before they have even met you is such a terrible way to be. Everyone is an individual. You don’t like being judged for who you are but are happy to judge stright people before you even know them? Hypocrite?
Imagine how shocked you would be if I said what you have but talked about a minority group. My post would be removed. Judging white stright people is ok but everyone else is terrible. I don’t care who you are if I haven’t met you, As I don’t know you yet. You might be a bad person or a good person no matter what you are.
I never judged anyone, and if you read my posts you’ll see I specifically made reference to some gay men who can be transphobic on occasion.
as I’ve said on numerous occasion, I have only ever said I can understand them wanting a place that is more friendly and welcoming of lgbt people. I have never even asked for it or said I want it to happen, I have said I understand them wanting it. I don’t think it’s unreasonable for people to want that, and it is in no way suggesting that non LGBT people are unwelcome in any way.
I really wish people would stop projecting their issues onto me.
Well If I said the same thing but about the type of person you are, I bet you would be offended. So why shouldn’t I be? You think you need to stay away from me before I opened my mouth? How’s that not judging and descriminating?
Try it, Make a post saying what you have but about being stright. See what happens to you.
Everyone should be treated the same, Not a pander party for certain people, Minority or not, Descrimination and hate is not acceptable period. I don’t understand this whole “you can say that about this group of people but not that group of people” it’s either you can say nothing at all about any groups of people or everyone can be talked about. I prefer the former.
will you stop with the projecting please. nobody said anything about keeping away from you or keeping away from straight people. THE SERVER DOES NOT HAVE ANY WAY TO BLOCK PEOPLE BASED ON THEIR SEXUALITY. it is merely known for being a LGBT friendly place. it is a choice between a place that is not known for being LGBT friendly and a place that is known for being LGBT friendly. it’s really not rocket science. if you are LGBT friendly then of course LGBT people would be happy to be around you.
please can you actually pay attention to what people are saying and stop with your projecting.
edit: moreover, if there was a post saying that people want a server that is free from transgender or bi or gay people attacking cis het people, then I’m all for it because guess what, I am only saying i think it’s reasonable for people to want a place where they are free from being attacked 24/7
Not projecting at all, I’ve read your posts. If I said what you have about being stright I would be banned. As I said before what’s that got to do with playing wow? If I started claiming that silvermoon is a “stright friendly server” and complained when the LGBTQ server was merging, You would be ok with that? Because I wouldn’t.
you can only be judged as a homophobe if you act in a homophobic way. such as saying an oppressed subculture should not be allowed to have a relatively safe space
edit: if you arrived on a LGBT friendly server and said “hi LGBT people, I love you all” then you would most certainly be completely welcome there regardless of your sexuality. that’s how it works.
I didn’t claim you’re homophobic, I said you might only be considered homophobic if you acted in a homophobic way.
it’s up to you to demonstrate who you are.