Blizzard cancels a us server connection!

tbh… i’d agree… if people didnt bring Political views to games… but lets face it they do, and the last thing blizzard want to deal with is homophobia breaking out from their games…

well tbh every niche kinda does… :expressionless: i wouldnt say they’re alone in that field.

I’m not sure if having an opinion means they are special.

i ment this as in… every group of people have “trolls” its pretty normal yet we dont get special protection lol.

Heck we had a post up blaming horde players for thje actions of the damn NPCs the other day.

While ofc I am glad that we don’t have an anti-polish sentiment here.
It will feel like that the English speaking guys will need “protection” from the Polish folk.
Since obviously Polish people will continue to have their own community thingy and speaking Polish freely in every public chat and will consider any one with “speak English plzz” as an outsider who should get the heck out of here.
While of course English speaking people will demand the “official” language to be spoken since officially Burning Legion is in the English realm list.
And that just asking for for trouble pretty much. Its the same with connecting that LGTB realm to a realm which people have a different view…on that matter.
The result would be the same. Yet Proudmore US got spared from this, while the realms connected to Burning Legion did not?

Blizz should at LEAST offer free transfers away for the non Poles. They did not ask for this and if Blizzard did this to “improve their game quality” then saying it that it “backfired” is putting it very veeeery mildly.


Fun fact, there was actually a fellow who proposed an ‘American’ language after the War of Independence, flushed by a wave of patriotism, unfortunately he fell at the first hurdle, because it was just English, but spelt phonetically so like “tung” instead of Tongue. The newly formed US Government rather sensibly at the time rejected the idea in the belief that it would them look like illiterate idiots to the rest of the world.

Didn’t stop people trying, till as recently as 1906, when Andrew Carnegie tried to simplify the spelling of words in ‘American’.

Very few denizens of the USA actually speak ‘American’ as that is of course a group of languages spoken by the actual original inhabitants of that country, and not European settlers.

As to the matter at hand, the simple answer is that Blizzard is an American company, and they listen more to the American playerbase, a factor that can be seen in several historical incidents where a complaint has arisen on the EU forums, and went unheeded, -until- the same complaint was raised on the US forums, at which point it received prompt attention (Sharding and RP realms is the one that springs to mind)

It is just the way it is, sadly. Bad publicity in the US will hurt them more than bad publicity in the various EU nations, so they are more likely to pay heed to the former. It’s sound business practice to a degree, it’s not -great- business practice, but a P.R disaster in the States is far more likely to hurt them, than one over here.

Ah okay, my bad. :sweat_smile: That is true. It’s just boggling that RP realms have barely any stopgaps against raids in the US, and yet Proudmoore can get rejected a simple connection with a Horde-biased realm because of their opinions.

Yes but even if they changed who they connect u with… they have 23 other languages u could end up with…

Excluding 1 Server

and Excluding 3/4s of the entire Data centre… seems abit differnet.

The answer to homophobia isn’t seperating stright and gay people. I guarantee you if someone goes into the game and is homophobic they will get a serious strike against their account by Blizzard. I also don’t find it right from that community, I had a gay GM male for 8 years and he was open about it, He loved the game and never faced any comments about his sexuality even when he had arguments with people.

Why does everyone need to make a song and dance about who they sleep with anyway on a computer game?


EU is far more accepting then america tbh

i just dont get the problem with 1 server, i mean its not exactly alot at all exclujding only 1. the quantity of “l;anguage” Servers on EU is massively higher and ALOT harder to avoid

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Well Blizz can always do their research or just observe their own servers public chat chnnels.
If its like Burning Legion where 100…ok fine. 99.5% of the chat messages are in Polish then maybe look for a realm which people speak in English.

I am 100% sure there are plenty of “genuinely English” realms out here.

Speaking of which. Blizz should have done this BEFORE they attached anything to Burning Legion. Feels like the only checked: “Ok. This realm has Pop X and this realm has pop Y, lets add it to and call it a day”…if they even did that instead of just randomly adding to any realm which “they felt like it”.


they’ll just have half a list of dead realms at the end of it due to all the langyuages…

surely enforcing public chats to be in english is also a option?

if that was the case that they canceled it becuse one server was LGBT friendly, I would have done the connection for sure, to just show those nabs who whined that we dont tolerate discrimination.

Wait whut? Why cant they simply add it to a big realm then?
Silvermoon, Kazzak, Twisting Nether, Tarren Mill, Outland…Sylvanas? I am sure people speak English here and these are only which i can name on the spot.

If people have spoken Polish there like…since TBC or whenever that realm become an “unofficial Polish one” (and it did NOT become one overnight I assure you) . Then Bleez will need an army of GMs there monitoring it 24/7 to enforce it.

Would it be less expensive and less disruptive to just allow free transfers or reverse the connection decision? The English guys gets another English realm. And we don’t destroy the Polish community which it took years to cultivate.

@Relday: If the limited information I have at my disposal is even semi-accurate the answer is absolutely yes. The bigger question is what is the order and timing. There are some realms even smaller than yours.

@Lynlia: Some, but there is one “catch”… Most of those are either very big or very small. Big realms default to English, because they have a large multitude of languages and small ones, because excessive “purity” leads to having too few people to talk with. Also, while this is more of my personal view… there are very few truely “medium” realms. And from that… we get to this…

Silvermoon, Kazzak and possibly Twisting Nether are unlikely, but the other three? They might very well end as “roots” for other connection groups, too. There are SO many small realms that there actually are not enough big ones for all directly… and if Blizzard started excluding by language, the numbers would drop even faster.

If I recall my recent post correctly, after tomorrow there are 24 normal and 3 RP realms (of former which only 1 is a true single) that in my view need connection and there are a maximum of 11, morely likely 7 possible “roots” and if I excluded the ones with major known language blocks, Blizzard would in theory have to connect those 24 to only two or three of those 7 as smashing tiny realms together with eachother already proved to be a short term solution during the execution of the original connected realms program many years ago. In fact, some connections proved too small just weeks after Warlords of Draenor had launched.

EDIT: Fixed a “brain fart” on expansion name. :smiley:


The solution is staring you in the face.
Pretend to all be gay.


this guy gets it.

There is still a lot of homophobia everywhere, it is not something exclusive to America. I live in the UK (and have done since birth) as a gay man and I’ve witnessed/experienced more of it than you seem to think happens over this side of the pond.

America has an old culture which was based on religion/religious groups shaping their views which is slowly eroding (but not fast enough), these things take time to change and the expectation that it will change at a click of the fingers is naive.

Being “forced” (what?) to play with more different people isn’t a bad thing. Those who complained about the Proudmoore pairing based on the LGBT community there are just showing that the LGBT community can also be just as discriminative as those outside of it, using excuses like “we’ve built a community here” while metaphorically giving the other server a middle finger shows just as much.

Essentially the LGBT community there are advocating for exclusion when the whole movement was originally based on inclusion, oh the irony.

Those who would spin this as Blizzard not caring are idiots, this is clearly about connecting servers together based on player numbers (and maybe faction balancing too) which they should be happy about but no they had to use their minority status as a weapon. :roll_eyes:


Not so sure about that, even got one person in this thread who supports Poland’s homophobic government.

Well yeah… but if both sides of the fence dont want one another then ofcourse its going to be cancelled.

but i dont see any polish players screeching about being mixed with us… nor do i see them asking for exclusion either.

and while we like to say burning legion is all Polish… their entire Forum space is mostly in english… and i’ve personally grouped with plenty of people who i wouldnt know the nationality to as they only spoke english.

the problem likely extends back to why did polish get their own tab… surely… if theres enough of em playing to take over a Realm… they should have their own tab xD

who? Lol hjavent seen anyone with Polands homophobic government policies lol.

Polish isn’t allowed on the forum could explain why there aren’t many Polish people here

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