Blizzard cancels a us server connection!

Not everyone got annoyed; our connection has worked great. The original connections had input from EU community team. I don’t know if these new ones do otherwise the Burning Legion thing might’ve been flagged.
But, in general, I’m sure we weren’t the only group that was happy (Kul Tiras/Alonsus/Anachronos).

They have a community they like and they don’t want it change using the lgbt angle so far appears to be the only option that blizzard listens to

communitys based on who we sleep with? in a computer game? It doesn’t make sense.

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I’m willing to bet my right bollock this wasn’t about the gays. They just pulled that card cause they know it works and it did.

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Community of people you can tolerate, why risk upsetting it.? What’s weird is blizzard responding to it

so it’s fine for gay people to be that way towards stright people but not the other way?

I don’t agree either way, Who we sleep with is irrelevent in life,


It would appear blizzard feels this way

I guess we should have played the woke card instead of the language barrier… :stuck_out_tongue:

On a more serious note: 2nd rate customers that is the impression they give us time and time again. They might say that we aren’t and maybe even believe it when they say it… but the actions do tell a different tale when we compare situations with the US.

The communication and care just aren’t the same. And even over there it isn’t perfect…but I can’t help to feel we (and I bet the other regions as well) always get the short stick when it comes to attention to our worries/needs.


I hate to say this but if you don’t feel valued as a customer perhaps you should stop being a customer. I did.

By the way, is there an equivalent of Proudmoore on the EU side?

I’ve heard of guilds but not an entire realm.

It could be that I’m just not in the know.

Guess I’ll look into it more if I feel the need to change servers.

I’d hope every server is LGBT+whatever friendly. It should be a policy rather than a specific server being singled out. Abuse is abuse after all, doesn’t matter who the recipient is.


Plenty of “did u assume my gender I identify as a toaster” or worse around so no not really the case unfortunately.

This kinda proves my original post that blizzard (USA company) doesn’t care about eu servers or China servers or anywhere else for that matter.


Both regions should use the same forums imo. We’re playing the exact same game afterall.


All 3 regions should have access to main forum where devs are at


Report them and they will be punished for it? Staying away from stright people because of a few idiots isn’t the way to go about things? Fighting descrimination with descrimination doesn’t work. Taking away progress of gay people being accepted these days by the massive majority was fought for, rightfully so. Taking it backwards is kind of a slap in the face to the people who fought for equal rights based on sexual preference? Surely?

Going a bit off topic… :innocent::expressionless:

Not really, no. it’s on topic with the orginal post? There was no need to stop the merge because " some people “might” be homophobic. The language server issue people made more sense, But that’s fairly obvious.

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