Blizzard cancels a us server connection!

There were people who post in green who have said that not treating all servers the same irrelevant of language would be xenophobic but they seem to be quiet in this thread I wouldve assume that they shared your sentiment

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You are the type of person that will get this post taken down…

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May I ask why you would be devastated if your sister was gay? I’m genuinely curious

saw that lol, whit Eu it depends a lot where in EU you live, old eastern blocks, quite homophobic, still where the western countries are more relaxed, though offcourse there is poop heads still arround who thing beeing gay is a decease, yes I have heard that my self from an moron once, when we talked about it.

the REALM is labelled as Portuguese, feel free to open the realm window in-game and see for yourself.
and Aggra is not a dead server, specially Horde side.

just stop embarrassing yourself please.

Yours trully - Phil Deeznhuts

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You may ask but I do not owe you any justification about my belief and my family and what I except for them.

Yeah attitudes vary, but they do in the US too, not sure if the EU is a whole is worse than the US as a whole though. Not that it’s a contest or whatever, just don’t want to overlook the problem.

OK cool man Im not judging you I understand different people think different things

oh yeas, but I find it realy silly Blizzard actualy caved in, becuse it realy gives an odd picture of the company, like they aggree that, how should I put it normal people cant paly whit gays or so, like what.

seems I missundestood it, and got it backwards hehe, sorry.

This kinda how I sees it too, I’d see the necessity of an LGBTQ-friendly server first and foremost as a failure to adequately moderate the playerbase and appropriately punish people who, for example, use the F-slur.

On the other hand, hateful conduct, not just stuff done as an edgy goof, is pretty widespread, and having merging rules based on the unofficial languages would be a nightmare to sort, since there are SO many realms with an “unofficial language”-reputation.

It’s a bit of a weird stance to take though surely, since being gay or lesbian is not a choice, but something you’re born into. Kinda like saying you’d be disappointed in your sister if she was born near-sighted.


I would be devastated too if she had some health condition , i woud even give one of my organ if it could add her some time or ease the pain/share my lifetime in a hearbeat !

It’s not silly if that’s what the people on that server wanted. Especially when it comes to a community that faces a lot of hate. People don’t want to be forced together with a large chuck of other people if a large portion of those people are hateful towards them, seems pretty logical.

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ah if it was the server who didnt want the other one, then yeah it is undestandable, I thought it was the one who was not that started to whine.

A large portion? how do you know? Guessing?

They can’t change how they feel, from my (limited) understanding of people if a feeling isn’t anautomatic reaction of the nervous system then it is highly likely to be a learned reaction but as he doesn’t want to give any more information on the matter its probably best we drop the subject

That’s nasty. You are putting her in an awkward position with that statement, comparing it with a birth defect.

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I don’t think so, I questioned the choice of word “disappointment”, but it could be language barrier issues from my part.

Baltic you can stop replying to my posts, I will not see your replies.

I don’t care, You post on a public forums, I’ll reply to your posts, The forums don’t belong to you.

If you say something that doesn’t make sense, I’ll call you out on it or question it, You can’t silence me just because you disagree with my posts, that aren’t against the forum rules or descriminating in anyway, I don’t get your logic of trying to silence someone because they disagree with you, That’s your choice. Everyone is free to question what I say as much as you, it’s not the “Janiah opinion show”

If you think I’ve broke the forum rules in anyway or offended you, Report me and let a GM decide. I’m 99.99% sure I haven’t, If you can’t take someone disagreeing with you, you need to get over it, I’m afraid.


Why question it? People have a right to feel the way they want to. Isn’t that what this is about? Please be more considerate.