Blizzard ! deserter debuff!

Do something about 30 minute deserter debuff after getting kicked from the dungeon. Fix this stupid braindead system. no one likes it. its doesnt make any sense and it shouldnt have been like this in the first place :-1:


Berny stopped doing heroics and just ganks lowbies in Hellfire now.


IF you are getting kicked, perhaps you deserved it.


Well nowadays people kick mostly just because a player wants to do a boss or just for eleminating a person shares loot. So mosly people kicks because they’re jerks. This system is pretty open to violations.


Then make your own group with your own rules. Easy solution.

Well as i said b4 thats the easy solution for people act like a sheep. Just ignoring Blizzard’s acts which are open to harrasments. So rather than critisize the main reason of the problem just critise people who suffer from it…
Common act of the rabble…

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Dont like rude ppl? Dont pug. Easy.

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IF you are getting kicked, perhaps you deserved it.


do you play the game? :smiley:

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Never been kicked so far in Cata.

Done countless of dungeons, mainly as tank though.

never got kicked either, there are a few post on the forum, but in reality, it almost never happens.

Some people are freshly dinged and get kicked for not doing optimal dps and 99.99% parses. There are a bunch of those elitist people in this game. Who are a poison to everything in the game.

Hence why casuals are tired of it. It’s not the game itself that is bad, retail is great also. It’s the overall majority of the anti-social community and elitist players.

I never run dungeons with randoms. I do it with my guild, more fun and we talk and chill on discord.

Makes the game so much more fun and you avoid the toxic elitist people.

Never seen this myself.

RFD is for casuals. Its for ppl who dont want to make their own grp. Soon, its LFR. Its very much for casuals. If you dont like it, then avoid it. Make your own grp. I know I say this alot, but it is the only way to avoid this issue.

“never seen this myself so it must be false”

“Im getting kicked, must happen to everyone”

bro living under a rock

The debuff itself has been part of the system almost since the Vote to Kick system was introduced. It became an unfortunate necessity as certain players would urge the group, by request or by being a nuisance, to vote them out in order to avoid receiving a deserter debuff.

If you have proper suggestion you may use the suggestion box for this.

Well today i happened to be in the same dungeon with 4 guildies. They almost failed every single dungeon mechanic but voila! They found me guilty for their dead brains. Voila, I have to wait for some 30 minutes.

I can not suggest a better way but this seems wrong. 4 stupid friends can ruin other peoples game time repeatedly. I will just try how many peoples 30 minutes can be taken in a single hour.

Also I want to be clear about it. I never do toxic stuff. Never failed on anything in dungeon. But im the deserter because someone abusing vote to kick.

yeah. 4 guildies kicked me from dungeon because the tank ( that was underleveled + undergeared ) died. they were not good players but they dont care. they kicked me for their mistakes.

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