Well that’s why. As a tank you’re essentially irreplaceable for the group so you wont get kicked even if you really deserve it. If you are a DPS you can get kicked just because someone doesnt like if you jump too much while moving. Just for the lols and power trip
bs, “never failed” is absolute nonsense because everyone fails once in a blue moon. You’re human so you may have pressed the wrong button once or misclicked once resulting in a person dying due to them being undergeared. Theres always that one time you make a minor mistake so don’t say “never” like it’s actually true.
I do enough dmg to carry personally, so would never initiate kick, But if you get a really bad group then maybe kicking the lowest is needed to even finish
So what solution do you propose as an alternative to dungeon deserter?
Also I find it hard to believe that they just kicked you because the tank died. I’ve been in hundreds of 5 man hc runs and never seen a tank get kicked just because they died.
My guilds name is literally Jump Twice, i jump all the time.
Anecdotal unproven claim aside, this doesn’t happen. Never seen it happen.
I had a run i tanked yesterday, wiped 2 times on Corla.
Because first, people aggroed another pack of mobs mid fight so i went into beam accidently when i had 88 stacks so i turned.
Then 2nd time, they ninja pulled boss and also aggroed extra mob, the patrolling big guy.
Did not votekick them. I was even semi toxic because i was annoyed.
Saying “please don’t force me to clear all the troggs aswell, avoid them atleast.”
During 3rd boss.
I think this is something blown enormously out of proportion. And now people have taken this lie so far, they can’t stop.
Dungeon deserter should stay, but since people can get kicked for any and no reason, RDF PUG should get prevented to queue for replacements for 10 minutes if they kick someone who is not offline, AFK and/or great distance away from rest of the group.
That would discourage people from kicking someone for no valid reason.
Only possible downside might be to get locked from replacement queue after kicking “ninja”, but I’ve also seen many times that vote kick for “ninja” were declined.
So you’re telling me i can grief my group, by being semi afk, cast a spell here & there.
Move along with them. And they cannot votekick me without being unjustifiably punished?
What a great system you’ve come up with.
10/10, heres your application to Blizzard. Fantastic.
how woudl you differenciate between the kick reasons then ? unless blizz literaly implements drop down menu with 1 option of them being “kicking them for lols”
kicks always mean something - in some cases they just mean " you werent ready for this difficulty - do difficulty -1 or learn to play " while reason typed is "horrible dps / horrible tank / heal "
people need to have right to refuse to carry people who openly hope and demand being boosted.
I never implied that it’s the only and perfect 10/10 solution. Also how often does that happen that someone intentionally cast spell only once per combat or so.
Usually, they simply put /follow on someone and go full AFK, and there are means to shake them off. Either though terrain of by using “RDF Eye” to TP out and back.
I personally don’t care about deserter debuff, that much. I just can’t stand injustice.
I even leave on my own as tank and “self-apply” the debuff on myself if someone manage to win ninja roll and take upgrade from me if the vote to kick to punish the ninja get declined.
I just do some quests meanwhile, let someone else to deal with them.
And we are back at the beginning, where the core of the problem is.
Yes, people have right to kick someone who slow down their speedrun through the instance, that person however (especially if they are not doing so intentionally) does not deserve to get 30 minute long deserter debuff.
If people griefed before to be kicked when they didn’t wanna continue. Or grief in general. Why would they not abuse this new system?
And ye people do this NOW. But with your system they would cast a spell here and there, to not trigger the “full afk.” So they can’t kick. Because otherwise they get deserter, remember.
But you’re creating an even more toxic environment with your solution.
I’m not making solutions, I’m making suggestions, leaving the solution making to people who actually know better how to solve problems.
My suggestion can also be wrong. Still… my problem with this issue, is that people sometimes get punished for nothing. I also got deserter debuff without deserving one just because people were impatient, ignored encounter mechanics, and I couldn’t find way back to the entrance after wipe.
Yes because it’s a suggestion to a solution to the issue, is it not ?
Pointless dance around the meaning, when you know exactly what i mean.
My suggestion would be to make it that 4 has to accept, instead of only 3.
Many times where one declines and they get kicked regardless.
Won’t do anything vs 4man premades. But will lower the amount of kicked.
Just few minutes prior writing this I got kicked on my rogue alt, because tank was chain pulling.
Even pulled adds from next room in BRD while Ambassador Flamelash was still at 50% HP, he lost aggro to Flamelash and some Fireguard Destroyers, never taunted them back.
I used my cooldowns but healer was too busy to keep the tank alive who kept pulling the Molten Golems, thus I couldn’t receive any healing.
As I saw my HP going down, I was about to use Vanish, but got killed by Fireball Volley before I pressed the button.
Only thing I did wrong (besides being late to use Vanish) was to mention in chat that I’m grateful that they didn’t left me lying there and healer stopped for moment to sent the res my way.
As I accepted the resurrection and went to catch up with them, tank however already initiated the fight with “The Seven” thus I got locked outside of the room and immediately got vote kicked.
Tell me. What should I study for those 30 minutes to improve myself and prevent chain pulling tank from ignoring the fact that they’ve lost aggro next time?
How can I improve myself to make them wait till I catch up with them before they start another encounter?
The first quitter should be the only one to get a penalty for leaving.
Then if you’re dumped into a fail run that others have already abandoned, where the DPS seem to be competing on ‘damage taken’ rather than ‘damage dealth’, you don’t face a full 30min lockout.