Blizzard ! deserter debuff!

no sure what was funny about that ? i was serious.

going by your answer we know you didnt :smiley:

And going by your inability to read or check when classes actually learn their spells.
You don’t see to be aware that they learn it at 75.

If you gonna be a smartas atleast know what you’re talking about, this is just embarrassing…

My bad side probably has skipped breakfast today.

I do apologize for him in case he will not reply.

Im the honest guy, who tells you the inconvenient truth you deep down know, but try to avoid.

Where’s your proof that they did deserved to get kicked?
How can you claim to be telling the “inconvenient truth” when you have no evidence to support such claim?

Oh so you’re saying that I can perform extremely poorly, fail all mechanics, do zero damage, don’t listen to my team, but my team can’t kick me as long as I’m following them around and engaging in fights by casting a few spells? Because if they kick me they’d have to wait 10 minutes.

Really good solution :+1:

Do you have any more genius suggestions that we can use to improve the game?

I’ve already mentioned that I don’t consider that to be one and the only perfect solution to this problem.
It however certainly would reduce the number of cases where players would get kicked for no reason.

Judging from your attitude, you also might be one of those who immediately initiate vote kick on everyone who is not performing up to your expectations, no matter whether they still gearing up, and/or learning their class.

10 minutes might be too much, but shorter time penalty might discourage from pointless vote kick while not being harsh towards the group if someone deliberately hinder the gameplay of others.

I personally consider to be more problematic when DPS class that can’t transfer threat is pulling mobs ahead of tank, rather than doing low damage.

It have to be all three DPS to perform extremely poorly in order to result in wipe. Not just one.

Reason why I support any change to this system is because PUG players are often too self-centered, and have no compassion for others.

I’m not saying that most people who get vote kicked is without blame, and sometime people who are literally asking for it with their attitude does not necessarily deserve to get kicked.


I had Grim Batol (normal) run as healer few hours back, and DK tank left after first boss because the other DK who participated as DPS won need roll on Oath-Bound Gauntlets.
I haven’t noticed anything in chat, no vote kick prompt for ninja, nothing. Tank just left.

The other DK switched to offspec, and we proceed to clear the path to the next boss while waiting for the replacement, but he made bad pull and we wiped.
Nobody initiated vote kick after that either.

Just as we wiped, RDF found another DK tank who immediately started making fun of everyone for getting wiped at normal difficulty.
Just after that, (she) pulled while I was still on my way back after the wipe, and started complain that we are wasting (her) time up to the point of being toxic and extremely unpleasant. (She) got kicked and we had to wait another five minutes for another replacement.

Nobody was upset about it, instead making jokes about how waiting 30 minutes now since (she) “don’t have time for this” (meaning waiting for healer to catch up before pulling) is an improvement.

Next tank had no personality issues and we went to smoothly clear the rest of the dungeon.
Sometimes it’s about attitude of the player, not just numbers and statistics.

People should “remember to take all things in moderation (even World of Warcraft!)”

I find normal more pleasing to do. I am lv85 and while I was on queue I started doing the hyjial intro quest.

Of course the queue pops while I’m on the rp green dragon.

I made a joke about it and the rest of the team cleared up to first boss (lost city).

After the RP ended I got in, changed spec to surv as they were waiting for me and we ended the run in peace.

That is just not true, I have seen tanks getting kicked several times for being bad.

the best proof is that at least 3 people pressed yes .

you need no other proof.

people haveright to decide with who they play .

Please talk to me, other me is kinda grumpy.

He can’t even remember that rogues learns TotT at lv75.

Accepts my apology from both of us.

Well, he had a point. You could choose 5 random chimpanzees from the monkey section at the zoo, and give them each a laptop plus a Wow account, they’ll be able to clear through normal dungeons without wiping a single time.

So your take on this is that some players are less than apes, and shouldn’t be ever allowed to enter dungeons through RDF in first place?

This exactly is the prime example of attitude that is causing problems with RDF.
“Zero tolerance! Ban them from using RDF!”

Is it really too much to give some players chance to improve?

They fail. OK let them learn from the mistake.
They fail again, explain to them what they are doing wrong.
They fail even after that. Only then you should explain to them that they are not prepared for this (in most polite way you are able to), and find replacements.

Thinking less of someone just because they are not as experienced as you does not create healthy in-game environment.

getting kicked randomly , this is becoming annoying
lol i literally kicked 2 people from same run
nobody seems to care or read the prompt
everybody auto click yes XD ! this is so bad

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