Blizzard devs on social media are unprofessional

burn down that strawman while you’re at it will ya

Mm, not really. You compare having an opinion and calling someone a rude word(deserving, even by them) with hate speech and then go ‘HAH! See you’re not so tolerant’ because you don’t even know about the paradox of tolerance.

No one said it was hate speech, it was just unprofessional. But yeah, just say you’re biased next time.

Nah, I’m saying what you conflate to ‘right-wing’ tends to be hate speech and not just ‘unprofessional opinions on a personal twitter’ :slight_smile: Just pointing out your usual hypocrisy.

Kek no, you’re the one doing that.
I didn’t even mention any hate speech going on.

My dude, stop wasting my time

You mentioned

Which I explained, right-wing views that tend to get ‘cancelled’ is usually hate speech and not an opinion piece that’s rude but not hateful. :slight_smile: But hey, keep intentionally misgendering people.

Ah I see any right-wing politics = hate speech to you, got it.

Since their main talking points these days is being anti-vax or getting removed from platforms for hate speech… seems so! You gonna try to stop democratic elections with an inssurrection next and say ‘it’s your freedom to protest’?

Well thanks for proving my point there buddy

Gonna burn down a Target next time?

this dude unironically browses reddit dot com /politics

Dunno, no elected democrat(let alone president) Has said for anyone to burn down a target. The other one explicitly told people to do what happened in DC. :slight_smile:

Ofcourse not, he didn’t even recognise the people who burned down that Target and said it was an idea like a good little coward, kek.

Back to Reddit

Yes. That they put their workplace in bio makes sense. If they get retweeted, and reach someone who doesn’t know who they are, the bio helps them figure out. Putting where you work - if it is important - helps with that.

It is still a personal account. It’s not an official company account, that’d be subject to company PR rules and all that, and they wouldn’t keep it when they change workplace, or move to a different position, or unit, or whatever.

No, you’re not. You do affect how people look at the company, yes. But you’re not representing them on a personal account.

Frankly, doing so should just boot you from twitter right away. That’s not an opinion, that’s hate speech.

On a personal account, you are entitled to your own opinions. You can disagree with the company you work for. You can stand with others demanding change, in opposition of the company leadership. You can be disappointed with the company. That’s what a personal account means.

It doesn’t mean you’re entirely separate, nothing to do with the place you work at. It means that it is an account that belongs to YOU, not to the company. It is an account YOU control, not the company. It is an account where you post YOUR opinions, not that of the company.

If you post highly inappropriate stuff, that will, of course, have consequences. That doesn’t mean the account isn’t their personal one. It simply means actions have consequences, is all.

So if I put my current company on my website, as part of my resume, then my website is a company website? That’s some twisted logic there, mate.

Indeed. Actions have consequences. Doesn’t make the account a company account.

What if said user is a harasser? What if said user is sending death threats? Or demanding the devs be fired?

You can, and should, call out your users if they behave inappropriately. If that puts them in a negative light, perhaps THEY should retract their tweets.

That’s a load of bull there. Their twitter account is theirs first. If they feel they need to post something, they should. If there are consequences, I’m sure they’re ready to face it. It’s okay to disagree with your employer. It’s okay to disagree with your customers. And it’s okay to tell both of them that.

Lets not censor personal accounts just because someone happens to work for a famous company. Let them, and the company handle any harsh disagreements.

Aww poor thing, shifting goalposts because you have no argument as usual Asjon. One of these days the mods are gonna become savvy enough about your plots and do the right thing.

I think you people needed to be told to your face. When they say they love the players and do everything for them, they mostly mean they do it cause it pays them money. Sure there might be a bit of passion involved here and there but it’s mostly contempt they have for the players who are, in fact, not that easy to love given that, generally speaking players are rarely pleased or even content with the stuff they are given. The devs hate our guts. Never doubt that for a second.

Frankly I don’t really give a crap what they think, I know it’s hard these days with everyone having a breakdown when they find out someone on the internet may not think they are the best people ever, but try to understand that not everyone will like you. If it were up to me Twitter and all that other crap would have been removed years ago. I just want to play a game and I’m willing to pay a monthly fee for the entertainment and nothing else. No “schooling” no guilt tripping, no excuses.

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Must be nice winning the arguments in your head when you continuously strut like a pigeon saying I won I won by making up the rules, inside your head.

You sure project a lot, go back to reddit lmao. :wink:

Dude can you self reflect for a second? Imagine saying someone is projecting when you bring up hate speech towards someone mentioning right-wing politics a few posts back. Guess what, I’m right-wing yet I still wear my mask and am not negative towards the vax

You talk like someone that gets its views from Reddit. You literally make up the same parrot talk I see posted there.

You’re nothing but a troll and a bad one at it.

Right, but you post hate-speech and other things a lot. Hence why I said one of the two.

To you, n-word is hate speech. To others, bashing of customers is hate speech. Either way you are responsible for what you say. You can share your opinions but since they are made public, the company can always fire you because your opinions do not align with theirs, or you caused financial/reputation damage with your opinion.
Imagine investing in all the PR and meanwhile your employee on twatter ruins it entirely. Is he still not responsible for financial damages? Yes he damn is.