Blizzard devs on social media are unprofessional

Sure, keep projecting there buddy.

The right thing according to you? Just how entitled do you think you are?

Be mild on him, he gets his news and politics from Reddit after all.

No, its not. Hate speech has a specific meaning / definition.

Hate Speech
abusive or threatening speech or writing that expresses prejudice against a particular group, especially on the basis of race, religion, or sexual orientation

from wiki. By the first part of the definition WoW players/Twitch viewers are a particular group. Therefore insulting them can also be considered with hate speech. The “especially” part does not necessarily need to apply.

Valid and legitimate criticism to how the game is ran and how the developers behave to their employees and community is not harassment.
Doxxing members of your playerbase however is unprofessional, and possibly criminal.
Hamilton needs the axe.

He did that?

Yes, he posted personal details of the person who criticised him over on Linkedin.

Not sure that can be consider doxxing, Linkedin has both public and private sections, I got spammed regularly with job offers.

Bashing customers isn’t hate speech.

Sorry that nuance is lost on you. Hell, its not even nuance, its simple compreshension.


You didnt refute my point. People like you cant be argued with because once I apply logic you say “This is X but this is not X because I say so!” without any justification. So according to you a company employee with his company name in the twitter (that allowed to get him the check mark by the way) is allowed to talk bad about customers and should not face responsibilty for his actions because he “is voicing his opinion” despite clearly tarnishing the reputation of his entire company?
You are delusional. There is a reason PR teams exist.

Nothing far from your average wow player really, at this point feels like that meme of spiderman pointing at himself.

Posting private details on a public access area is text book doxxing.

Yes, thats exactly what I did. Bashing customers isn’t “abusive”. “Man, my customers suck” is bashing. All “insert race here must die” is hate speech. Nuance / comprehension, take your pick.

Sure, but there’s no way to get to the private linkedin section and everything in the public section is by definition public

It really isn’t. But it’s disrespectful and - unprofessional - to say the least. If I tell a waiter the restaurant’s food quality is subterranean and he starts throwing slurs and insults at me, you can be damn sure I’ll go straight to the restaurant owner and tell him what’s up. Blizzard employees aren’t immortals to enjoy special treatment when they forget to mind their tone on the virtual market place of self-display that is social media.

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The “blue verified” means this account owner(s) are whom they claim they are. Famous wow players/streamers get this status too (for example max from Limit, Asmongold, EsfandTV, Naguura, and many others).

So an account for Ion Hazzikostas with blue verified, it means that this is indeed “Ion Hazzikostas” and not some imposter. He would maintain this blue verified if he leaves Blizzard (because after leaving Blizzard he would remain Ion Hazzikostas). Same like Asmongold gets his blue status whether he stops playing wow, or whatever.

So if you think that players like Asmongold can tweet their personal opinions, while Blizzard devs cannot do that on their personal accounts, their is something wrong with your logic.

Why yes, I’ve made it public on purpose.

Hardly. There’s a difference between a website and social media, unless the website is purely of a social media purpose. Whether some people here like it or not then linking their social media to where they work can have consequences if they tweet about something work related if it’s damaging to the company.

This is usually not a major issue for those on the ground floor of a company but the higher up one is in the hierachy and the more important their role is in the company the more their words may be seen as the company enabling said opinion or behaviour.
Consequently this also is why politicians, CEO’s and the likes are held to such a higher standard in their public pressence.

Maybe not but having a link to your work in the bio of a social media account can give others the impression that your word is okay’d by the company you work for. This is usually not a problem outside of attacking others, be it justified or not, or voicing overly controversial statements (if a person comes off as overly racist in their public tweets or facebook posts then they likely won’t get hired by certain companies in their field if they apply there as an example).

Then it depends on the way and tone with which it’s called out. Lumping everyone who comes with criticism under one banner isn’t a great approach, though in regards to the tweet this topic is about then i can’t remember the full details despite having seen it. Death threats are always inexcusable though and, even if it may not be followed up on, should be reported to the police. Granted, a part of the WoW community is not exactly putting forth a good example of proper online behaviour to say the least.

That being said then there are some who come with actual valid criticism and the tweet in question did lump those in with others who simply called for them being fired.

Of course it’s alright but we’re both agreeing on that it can have consequences. My main point to take away from it, though i may not have phrased it properly in the first post, is to think twice before posting and then post if the potential consequences is something a person can live with.
I’ll never be advocating for censoring either and as you also put it then it’s up to the company to handle it in the end. My main point is more that a person can be seen as a not entirely private person if they’ve linked their social media to their company in any way and this may be an idea for some to take into account when posting something.

It’s not uncommon for companies to dismiss or reprimand employees for tweets or facebook posts that are against company values or may damage the company by association.
On the flipside then it’s also worth remembering that a person can’t get away with all kinds of behaviour towards company emplyees just because they’re disgruntled with a company’s product. There’s consequences on both sides if acting out of line.

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You mean the details of someone that went through to his Linkedin to harass him and spam him with job offers and to spam workplaces about how he needs to be removed?

Weird you didn’t go after the player that in effect did the same, and you posted their details and name here too? Curious.