Blizzard do not care about new players anymore

I think it would be fair to get the debuff if you get kicked twice in a 1h period.


Well option 3 sounds perfect.

Agree, there is not that big chance of meething another toxic group in another dungeon.

I have a level 30 tank and a 30 healer, OP. I’ll queue some dungeons with you, if you like? With all three of us there’ll be no kicking.

Not a solution, but at least you can get back into the swing of things without having to worry.

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Personally, I’ve never seen anyone immediately kicking someone for mentioning the fact that they’re new to this game or stuff like that. On the contrary, i’ve seen people helping out new players by instructing them or helping them with their higher lvl character. I do admit toxicity exists and some people are just toxic and it’s frustrating to deal with them. But there’s nothing you can do about that.

Some people are just not properly educated. Some people just had a bad day. And some people are just not good people. Since there is nothing that can be done about it in game, that won’t consequently result in a bigger problem to show up in its place, all they can do is to keep their new player experience to themselves and not announce it.

Not to mention that Blizzard made me buy everything again…

I recently moved from America to Europe, and I needed to buy everything again because the game clients are different…

So all my old chars cannot be transferred, all my mounts, pets, etc, I needed to start everything from scratch, and as a bonus, being penalized for nothing :slight_smile:

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The problem is not in that 1 toxic person who votes to kick, but with rest of group mindlessly clicking yes with no thinking what are they doing.

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Or op you can play on terrokar realm with my guild on my paladin Halicos whisper him we are the most fun and casual guild and we have our sweet and wonderful British lady GM that we call our mom well in game of course as she acts like we are her children We do content together nobody is excluded join us :star_struck:.


I have a level 30 tank and a 30 healer, OP. I’ll queue some dungeons with you, if >you like? With all three of us there’ll be no kicking.

Not a solution, but at least you can get back into the swing of things without >having to worry.

Nah, it’s fine :slight_smile: I have a healer and a tank char too, and was never kicked with them… I only got kicked with this specific char, most likely because DPSes are easily replaceable :stuck_out_tongue:

And I refuse to give one single penny to Blizzard again, until the stop screwing up new players experience… My money do not grow on trees to spend it with bad services.


When i was young and sometimes couldn’t keep up with subscription (no work, no money) i didn’t miss game itself, i missed all my friends that i have left for some time. Now if your sub will end, people will cry how much dailies they lost, and how much new items they could get. That’s so sad!

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It’s a shame that someone’s spoilt the game for you in this way. You obviously enjoy WoW and what it has to offer in way of dungeons etc.

Blizzard really aren’t going out of their way to spoil new player experience and although a lot of faults can be laid at their door right now I don’t think this is one of them.

Good luck in your future gaming adventures and I hope we will see you back in WoW soon :slight_smile:


Thanks, I’ll just have to think about 10 times before ever logging in Azeroth again… By far this week with WoW has been my worst gaming experience in the past 30 years.

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You are just sensitive af, so they kicked you from group, what a disaster! Must go and qq on forums! Rofl, this behaviour is just far too much… Get a life, feel real pain and then maybe play some wow when you are ready

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He’s not even complaining about being kicked it’s the 30 minute debuff he’s bothered about.

There is no need to be rude but thank you for showing the toxic side of the community that cements where the actual issue lies…


I wanted to say the same thing my lady but I didn’t want to get suspended again cause of the way I would say it.

Dont cry please, this community is all about crying

You are being really rude.

He’s not even complaining about being kicked it’s the 30 minute debuff he’s >bothered about.

There is no need to be rude but thank you for showing the toxic side of the >community that cements where the actual issue lies…

One more reason :slight_smile:


That’s kids for you, no respect nowadays!

Now gerrof my lawn! :rage:

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My suggestions.

use general/trade to find a tank willing to run you through some dungeons, so you don’t have to say hi i’m new…seems silly but would solve a problem.

Join a community that does that kind of thing.

Join a guild that can help with it, social and fun oriented one.

edit: hit me up in game i’ll even do it when i’m free as most stuff can be done cross server these days.