Blizzard do you realize you're allowing level 120s into low level bg's?

Surely this can’t be working as intended? The party sync feature allows level 120 players to enter low lvl bg’s and dominate everything. Yes that includes dk’s in the 11-19 bracket. At level 111 I ended up in a bg against a premade of 120s and we had a great time being gy camped. Now every bg I join has at least a couple 120s. Plz explain the logic to me of banning twinking but allowing this insanity.


《Working as intended》
Blizzard :rofl:


Well I’m currently in the queue for 60-69 bracket If you can’t beat em join em I guess.

:scream: no really?? No way!

Haha!! For real? :rofl:
So how does that work?
You only get to use the abilitys that your class have at the bracket you queue for?
What about DKs and DHs?

Cool new systems bro. :laughing: :rofl:

Seems like you have awfully lot of trouble connected to PVP as it’s not your first post, likely not the last, however most likely trolling


Have you actually been in a lowlevel BG since Party Synk became a thing?

And we all have trouble connected to PvP… Everything about it has been horrible in BFA


Seems he has an awefull lot of trouble with EVERYTHING think he makes 3 topics a day asking if stuff is working as intended

The forum is supposed to be a source of information and discussion which is why I keep an alt tab of it open at all times during gameplay to inquire on various issues as they arise.


I saw on the US forum that they are talking about the same. 120 DH’s queueing into 10-19 BG’s and not being scaled down properly, wrecking havoc (huehue) and singlehandedly owning the enemy team, because nighter mobility or spells are scaled down.

They call this 120’s joining lowlevel BG’s for TWANKING :rofl:


Sounds like some tweaking is required


Its pretty sad how people abuse every single feature Blizzard gives us.

Let them enjoy it, it will be fixed :slight_smile:


The party Synk is a GREAT addition to the game. It just should be disabled in BG’s and Skirmishes.
I saw this coming though. But yeah as Mystiiqo said, its sad how people abuse the system where they can :confused:


There is also SEARCH button for everyone who is seeking any information on forums.

According to the US forums the new word for this is “twanking”.

As I said :wink:

I actually ended up laughing.

Good morning laugh.


I was not expecting that. I thought the party sync would only work out in the world and inside dungeons, not in Battlegrounds. Dang.

Nobody could’ve seen this coming…

Honestly, I didn’t even think about this, but then again I didn’t think that lowering people’s levels was a good idea in WoW anyway.