Blizzard do you realize you're allowing level 120s into low level bg's?

You`d better get used to modern blizzard. EVERYTHING they do is done through an Azz.

It`s not even funny anymore, after Argus with every step they just kept failing.

Parent`s left the company in the hand of amateur second graders.

Blizzard RIP 2018
Press F


Yikes… what an oversight

Sometimes it feels like they just don’t think things through enough.


I think it is likely this will be fixed and all the merit gained by being overpowered will be removed. Is that like exploiting a bug?

Party sync overall isn’t even a problem. Did a few bgs while levelling with a friend, she got scaled down and lost enough abilities. In the 10-19 bracket she even had less hp than me.

I’ve seen a few dk’s and dh’s on the other side in the 10-29 brackets, they weren’t overpowered, they were actually not that hard to kill. As a matter of fact, the f2p twinks are the real problem still and not those who get scaled down, lose all their enchants, neck and abilities.

As usual, people making mountains out of mole hills on the forums.


It’s a feature, not the players fault if blizzard cannot think 2 steps ahead.

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I don’t understand why is this a problem if 120 level is scaled down properly so he is not even close to be op there. (okay, epic items vs looms or greens give advantage, but not that much i suppose?) BGs are not about 1 v 1 so even with 1k more health at level 29 he will be burned in seconds.


Only sometimes ?


as long as they are tweaked so max lvl people dont destroy people that easily or are too op with too many mobility skills at lower lvls like the dh it should be fine. More people doing lower bgs atleast means not having queues that last 40 minutes

Trying to stay somewhat positive these days :wink:

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Is actually really difficult because people ruin the mood and I can’t ignore some things cause I know it’s true but I at least try to stay positive in these negative attitude days :pensive:.

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Just another 99 lvl battleground. Every 60 second you can oneshot someone. Patch 8.2.5
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The most hilarious c0ckup by Blizzard in a long time :laughing:


Please watch the two vids that was posted here :stuck_out_tongue::scream::face_with_head_bandage:


Just watched those 2 videos and that’s indeed very bad. This is not what I experienced, at all. Bug or exploit perhabs? The hunter one even feels worse than twinks, and they were already almost 1 shotting you as MM.

Ah now I know why party sync isn’t working atm… prob turned off to get this fixed.

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Not a bug or exploit. Talents: - Careful Aim (Aimed Shot deals 50% bonus damage to targets who are above 80% health or below 20%) - Hunter’s Mark ( increasing all damage you deal to the marked target by 5%) - Double Tap (Your next Aimed Shot will fire a second time instantly at 100% power without consuming focus) +Saltwater potion ( increased dmg by 30%, usable only in battlegrounds)


I haven’t party synced, but isn’t it the case when you’re dropped in level your stats are substantially worse than someone who is that level? At least that is what I read.

I did a low level bg earlier and still had my lvl 110 talent.

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Heh. Honestly I’d be tempted to reinstall Retail just for this!