Blizzard do you realize you're allowing level 120s into low level bg's?

Im literally laughing my butt off right now. This is absolutey hilarious. Please say all these high levels also happen to have access to all their talents and traits so i can rofl even more. God this is priceless.

I sincerely doubt bizzard scaled Mythic raiding gear. Or high end gear of the respective level

I nearly spilled my drink during the Hunter clip


No, they don’t. Most classes will lose spells, azerite traits, enchants etc are disabled.

Thats something i guess. But well, judging from the Hunter clip they scaled it utterly wrong

To be fair, MM is pretty broken in lower brackets regardless. But they need to start scaling skills alot better nonetheless. Warriors are broken too for example. Low level pvp is quite a mess.

Im actually tempted to try this. Just as a rogue ofc. Its probably the same horror. Hmm, sub may even be viable.

Now that I think of it, since you’re scaled down to level 60, you will have all the spells below that. Which, and I didn’t really think of that, sounds kinda broken. You have all your stuns etc, which I wouldn’t have at lvl 10-29 brackets.

And now imagine shadow dance regarding stuns

Look at the dh in the video. He has all his baseline stuff, which is, ähm, all haha

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Like I said, most classes. Dh’s and DK’s work differently since they get their spells at different levels. Looks like Blizzard has some work to do and I have been proven wrong regarding some aspects of this whole thing.

The one’s that I fought yesterday in the 10-29 brackets were not that OP though, as seen in that video. At least, as far as I could see.

Though the hunter is normal, I leveled one myself through bgs mostly. The moment they get double tap is the moment they start to one shot people.

Edit: Normal in the regard synced or not, they are op nevertheless ^^

I still feel tempted to find someone for a level 19 bracket. Also kinda hard to find one.

Actually most classes should be weaker. I know this happens for DK’s for an example, but clearly not that DH there :stuck_out_tongue:

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As someone who just started a Hunter, I am not at ALL saving this build for later :innocent:

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BGs were always unbalanced! whats the problem???

No problem :smile:

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I am actually surprised to see such little negativity on this thread. Months ago people would rage at these changes and blame Blizzard for not thinking of concequences and just throwing things like this out without testing or second thoughts. Almost like politicians.

But i guess the angry mob went to vanilla. Hehe.


You’d think they had a team to test these sort of things.

But it’s a PvP issue. Nothing to see here.

It seems so, just reading the classic forum is enough to put me over 10 times my daily recommended salt intake.


Well, in principle there shouldn’t be any issue with 120s in BGs.

The point is the system is early in its design. Essences are disabled, certain spells are locked-- but clearly in the case of certain classes - ahem demon hunters - and spells there is a lot of balancing to do.

The idea is to scale players down in power to an equivalent level 60 or whatever. There’s nothing insane about it.