BLizzard downscaling playerbase

The game is good didnt see any bugs like wow tbh, also the story was pretty neat, the balancing druid is strong, rogue also.

A season will last 3 months if you payed attention you should already know this, also the monetization is all cosmetics nothing with player power. Wow just need something to do outside the holy trinity(pvp,m+,raiding) it seems blizzard cant figure this out. So ye. Wanna bet if they come up with player housing that alot of players will come back.

World of Warcraft is practically devoid of problems except those we or our allies create at this point. It’s actually crazy how devoid of danger, scale, and awe this game is.

When I play Diablo 4 I blurt out something I can’t write, but it’s roughly equivalent to the expression 0.o, every 10 minutes. Everything looks ridiculously powerful compared to WoW. Never mind the violence - that’s not what’s going on here, or at least not only.

Warcraft can look awesome the same way D4 does. And it used to. Play Warcraft 3 and you’ll know what I mean.

I for one am pleased that Diablo 4 feels like a Blizzard game. Yes, it’s expensive. Blizzard games were. But it’s not pay to win and it’s polished beyond all reason.

If Blizzard wants to survive another decade, it’s the people over at the Diablo team that needs to have far more influence.

If they had come out with this before they destroyed their reputations this thing would’ve sold 10 million copies day one :joy:

They did exactly that. Then they released Overwatch 2, and the most significant changes besides the removal of the second tank was to remove all feeling of progression besides the battlepass, and to monetise every hero skin.

I didn’t, because I don’t care. D4 has lost my interest with how “WoW” it feels and how heavily it is going to be monetised for a full price game. IIRC one of the first games to establish the 70 € price point on PC.
And they can say a lot of things. With how greedy Blizzard has become, and how every new release tries to push monetisation models further along, my first assumption is that they’re either lying or not telling the entire truth.

The funny thing is…
Anything Disney makes are aimed - wait for it - for children.
And WoW is a game aimed for 12+ children/young adult
The fact, adults play WoW is an added extra, but not the focus group
So the cheerful disposition, important messages to belive yourself, firends and friendship, equality and any other (seriously, the togerher we are strong and find your inner strength scene in the end of Mandalorian to survive the firestrom was the prime example of this) such things are… made to teach children about those things
Similar in games
You are an adult and playing WoW good for you, but keep in mind, the content never ment to be mature and you never was the target of those content


Isn’t helping that wow for multiple expacs had less to none Disney elements unlike DF who showers u with this.

I’d argue that majority of wow playerbase is actually late teen-adults, Blizzard catering to a audience that hardly exists kinda shows their poor decision making.

When bliz implemented their faminism and lgbtq they already stopped targeting majority of the audience

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well it’s not going to change just because you hate it Brunhildar … as disney would put it … Let it go :musical_note:

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I miss old Disney when they actually made good movies

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Thats a quote from Tom Baker as Dr Who. I believe it was in his first story

Retail WoW is currently not for the majority of players.
While Classic World of Warcraft continues to entertain old WoW players.
Dibalo 4, on the other hand, appears to be a passable game. However, it appears that once the game is out, we shall find out through User MetaCritic Score.

That’s probably the biggest illusion you ever expressed.

All those people were kids during the time of Warcraft 1, 2 and 3. They became adults when they played World of Warcraft. Basically all of WoWs “original target group” were teenagers for the most part. And the game from back then reflected that.

Todays WoW is like a Disney Hybrid where bad things only happen when absolute necessary. And even then they are only told and shown in de-escalated formats.

When was the last time you have seen a room full of butchered corpses in WoW in recent DLC releases. And don’t count Maldraxxus here from Shadowlands. That doesn’t count because everything walking there is basically a butchered and stitched together Corpse but in funny Disney graphics.

Also, don’t forget all the removed stuff like naughty flirt lines, naughty woman images and models being exchanged, etc.





I know it is hard, but just accept it, you are playing a game aimed for kids as an adult
(It is like expecting deep and grim and dark adult stuff as a Bronie from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
Fundamentally it is not different than ERPers expecting ERP to be accepted or install brothels becasue the old WoW table top RPG promoted the fact prostitution, the sex trade, and slavery are common business practices among goblins and the streets along Ratchet’s wharf teem with “houses” for those with earthier tastes… :roll_eyes:
You simply don’t
It is a game aimed to kids
… it would be a 16 or even 21+ game because as you said: All those people were kids during the time of Warcraft 1, 2 and 3. They became adults when they played World of Warcraft
But this is not the case
You choose to play a kid’s game, and thats okay
Look, there is nothing bad in it, per see, I myself is older than I’m willing to admit, yet a firm beliver of George Bernard Shaw’s words

“We don’t stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing”

Just don’t expect to be anything else that is


I’m replaying wc3 right now

What is criteria for a “feeling like a blizzard game”?

No, devoid. “Entirely lacking”.

Nice. :slight_smile:

It’s hard to nail down in words, but you know it when you see it.

There are a few things though:

  1. Exaggerated features on the models
  2. Things look ridiculously over-the-top cool. “Badass”
  3. It’s probably high fantasy or high sci-fi
  4. It’s extremely polished at release, and further polish comes along
  5. It runs well on low-end hardware (Diablo 4 runs well on Steam Deck!!)
  6. Online play is often central to it
  7. It’s expensive, yet you still get your money’s worth

The rest of it? Can’t nail it down in text. But I know it when I see it. Only Blizzard knows how to make Blizzard games. I don’t even need to see the credits to know it.

Of course, my whole point above is that Blizzard hasn’t lived up to their name for… quite a while to put it mildly. But this time? They did. And it makes me so happy.

Every instance of this kind of moments in wow is done in “funny disney graphics” way, there is no even a single moment when wow made it too graphical, basically maldraxxus is as graphical as wow can get when it comes to body horror and corpses.

DF surely chilled out with genocides in every possible quest but there are still high amount of genocides per quest

we know why it happened

I will never accept it and I will always speak up against it, no matter what people tell me or what lame and lazy excuse a Blizzard worker throws at me.

I simply don’t care.

Thats okay, you can totally do that
Just don’t forget: reality doesn’t care about opinions

I’m sure that you imagine yourself very witty and funny but no, we still have Void as major enemy

D4 is probably the most grounded blizzard game in terms of visuals

No it’s not, in terms of balance of classes certailny not

Depends on the player and what he wants from it, you sure can’t judge what exactly worth game the complete edition of which costs 100$

I think It was used in a modern story too felt like an appropriate one to use. Havent watched robot myself

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Oh, I thought you were correcting my grammar. xD

Idk, WoW’s void isn’t anywhere near as scary as it used to be.

Diablo 4? Grounded?

What in the … !

I don’t know where you’re living but if you think that looks realistic I strongly suggest you move somewhere else as quickly as possible.

The barb build got nerfed. And who cares this early on anyway, we’re all just levelling.

The game runs smoothly, plays well, all the quests work as they should, all my abilities work fine, looks great, the cinematics are all done in high quality. Like… idk, what’s unpolished about it exactly?

Blizzard games in 2002 cost like 450DKK, which was 60 EUR. That’s €90 now, which is basically the price of Diablo 4’s pre-release. It’s EXACTLY like it used to be, so go ahead and cry me a river.