i thoroughly support this !! …
and the amazing videos to support it
with a 2 sec cast time just like worgen racial i see no issue with this
yes sure why not? its racial like worgen…wolf…dragon…
Totally support that, more diversity and more options to have fun, it’s a game we suppose to have fun and fantasized
I could understand the outcry if they give it away for free but if they price the spell the same as buying flying/advanced flying then I can see no reason not to put this into the game.
Yes. I appreciate the comedic value of a dragon flying an a dragon though.
I would totally be fine with this as long as you bought the flying kill appropriately, this should definitely be a thing, but we all know Blizz wont listen to us.
I would love this tbh. There are races and classes that have gotten free or much cheaper mounts and/or flying over the years so I don’t see any reason why having permanent Soar after unlocking flying shouldn’t and couldn’t be a thing. I’m already using Soar as often as I can because it is much more fun than jumping on a flying mount and holding W (or hitting autorun) until I reach my destination.
Lets riot until they give in. Im gonna start knocking over pencil stands on every desk from now on.
I’d be up for it if they can’t cast while flying.
yes it just like a mount, just more a cosmetic thing than anything else xD
I’m not sure Blizzard will change their minds but there is certainly no harm in trying!
but they said that they are more open to change those days
You never know!!! They may have a change of heart!
Its not in the Game because it completly makes Soaring pointless, atleast that would be my explanation as a developer.
Soaring is super fun and makes up for it. BUT: It needs a drastically lower cooldown.
They already nerfed soaring from how it worked originally in testing.
You feel it’s still too strong?
Its not strong, its just so much fun to use. It could be faster though again.