@blizzard fix the whispering bug allready

Good evening Blizzard,

Can you for the love of the cosmos… please fix the whispering bug already? Getting a bit tired of it.

Kind regards,

A permanent Era customer.

What bug is that?

The one where you try to whisper to someone from another realm. And then you get the error: This person does not exist.

Sometimes it just works. And sometimes you get the error. Very annoying. I have reported it many times now. Many people did. But blizzard ain’t doing anything about it.

Last time I got that error I forgot to add the realm and even then I spelt it wrong when I did.

no you click reply just like normal, when someone is whispering you and then you get the bug.

Doesn’t that miss off the realm?

I didn’t think you could whisper people on other realms unless they are connected.

No in Era the PVP, everything is clustered.

This also counts for the PVE realms.

Era has crossrealms. If you enter a dungeon or raid, you cannot whisper to other players in different realms from the same cluster who are somewhere else in the world. Since It’s an Era issue, Aggrend hasn’t bothered to fix it