Blizzard FIX this evade problem please

I find difficult to be calm when the mobs evade for no reason… Im trying to level up and i lose unnecessary mana. Wasting time , and feeling kinda annoying xD
I captured a clip with that prblem and it happens so much lately.
Here is a clip from that exact problem


You do know you can edit your post?

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I don’t see the issue, its classic so ofc there is small technical difficulties, all i saw was that he evaded for 1 millisecound on pull

I think the issue is the Evade resets the health so you waste mana. Then again they are using shadowbolt and the succubus, neither of which I use on my lock.

Get just a bit closer before attacking. Max range was always “unsafe” especially with yetis / in caves. Old, known bug = Works as intended :wink:


It’s vanilla: deal with it.
No crying allowed about vanilla. It is what it is, adapt to it or don’t play it.
If you want to whine until you obtain a patch, you have TBCC and Retail for that.

I mean its not the millisecond that’s anoying , and yes its tbcc but that doesnt mean that the problem the had in 2006 cant be fixed now

It is not a problem, it is the game’s mechanics. Good day to you.

So u are saying that this is intentional ? I didnt know good day to u too <3

Team Tea Time!!! 🫖

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I’ve never had this happen :confused:

i agree ww

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