Blizzard forget rogues

why? Otherwise just throw the class in he bin.

why? enlighten me.

Please explain to me what is so OP about our toolkit in Shadowlands that doesn’t get outmatched by other classes?

No I did not. BFA was a trash expansion that I am happy that I avoided. What was in the past was in the past, says nothing about the state of the game today.

Then how can you have so much opinions about rogue PvP?

Fair, I guess you are talking about BFA then. Shadowlands is very different.

The question is why you think you should do more dps from other dps specs because you dont have a tank spec, that mindset belongs to classic with their talent trees, for many years not there are no tree’s in wow just diff talents for each spec.

I trust you can find 3v3 ladders on your own? Top ranking is arogue and many more below him

BFA was great, the past is that your class dominated then and it should not dominate now as well because the game sadly has 24 dps specs which means more need to be starring like you did for the last 6 years from legion to BFA.

Im reading alot what people say in the forums plus i can look at the ladders, you can do it yourself you know…

Sadly its not, its the same 1 melee class dominating again and thats why im replying to you. Its not because i hate you or your class or whatever

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Rouges are bottom of the barrel class atm.
Quite few other classes just do what they do and more, more damage, utility and survivability.

Yes you already showed this. It doesn’t explain anything. Stop posting links and pretend to know of what you are talking about.

I don’t even know what message you want to convey with the second part here. If rogue dps is not competitive as a pure melee dps class then what is the point of even having rogues in the game? that is the argument. If a class is limited to 1 role, it should be good at it.

Right, so WoW should be a bit like Kindergarten where the kids get to take turns on who gets to go down the slide.

Okay… then please understand that when you see that 9/100 players in 3v3 are rogues, it only shows that rogues are in a healthy position in PvP, not OP. There are 12 classes in the game, which means that a healthy representation in PvP would show that there are 8.3 of each class out of a 100 players.


Rogue is bad in pvp too. Only reason it is “viable” on ladder is because they get carried by mages.


So it does not explain anything that only rogues are starring in the first page along druuds and mages?

I mean if you choose to be like it, i will tell you exactly the same about what you posted about DPS rankings in CN. It means nothing.

Not going to bother to read the next of your reply, sorry but if you cant understand basics we cant talk.

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Come with your main then we ll talk. No point talking people with alts / smurfs. If you are a rogue come with your main. Otherwise your ideas and statements are invalid.

If i log with my main and start posting people think im hiding, now the exactly opposite.
But hey, if you go on RIO website it will tell you whos alt this munk is

So game balance, looking at RIO reports and pvp ladders is only something rogues must talk about…
Mate you even serious? :rofl:

That’s the same rogue who had posts how he will sue blizzard about how crap the game is but he is still here :rofl:

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You could have said that sooner mate, before i bother to politely reply :rofl:

Yeah i m serious go back to your Monk forums then. Thanks bye.

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Which Rogue sue blizz?

You dont seem serious enough, in general im afraid xD.

This is the forums, it does not exclude all classes except rogues im afraid :blush:

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His main is Rondawhite-TarrenMill, shadowpriest


Thank you for info Crow. But it matters not. We are done already.

Here is the real mythic+ representation, look at that instead if you want some real statistics that actually reflects reality and not just the best players in the world.

raider .io/mythic-plus-rankings/season-sl-1/all/world/leaderboards-strict

You can continue by clicking 20 and up then 15 and up and so on.

20 and up, rogues are 4th.

15 and up, rogues are 4th and pretty much shares this position with DKs and monks. Locks and even SP are at a similar level of representation.

Also note how only 1 rogue specc is really represented.

I haven’t linked anything about the DPS ranking. I made a comment about the latest DPS representation in CN and I specifically said “I know these are mythic raiding group comp. representations, rather than actual dps… but the 0 utility paired with underwhelming DPS is starting to become very noticeable.” … so no, not the same. Don’t put words in my mouth.

Look at you though xD seems like you ran out of your crappy arguments at last, hope you learned something.

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You know this is pugs statistics right? I mean you are beyond delusional if you dont understand this counts all M+ runs, even +2 :rofl:
Now if this is your way to “win an argument” and keep whining for buffs, i get it xD

Well if you talk about representation, take a look here:

I think your class is very well represented.

My arguments are solid and not based on +2 runs like yours.

I know you feel entitled to cry because you play the most spoiled class ingame along with mages but that doesnt mean you wont get answers <3

I specifically asked you to check 20 and up and 15 and up.

Its only me that sees rogues shining?
Yeah retries goes well but dont forget what i said, your class is a must have for 5 years now in M+, retries where an insta decline so far and they still are in the pugs i join.

So whats your point?

My point is that you can stop whining about rogues being OP and get real. Rogues are not over represented nor OP and at the moment only one specc is viable for high end PVE. That is why people are complaining.

M+ hasnt even existed for 5 years, which shows that you dont even know what you are talking about.

Only shows the scoreboard for rogues… where you can see only outlaw is viable. Are you dumb or something? This is the top performance scoreboard among all classes:

warcraftlogs. com/zone/rankings/26#boss=2407

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