Blizzard forget rogues

Since a few people addressed the sub burst:
Currently unholy dk, firemage, boomkin, shadowpriest, retri and mm hunters
are bursting higher than a “pure burst” spec.
Fun Fact: a Dot Spec even has a higher burst than the burst spec.
For encounters like Sun king, where burst dps is in need, there is not really the need to grab a rogue with you, since all of the other listed specs provide BETTER burst AND additional raid utility.
This alone makes it really hard for me to understand some peoples points on “rogues beeing to strong”.
A DPS only class, with very low raid utility (And the only thing here to count in is cloak for certain mechanics) should do better than having the best dmg spec on rank 12, which is more of a fury warrior than a “rogue”, with its button spamming.
I definitely think rogue needs some buff, not much, but a little bit of love would be nice, either more dmg or something useful for the raid.


aye aye, all true

A fury warrior with a gun and some unbearable RNG.

I agree, something need to be done right now.

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