Blizzard has hired you to add something to the game, whatever you want! What do you add?

So again , youre typing nonsense while i said something that actually would help 99.9% of the new players majority have a clue about pvping in this game.

Every single PVP competitive game has a tutorial that teaches you the basics and what to do before you actually face real players.

WoW is an exception to that , a new player gets in, and he faces thousands of info addons , vets, and god knows how fried his brain gets to actually understand anything.

Only a small fraction of new players actually have the patience to see pass the frustration and push until they learn, and that takes a very long time because there is not a guide line to know where to start.

So again…while i project a creative, positive and a VERY big idea that is totally mandatory and helpful to the OP’s forum post about new players in pvp, you chose to project negativity, a pointless comment about AI… And pve , and your “smart” attitude which obv makes you seem clueless and dumb to my eyes.
Enjoy your evening and please go outside and share some positivity. It will do you good i promise.
And next time read and type something for the sake of constructive feedback, not to show us your brain which is equal to your gnome’s height.

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I’d walk into the office on my first day, reduce the weapon size for female blood elves by about 20%, turn in my 2 weeks notice and then spend 9 days playing solitaire at my desk.

And did I argue that? No.
Did I say that WoW doesn’t need that? No.

I only stated a fact.
That what you’re suggesting isn’t PvP, but PvE.

I didn’t pass any further judgement. Made no disparaging remarks. I just stated that fact.
And here you are acting all offended for no reason whatsoever and also breaking the forum rules by becoming insulting.

You are overthinking my post WAY too much. :person_shrugging:

I also made a post and contributed. :grin:
I’ll quote from it, so you can check it out if you want.

Purple Battle Pets (no power upgrade, just cosmetic) :smiley:
Design a few pets I had in mind (like Discworld Death of Rats / Bagage…etc)

Problem is that the “fact” you stated makes no sense, cause What im suggesting IS NOT PVE, nor it WILL GIVE ANYTHING TO PVE. Im actually suggestin a PVP MODE that TUTORS you for PVP.

Out of all the things ive said i hvnt seen you comment on em and how you agree on them nor a like from you, ( so by your actions you’re already fake and a lier.) But here you were pretending the smart@ss pointing out something that doesnt say anythin, and now im offended? Lets end this convo here m8.
Good evening

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An automated script doesn’t double post their news on the forums :dracthyr_nod:

Factually wrong. That is what I was pointing out.
You’re using a PvE system to train for PvP.
Which is fine. Nothing wrong with that. But to claim it’s PvP is just factually wrong.

That’s because I’m not a PvP person. I don’t care what happens to and with PvP as long as it doesn’t affect me as a PvE player. So, I let your idea be.

More insults for no reason.
You are jumping to conclusions without having all the facts.

I’m not acting smart; I was correcting a mistake you made. And apparently you can’t deal with that very well; judging by how you react to it.

So yes, let’s end this conversation.

Firstly I’d remove gnomes.
Secondly, I’ll bring gear reforging back !

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Regional Black Market with things you can’t acquire anymore. But it will use entire gold over account so things will go over gold cap.

I would possibly change pvp gear too. Instead of full versatility, I would add more balanced stats and new pvp trinkets. Maybe allowing reforging stats or adding predetermined pvp gears so that players be able to play with different playstyles.

Personal houses.


Add it as a separate role and 6 player parties and sure

you read my mind

OG Metamorphosis.
And add different coloured verisons and perhaps a HD verison of it.

Reforging would be cool

A sensible, useful and well-designed Druid class tree. Ahhhh, a cat can dream :tiger2:

Visually impactful hero talent trees for all classes, not just for select specs.

Mute all sounds until the queue pops and even make the sound of when the queue is ready a bit louder.

Tired of missing the queues when I tab out or have to go afk for a minute.

Everytime someone gets sharded at an inopportune time, a song with the following lyrics should play in-game, regardless of your volume settings:

In and Out of Shard

See the world, it’s lush and bright
Azeroth’s our playground day and night
But then a glitch, a twist of fate
Sharded out, left to speculate.

In and out of shard, oh, what a mess
One moment here, then in the wilderness
In and out of shard, I just can’t stay
Lost my rare, my quest in disarray.

I was with my friends on an island
Then a layer shift, I guess no Taivan
Chasing treasures, we had them in our sights
But now they’re gone, phased into the nights.

In and out of shard, oh, what a mess
One moment here, then in the wilderness
In and out of shard, I just can’t stay
Lost my rare, my quest in disarray.

Tried to trade a pet but it’s in vain
Layered out again, this is insane
Gathering herbs, then they disappear
Phased into another world… again, I fear.


Phased out of soups, and grand hunts
Left in the dust, it’s been so many months
The immersion’s lost, the magic’s thin
When shards pull you out, where to begin?

In and out of shard, oh, what a mess
One moment here, then in the wilderness
In and out of shard, I just can’t stay
Lost my rare, my quest in disarray.

In and out of shard, will this ever end?
Just want to play with all of my friends, my friends, my friends, oh yeah
In and out of shard, I can’t take no more
Fix this mess, Blizz, oh that I implore.

Generated by our on and only ChatGPT :slight_smile:

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'nuff said


oooooh, torn between,

player housing

Tuskarr playable race