Blizzard has hired you to add something to the game, whatever you want! What do you add?

This honestly doesn’t deserve a answer, like seriously…?

Redesign the Forsaken buildings.

I honestly miss when we just used Human Buildings and would have loved to see us just getting some more ruined versions of the Human buildings. The buildings the Forsaken have now are so ugly and literally makes no sense.

At least when we had a proper Inn in Brill, we could do proper RPing there. Now we have this weird… Mausoleum.

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You NEVER know that for sure. Nobody does.
Life happens. Accidents happen. Stuff… Happens.

As long as our brains are not outfitted with a chip that can transmit ‘intention’, you can’t ban people for this sort of thing. :upside_down_face:

Apparently it’s the in thing to go through peoples post history and attack them based on that and not the topic at hand. Has happened to me in the other thread

Depends on what they want:

Ideas for profit:

More races every season, with skins appearances, costumizations appearance etc etc.

What the game needs:

A weekly update on what is going on behind the scenes at Blizzard, updates to what they are focusing on, and what is in store for the near future etc etc.

  • Get rid of key depletion
  • Add a Barber & Mogger mount
  • Allow gloves and boots to be mogged separately, just like shoulders
  • Create a custom 8-player frame for Blitz so it doesn’t look so incomplete with the 10-player frame

None toxic players get bonus loot in raids and mythic + , toxic players do not get anything no loot at all . + all raids and mythic must be finished by all players ,any trouble makers for what ever reason will get a 1 month total ban from wow. now lets see if blizzard have the gonads to implement this.

What are you counting as toxic tho? :thinking:

For that to be even somewhat viable both Blizzard and every player would have to be in agreement to what “toxic” entails.

An impossible task.

Circumstances change all the time for players at any given time. lets say for argument’s sake that you are halfway through an M+ and your electricity goes out., By the time you’ve logged back in again, your group has long finished. Would you feel aggrieved at the loss of loot or would you say “but it wasn’t my fault!”

I referyou to my first answer to your first suggestion. I would be VERY careful what you wish for, or as the saying goes, you might just get it. And it’s usually not in your favour. Those same rules would bind you, ergo someone could easily have you banned for a month for something they didn’t like.

Nothing to do with “gonads” but everything to do with it being impossible to the point of Blizzard banning everyone for a month.

A proper report system for trolls and all sorts of evil doers , one that actually bans them and employees people to handle that .

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Something simple that would do a lot of good: Bad luck protection.

More GM’s in game to actually help and answer problems again.

Dynamic factions.

Based on your background (add this!), race, and class you will have favour certain factions, and you will start out as part of several of them, however through effort you can change your allegiances - or choose allegiances independent of your faction. The factions are far more frequently at war than they are in the current retail game.

Here I don’t mean alliance vs. horde necessarily, though that would be a dimension to it. I would go much, much further. I wanna be able to join Baine’s quest to kill every darn Centaur. I want which side I chose in the black dragonflight questline to matter. I want to be able to join the blue dragon in a fight against the Kirin Tor’s reckless use of magic. I want to be able to build trust (aka reputation) or betray them.

There were echoes of this in vanilla, but it was dropped in favour of making the rewards important power progression. This was a mistake. It was always a mistake. This is now well understood. Time to flip the script and do the exact opposite: Factions give cosmetics and only very little gear, but you can forge your own path.

I don’t want to necessarily win these wars as part of a greater narrative. Not unless the community collectively abandons a certain faction to the point where it can be fun to write it out of the story as being defeated. I just wanna fight other players and NPC’s based on my choices.

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I would go for that in a heartbeat, seeing Baine be an absolute beast in that quest was good…

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And not only do I want to do this in questing, I want to do it in warmode. Someone asked earlier if they can play a Satyr? Yes, but you can’t join the Alliance, and instead you have a hidden capitol in Felwood. But you can join a great deal of different factions as a Satyr. Warlocks can always ally with the Satyr regardless of race, as an example.

But I want to be at war with the Satyr, so if you’re a Satyr and I see your sorry character in the game world? I wanna be able to kill you. xD

Raids and dungeons should be unaffected - friends can be friends regardless, and it would wouldn’t players from making decisions that best represent what they want to be.

I would like races to have a proper starting place again, not just a letter to SW or whatever. I loved the Goblin starting town and story, and the Pandarian one, I know it is to save money, WoW is not the cash cow it once was, but it spoils the immersive nature of the introduction of a new race


Bring back bonus roll coins and reforging.

More gay s***.

And elves.

A slider for weapon size, and if that’s too difficult, then a switch so female Blood Elves can go back to the old size weapons instead of the ridiculously oversized ones they’ve become.


a button that makes horde, horde. not red elves and foxies