Blizzard Has Killed Arena in WOTLK

Blizzard likes to ruin everything in WOTLK.

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Dude it’s not about accepting reality, everyone knows 2v2 is broken it just doesn’t matter because balance has never been a priority in WoW, just let people get something out of playing the game and stop acting as if 3v3 isn’t also broken, like you’re comparing a turd with a turd sandwich, lets not pretend 2v2 is broken and 3v3 is the pinnacle of skill.

The high ratings just don’t matter in the grand scheme, if you’re getting near rank one no matter what you do you will struggle to find teams to play, Blizzard can’t design the game based on the R1 gladiator player’s self interests, don’t be so ridiculous. S5 had Gladiator title from 2v2 anyway, so what are you mad about? You’re mad that one broken bracket gets titles and that takes away from you, who is definitely going to play another broken setup in the 3v3 bracket anyway, but for sure you will sit there and argue your title is valid and others arent, tale as old as time.

All of your posts and opinions are purely in your own self interests, maybe widen your scope a bit. “Integrity” in WoW Arena, jesus christ… “Tegridyyy Arena!!”

Yes , there is such thing called integrity of arena, also while s5 and s6 did indeed give out titles, they were removed in s7 patch, given that game on release will be in same state that is last patch where it was designed around not giving any titles in 2v2, it should not give any titles in s5 and s6 and the rest of WOTLK seasons.

And what exactly is my self intrest here? That i agree with blizzards own idea that titles had a reason to be removed because there was a problem and it was fixed, but now when new clueless devs that can’t make a single good game in past 8 years think its somehow good to remove said fix? Why don’t we give out titles for duels and bgs, why stop there, why don’t we give same loot for normal and heroic raids, why don’t we give same loot for normal and hard mode ulduar, so its okay in those cases but it doesn’t matter in arena because you a snowflake think it doesnt matter, like i said why are you even responding any of these titles or rewards are beyond your grasp you don’t even care about them clearly so your opinion is utterly irrelevant, what you care about , what you don’t care about its completely irrelevant in this matter.
Theres no self intrest here , im only defending the descision that is based in reality and was made by 100 times more capable devs than ones today that are trying to remove the fixes to game problems and thus make game even worse for no reason at all.
And yes 2v2 giving titles out will take away from any achievement or title a 3v3 player gets, same logic is applied to normal and heroic raids where loot is better in heroic raids, what kind of outrage would there be if there was same loot , there are also different titles as well and mounts? why not give same title and mount in PVE as well? I for sure think that all raids are piss easy so its same comparison you made about 2v2 and 3v3, you think they are both similary broken (they are not similar in any capacity at all - you arent aware of this because you are a 1300-1500 rated noob) but for the sake of argument lets say that was true, so on flip side of coin since both normal and heroic raids are almost equallly piss easy lets give same rewards and loot for both there as well using your insanely flawed logic.

Current devs should withhold any ideas of changing anything purely because they are so clueless and out of touch with reality in 95% of cases it will make the game worse, they destroyed every single realm and made them a one sided clown fiesta, intentionally created problems where they sell the solution for real money, look at all the people coming back getting ready for new expansion and being stuck on unplayable realms because of what devs made possible. Random change in season 2 TBC where resists got butchered and now everyone resists more spells than they should. They are out of ignorance and incompetence making every expansion worse than it has to be and aren’t even aware of doing it. Few days ago a blue said that Ashbringer is not a TBC realm but a retail realm so it wasn’t a part of a realm merge, basically 1k rated DOGS that have 0 knowledge about game or their own server list, making random changes that they have no idea how it affects the game, probably too busy molesting women at their workplace to notice what damage they are doing.

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You said “both brackets” yourself :slight_smile:

Even if 2s are easier, lower skill ceiling, so what? You still have to be the best among RM in TBC to get high. Similarly, the best among RMP.

If 3s are more balanced and fun and allow the very best players to win a wider variety of matchups, the very best players will play 3s. If they decide to play 2s, it’s their loss, because there’s no guarantee they’ll make a 0.1%/0.5% cutoff if there are so many players all exactly at the skill ceiling (as you picture it).

Actually, looking at the stats from recent TBC arena seasons, 2v2 has far greater variety of comps and classes in rank 1 range than 3v3.
Right now in NA region 8 out of the top 12 teams in 3v3 are RMP

Yes like i said at least 10 times here, 2v2 in TBC is in fact the superior bracket and 3v3/5v5 should be the ones not giving any titles, this is discussion about WOTLK where old devs were balancing game around 3v3 bracket hence the big difference.

The decision to remove titles from 2v2 was made after TBC back in the day. It was not made based on predicted Wrath data. Seems like the meta has changed significantly since, it is no longer dominated by the same 4 classes (as much).
What makes you think it won’t be the case in WoTLK classic? I’m not a pserver expert by any means but I expect 2v2 to be just as varied as it is right now in TBCC.

Descision to remove 2v2 was made during WOTLK after first 2 seasons, there was no prediction when there was already data from first 2 seasons, same way there is no need to predict anything today, priv servers were out for 10 years and ppl played and min maxed wotlk to its fullest potential and this imbalance issue only got worse over time in 2s and not better, so no theres nothing unexpected that can happen its set in stone and there is data of 10years to prove it.

The point is it’s easier to be “the best” RM than the best RMP, as once you reach the skill ceiling in 2s you just have to follow a flowchart to succeed. It’s no longer about skill it’s about being patient with favourable ques.

Giving rewards in 2s isn’t inherrently problematic, the problem is that you’re giving the same rewards for 2s and 3s. Imagine a normal raider going for world first got the same rewards as a mythic raider? You could easily say “oh they’re the best in normal raiding they should be rewarded” and you’d be right, problem is you’re giving the same rewards for different achievements

You’re right, I was wrong about this. Though that’s a pretty good argument to keep the 2v2 titles at least for the first 2 phases and see how balanced it ends up being. From the few videos I’ve seen made by the warmane community, pretty much every class has at least one S or S+ tier comp in 2v2

Well its not really a good argument , simply because it was an improvement for titles to be removed, also wotlk will be released on last patch (season 8 patch) where titles weren’t available in 2v2 and where the game was specifically balanced around 3v3 bracket when it comes to pvp, i am all down for introducing rewards for 2v2, just giving same rewards is unacceptable.

Seriously i don’t think it would be that hard to just put in different rewards for 2v2, i am sure that would actually help both brackets be alive. There used to be a title “Flawless Victor” that got removed later on, why not put that one back in for 2v2 bracket, maybe some ground mount etc.

remove the paranthesis

U talking about some thing that does not a game master they must do it for 2v2 cause its the base and they have to mark it for 2v2. The reason for joining 3v3 or 5v5 if u play pvp for a lot of time u know that in higher player arena like 3 or 5 the reward and arena point will be dual and much more than 2v2.

As far as I remember the main reason why 2v2 was neutered was due to how insanely imbalanced certain classes/specs were in the early patches, to the point where they could 1v2 weaker classes.
So considering that this time it won’t be the case, it just doesn’t make sense to remove the titles outright.

I’m assuming this is data from the final tier of gear. That would be an argument for removing the titles in the last seasons

Nop there are 2 brackets on warmane, s6 bracket (s5 and s6 geared ppl) and s8 bracket (s7 and s8 geared people), there is data for any gear you would imagine and it doesn’t change a thing. Like i said there is nothing unexplored or unexpected , everything is already set in stone, there is 10 years of data to prove it. And again the patch that all of the phases will be played on is season 8 patch. So gear doesn’t change practically anything when it comes to 2v2 bracket.

I don’t see the harm in not removing the titles from at least the first season. If the ladder is as imbalanced as in the pic from Adøø, I think removal of the titles will be reasonable and more supported by the community.

Yes but it’s not even about imbalance, it’s about how linear the bracket is. If you have a superior matchup you can follow a flowchart and win the game automatically. You don’t outskill your opponent you just follow the script of the matchup, which incentivises que sniping and dodging to climb. Obviously this is a problem that becomes more and more apparent the higher rated you are

I have no problem with 2v2 getting rewards, but having to share the same rewards as a bracket that is demonstrably easier is just sad. I’ve used this analogy many times but it’s essentially like giving mythic titles to normal raids. Just give them the “of the elite” title like they do on retail in addition to a custom r1 title separate from the one we have in 3s

Best thing would be if they added different variants of titles/mounts for each bracket, or even different rewards (I believe level2 weapons were only for 3s5s rating?) for different brackets … but that would require effort on the side of blizz, so its absolutely not happening …

Personally, I like 2s the most … PvP was never balanced in wow, so saying 3s or whatever have better balance, is udder nonsense …

I absolutely hate how they focus with whole arenas only on 3v3, its unbalanced anyway and RMP clown fiesta all year round … they literally allowed any race to play rmp now, if that doesnt shout “we are done balancing PvP” I dont know what is …

I always enjoyed 2s more, it felt like its more about you, and less about “did I stack enough CC and mortal strikes?”, with skill you could have fun even as non-fotm class, in 3s its just meta stacking nonsense …
So I am not exactly unhappy, about 2s getting some love too …

And 5s are absolute rubbish, yeah they are tons of fun, but if there is bracket that shouldnt reward anything, it should be 5s …

I played all through WOTLK and saw every PVP change. Remember at that time we actually had Ghostcrawler justifying PVP balance decisions and made PVP specific changes, even mid way through seasons we’d see major class changes.

The reason Blizz are less active on the forums is cause he got memed on so hard. He’d post random stuff like, “Oh we have to be careful with buffing priests, because mind control is so powerful and lets you use all your opponents cooldowns”, which is behaviour which didn’t even survive through vanilla (and only worked due to a bug and needed special macro’s to do this)

WOTLK started killing PVP because it was when they started adding really, reall dumb stuff like:

  • Permanent “immunities” like ghost wolf ignoring slows.
  • Baking in “immunities” into offensive abilities, like bladestorm. (Beast Within worked similarly and was also a terrible decision choice)
  • Adding in extra “mini trinkets” like when they decided Hand of Freedom should be castable while stunned and would remove stuns.
  • Allowing Classes to forcibly move other players a.k.a Death grip/Typhoon/Thunderstorm

People think CC sucks in PVP. But CC is the main thing that keeps it balanced. Instead of having long, hard casted CC’s, in retail now you have micro-CC built into many abilities, while also adding multiple forms of immunity or CC break to other classes.

It’s been a nuclear arms race where a class gets a new spell/button every expansion to try and fill a gap or weakness they had… which dilutes the entire uniqueness of the class and dumps all over PVP balance.


Long duration, castable CC = good. Short “free” CC (like mace stuns) = bad. Immunities = bad game/balance design.

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