Can’t open new instances ! can’t enter dungeons !!! … New Anniversary surprise ??
you need to upgrade to the premium subscription plan
I can’t enter Zul Farrak instance and get ganked. Every reset is at least 1 additional corpserun. It’s been going on for a few days. You got 20 years better equipment, we’re still paying a monthly sub and this is still happening? It has nothing to do with any game play, it’s a bug and needs fixing asap. Blizzard please react.
Can you do something blizzard?
I mean, will you do something?
Or watch 3 short ads of 2 minutes each whenever you attempt to join a dungeon.
Be sure to take notes in case you are randomly selected to fill out a survey on the advertised goods (failing the survey may result in a temporary suspension).
So… many days later… still the same… horror…
You got 2 warnings before create a char on a PVP server. Dont read it?
I dont remember any warning that said you wont be able to enter instances because we made mega servers and didnt increase the instance limit !
Thank god i’m not on a pvp server…
This happens on Thunderstrike PvE server too.
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