Blizzard just nerfed feral dps by 20%

It’s not hard to do it, it’s extremely easy. But the problem is that you now went back to change one thing for one class, which means you now have to do the same for pretty much everything to fit everyone’s standpoint of when their class were good. Which means you now no longer go by Patch standards, but instead have a mixed combination of the whole burning crusade.

Why i said you haveto revert a big portion of the game is because if you want to go back and change a class to a previous patch then you should go back to that patch as a whole.

Consider this: in original TBC there was never a point in which optimal feral dps rotation was what we have now at launch. When the change was made (and I want to reiterate that the change was a buff for everyone involved except for feral being collaterall demage) we already had T6 in game. T6 2 piece bonus lowers energy cost of mangle by 5 allowing for faster rotation of mangle + shred with 1 energy tick inbetween.
So saying that ferals get what we had in 2.4.3 is a bit disingenuous.

Rotation wasnt either the exactly same. Now as for the change they did im not exactly sure of as its so long ago. Not saying you are, but if you are comparing anything to Pservers then you are out of touch.

Also Feral wasn’t exactly polished in wrath either as they still were experimenting with the spec. And even with the change, unless tested two to two you can’t really say if it have had such a huge impact as you actually think you it does.

If you have any Patch posts or comments on wowhead dating back to when the change was done to prove more information it would be easier to go off it. I’d check right now but i’m leaving work and won’t be back for over an hour.

Remember when everyone was debating slippery-slope fallacy when we were talking about boosts?
Pepperidge farm remembers

Remember when you don’t get to revert a nerf just because it doesn’t suit you.
Pepperidge farm remembers.

Please keep this post relevant, fellow druids.
I played last night, after having looked forward to this prepatch and to TBC in general, it’s just not good… clunky, energy wasting, slow and my damage is just heart breaking by comparison, with 1 trinket from full classic best in slot… I am just gutted, as I am sure you all are.
Please make this right.

Good thing we don’t do that, then?

So they are afraid of argument: “If You did it for druid then why not for other classes?”

Cat dps being boring and garbage is working correctly for TBC. If anyone ever told you otherwise they lied to you.

And this folks is what it looks like when you don’t read, or know what the problem is, you just want to post something.

Quick update for everyone who did not read what was mainly said. The problem we are addressing here is that this energy change could have been made at the time with out trying to hurt Feral dps Druids, but sort other problems for other classes.

If Blizzard thinks that that this was not the case and keeps our powershifting the way it is now I wont say a word about it further as there is no point. But because of this we are asking Blizzard to have a look and address the problem with a reply at least so we know where we stand.

And no, the dmg wont be 20%, its mainly a gameplay change that will yes increase our dmg, but it wont make a massive difference outside of how fun the spec is to play. Thats it boys, relax. Especially Richdude who was the top dog during TBC but clearly lacks the courage to ever post on his main character, I wonder why.


Bump for an essential fix to emulate the tbc experience

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Bump, would still like this to be resolved one way or another.


Indeed, please at least address the topic in the meantime, too!

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It got addressed back in 2007, as possibly intentionally or unintentionally overlooked. Since it never got change we can presume it was intentional.

Haha, yeah, only someone whos main got rekt by a Feral could be this invested in this topic :slight_smile:

Its a skill thing, Rich. Double ice block would not have helped you at your lvl. It will just make the good frost mages even more broken.

Atleast I’m honest, unlike you when you are claiming it was unintentional.

If you want it changed, be honest and bring some good arguments instead of" dps nerfed by 20%", “more fun” etc. Why should this be changed, but not a thousand other things that would make the game more fun for people?

I was, and my argument still stands. I said if it was intended they should say so now and thats what it is. Im not asking for more power, im asking them to take a look at a nerf that was never addressed towards Ferals needing it. But more towards other things where cats got clipped by accident.

The blue said it did not look like it had anything to do with cats, but he was unsure. Ok, this is exactly why id like them to make it official, so we know.

I am not (unlike you) saying:

No, no we cant. Your agenda is that it does not get fixed for the reasons I mentioned. I am clearly biased about it and want it fixed. But mainly I want them to say if its a bug or not, and put it to bed.

This has been explained to you a ton of times by different people here. The problem is even if it was addressed now and fixed you would still be here qqing how its not fair and not a bag. You are not looking for the topic to be sorted, you just don’t want Druids to get this, the end and no argument will sort that, not even Blizzard saying so.

A full year of it not getting fixed after a blue acknowledging being made aware of the issue should be explanation enough. The patch notes specifies energy being affected as an intended effect of the change. What is there to not understand about it being intentional?

I dont understand neither of you feral haters.

I played my druid competitively as a melee dps for almost the last 3 years, topping meters with ease in weaker guilds and being top 3-5th in semi-hardcore ones. Are you feral haters that insecure about your own performance as a mage/warrior/rogue/shaman/whatnot that you come to this thread and talk about an experience you never had and didnt even want (since you played 1 button classes)? Hard to shallow pill guys: I’d be most certainly top performing dps again with my feral despite this change, meanwhile these rogues/warriors/whatever classic meta classes trashtalk me that I’m a freaking meme spec and I should #### ###### for not being a meta slave, but I’ll feel trash about my rotation because I did an engaging rotation which was unique to the feral dps spec for almost 3 years, yet now it has literally no skill requirement, PLUS it is a 20% damage nerf. Even someone with 7 braincells can put together the logic that in the expansion where every “meme spec became optimal” (huge lie, because feral targetedly got sabotaged, and it doesnt mean that one cant be top with it, I was top in classic), this mentality doesnt stand.

Revert this change, clean up the code, an intermediate programmer can do it in 2-3 hours.


Oh so in that case they should revert the seal of blood to alliance changes right?