Blizzard lies and screws over 'non big 3 players' YET AGAIN

Good to hear. Much needed change. :slight_smile:




Good job blizzard
I do like new world quests though! Especially the races! So much fun


You didn’t have to make another thread for this to make it look like there’s more support for this than there actually is. You already voiced your support very strongly in the thread about this change that Blizzard made.


People where screaming that the never ending hamster wheel was burning them out. Oh well…it was nice while it lasted I guess.


Now for them to make a trinket that rewards power as you level it up and I’ll be 2 for 2 lol.

Well, that’s disappointing.


But if there’s no power that restricts access to endgame activities locked behind the wq grind, does it really matter?

I’m glad they are keeping it as is.

The player base is clearly mixed on this but I’m not disappointed they are sticking to their guns.


At this point I think this discussion is over, we’ve had 4 threads, blizzard has decided what they want to do, and it’s not like raiders have it great either, we’ve had no raids and won’t have any until the 12th, and then we will only get 1 raid per week.

Waiting and lockouts have been part of wow since it was created, in the form of instance lockouts, world bosses on fixed timers etc, this is no different.


Yup already cashed gold out, done with it lol logged in last night did all dailies, had the launcher running, now checked forums and just shut it down before even booting it. zero point in playing this.

Will be fun to see them double down on player retention stuff when subs drop.


So, the streamers and raiders win lol. Sorry but why can’t we all have content?


I do like how you presume to speak for everyone that does not do raids or streams, or even the presumption that some of those that do raid or stream do not want more frequent dailies.

You simply can not speak for others. You can express your own opinion and explain your own preferences but you can’t generalise the way that you are.

Just like plenty of streamers and raiders are collectors. You don’t log in the game and tick some category and that’s all you will do.

I have despised make you play metrics since they started in Legion. You clearly feel differently and that’s allowed too.

They are never going to be able to please everyone, that goes for any feature in game.

Some loved Titanforging, I hated it with a passion and it made rewards unrewarding. When it was changed part of the playerbase were relieved and others hated to see it go because they needed that carrot on a stick to convince them to keep going.


I would have liked the change to go ahead, but not hugely fussed either way.

What does make me laugh though, is Blizzard’s blatant incompetence with announcing a change, then announcing there won’t be a change. :joy: I think it shows how out of touch and knee-jerk reactive they are.

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“they are never going to make everyone happy, so they should lower the amount of content available instead of ignoring the min/max people that feel they have to do things just because they are available”

This is the only argument that the opponents to daily wq’s have and it’s a nonsense one, because noone is forcing you to do daily wq’s every day, just like noone is forcing me to pvp.


You can flip that argument either way, why is it better to cater just to your personal needs. How is that any different?

I welcome this change that does not force people to log in daily or give them a million tasks to do. It’s more like the WoW of old. Less FOMO more actual fun.


I play CoD it’s the streamers they listen to the most… Blizzard is no different… You think the ppl they pay to influence are not calling the shots or at the very least have their ear?

Well no, we aren’t allowed to as we now have nothing to log in for lol… But its ok Already cancelled the sub and told them why, with the change last night I logged in did all the dailies ready to do again… reading the news, never even bothered to boot in.

Sorry but what did Dailies that offfer no power or gear really hurt?

So, what do you expect the world players to do twiddle our thumbs every 2 days until something pops up? But hold on M+ and Raiders aren’t being told you’re doing content to much its bad for you are they?

You can’t find things to do yourself then that’s fair enough. For me it’s the opposite, I can do fun things in game.

The WQs that do pop up aren’t a big chore because it’s so easy to keep the map clear of them.


“it’s so easy to keep the map clear of them” sounds like you got OCD like myself… that’s a you problem though.

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noone is forcing you to do the daily wq’s just as noone is forcing me to do pvp or raids or m+…why is removing content just cause you don’t want to do it a better solution?

Shall we remove raids because less than half of the people actually raid? maybe we remove pvp too, since a lot of people don’t do that either…


It’s not necessarily just min/max people that want less of them. A guy in my guild is very happy with fewer world quests because it gives him more time to fish and hunt for treasures :person_shrugging:

I don’t really get it because I agree with you that if you want you could just not do the wqs :stuck_out_tongue:

Personally I’d have liked more wqs simply because at this point in the expansion I want to log in and do things all the time. Once the initial hype dissipates and I don’t want to log in every day I don’t feel like I have to because imo wqs are never rewarding enough to warrant logging in for to clear them all every day anyway.

To OP I don’t think changing your mind is lying but that’s besides the point.