Blizzard lies and screws over 'non big 3 players' YET AGAIN

I’m not a raider or pvper and done mostly world quests last few expansions except one mythic season where I did the basic amount of dungeons to get the mount as I liked it. I welcome the new system because It makes me feel like I can log off an alt and have them “completed” for a few days. It let’s me have them all caught up on my alts.

It’s not just raiders and hardcore players that like the new system.


Tbf they have not.
They said they wont go through with the change immediately and will look at alternative ways to not affect crafters while making structured daily world content.

So they have decided that they need to think more.


“i don’t want to do x content, so it shouldn’t be there” is not an argument…
I don’t feel like playing pvp either, but i don’t mind it being in game.

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Ignore the point all you want, that’s not what I said.

bi-weekly is better, so much chill and now we bring back daily every day?

so, if your alt doesn’t manage to get maximum arena points every week, does that mean arena should be limited more? cause that’s the exact same argument.

noone gets to compete everything in this game, so why should the thing that I would like to do be limited to a measly 5 tiny quests per week?

No, As arena is competitive content. it’s like comparing apples to oranges. tottaly different content.

I don’t do pvp I don’t even know how arena points work.

I think it’s a good amount of content for me to get all my alts to do it. Then do treasures and other stuff. I like the way it is. It doesn’t matter how much you try make comparisons to my personal opinion on something , it doesn’t change it?


Thing is what made WoW great was that there was content for everyone. You wasn’t restricted by one specific group of gamers and their preferred gaming schedule. If you don’t like dailies, then don’t do them, if you don’t like raiding, don’t raid. Essentially this change only benefits one group of gamers, but there’s a lot of people out there who wanted this change that have been forgotten about.


Not rly.

The easiest way to determine if somethings a good idea, is announce it and watch the feedback, people will either be dissapointed or happy.

Also no they made a change based on critic, they reversed the decision because the feedback was a net negative. The one time they prove they actually listened to feedback and ur shooting em for it?


That’s the issue your already on alts… lol that isn’t a sign there isn’t content to do I don’t know what is already on my 2nd myself…


Nah, I just don’t have a life. I have 165 level 50+. That’s what I mostly do in game, hence me liking it. it’s a personal thing, nobody is right or wrong.


except forum/twitch feedback is from a very specific niche of the gamer group, hardly a good sign.

Only listen to the feedback when I agree with it :upside_down_face:

Eh imho qeather agree or disagree with the changes many has had pessimism towards weather blizzard do listen or just every now and then they unknowingly do something the plauerbase ask for.

This is black and white textbook acting on feedback. I dont care if theres more or less WQs however. Blizzard did directly stop a patch they announced, that is unavoidably proving they dead actually read what was written on their announcement at the very minimum


I promise you there are more effective, commonly used ways in the business world to assess potential changes than offering knee-jerkingly reactive responses.


Every company make mistakes and when those mistakes arise its about swiftly owning up and ending the situation.

Theu did that.

They made a change, they thought was in high demand, they reliesed it was a mistake, and shut it down before it becsme a problem for players.

They said they wanted to do something.

We said we dont want them to do it.

Theu didnt do it.

Tbe players got what they wanted.


Given the fact they launched azerite armour against content creators and player feedback.

They launched covenants with the huge movement behind that.

They never specifices where they took feedback from, they simply said based on feedback they recieved.

You as a player have decided thats their source.

However given prior reputation and how many complaints go on around things that never change. It nust have been a hella large amoint of negstivity launched at this.

Blizzard never back down from announced decisions, and when they have its taken a immense about of people to pull off.


I don’t have OCD, I don’t have any mental health issues that would make me obsessive etc, I do not suffer from addiction, gaming or otherwise.

Does that cover all the usual insults people like to throw at others? I could infer all sorts of things about people who have to have their day completely structured by Blizzard but I wouldn’t stoop so low. It comes down to personal preference and nothing nasty needs to be made of that.

Blizzard created an environment where players felt they had to log in or you would be left behind. They switched from caring about sub numbers to caring about MAUs.

I am not a 1%-er, I’m an average player, I dabble in various content excluding PvP. I welcome this change. One of my friends who does the same content as me wouldn’t mind the WQs being more frequent. Because we are adults, we can have differing opinions on the matter and not fling insults at the other. But it just goes to show you can’t make these sweeping statements.


As someone with actual diagnosed OCD I always laugh at the sterotype of people using that towards others. I don’t normally talk about that stuff but felt I had to now. People legit don’t understand OCD and throw it around.


Same goes for addiction.

It’s kind of ironic that someone who craves daily tasks from Blizzard thinks that the person who is happier without the daily chores is the addicted one.

I still firmly believe it’s a personal preference on how to play though.