Blizzard lies and screws over 'non big 3 players' YET AGAIN

I been taking it slowish and just unlocked world quests today.
There is a trilion things to do. Every time i go to deliver one side quest 10 more pops up.
I recommend getting the addons wholly and grail to see which quest you havent done.
Im still clearing quests I havent done i wotlk!
I been collecting music for my garnison. I switch from scryer to alfor and currently doing the faction switching quest in sholari basing. I still need 500+ crusader seal for mounts, mini pets and tmog. Not to mention 500000 darkmoon fair tokens.
And i havent even begun to scratch the surface of combatpets.
There is so much to do that i cant catch up.
I choose what I wanna do and slowly getting one thing done.
I put a audio book on, poor a cup of tea and then just enjoy the time i have for playing.
I will never get to do all and im fine with that. I dont rush. I just enjoy the game

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