Blizzard lies and screws over 'non big 3 players' YET AGAIN

Adding this here incase no one wants to read a 600 comment long thread.

The more i think about it, the more i would be content with daily world quests if none of them gave any rep.
Still give gold and gear or whatever for doing them, but no rep.

In place of their rep, add a weekly quest to do 10 world quests. This would reward rep.


You are minority
Most of the people that play wow are playing wow for a PVE/PVP content
There is very few players that wants to focus on World content and this change just proves it.

I can’t be the only one failing to see how this could be perceived as such a major issue either way.
If the thing is up and I want to do it, I do it.
If the thing is up and I don’t want to do it, I don’t do it.
If the thing isn’t up at all, I do something else.
Life can be such a simple thing.

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I do wish more people were pointing this out :joy_cat:

My suspicion is that they will solve it with weeklies rather than dailies. If we are lucky they will be weeklies, but on a daily release schedule, because that solves everyone’s problems. You can do them every day for 20 mins, or save them all for your day off :smile_cat:


mate if you dont like world content then go play play some dungeon crawlwer like diablo immortal. its an mmorpg. there has to be world content. Otherwise it would be a dungeoncrawler like diablo.

Also world content can both be pve and pvp. so why are you playing wow if you want only instanced content with 0 world? Pvp already is getting 0 attention for most of wows existance, so you only want mythics and raids to be worked on then>


I have an idea for a game with alcohol. Whenever I read a completely useless comment, I’ll have a drink. I’ll read all 600 comments and I bet I’ll end up in the hospital for a lavage. :rofl:

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Exactly. World content in an mmo must exist especially now that the main attraction is flying on a dragon. When they open m+ only where people will fly, then summon colleagues under the dungeon. Today I logged into wow and did only two pvp world quests. And I have nothing to do. The only thing I can do is bg or skilling professions. And this is only the first week of the expansion.

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Which guns? Yesterday’s guns, or the day before’s guns?

. Since WoD Ion has continously said he builds WoW for players to feel need to partake in every area of content and not just delve down one specific route.

Which meant the people he lost were people who did one specific type of content and the new audience were built around said mantra.

The issue isnt people "dont want WQ and reps’ the problem is they want the game as advertised, built on the concept of completing ALL content.

When u overbulk the goal players of such mindset lose the ability to engage because they lose track in how they engsge.

I aint gonna take sides here, blizz decided whst blizz decided

But the issue is, they cant build a game based on the community doing ALL content, and people who only do 1 set of the content simultaniously. One will lose.

And before u say " oh only open world players grt cut short tho" no they dont!

If someone was to tunnel only m+ and nothing else.

Theyd be cut to 8 dungeons a week, thats 1 day a week in content.

If you were to tunnel raids, game turns into raid logging and you run out of content by week 3 in most cases.

If you were to tunnel pvp, well ur gonna hit 2k and have 0 progression left to really do.

All thr game modes fall short when cut, the issue is no one who raids, does m+ or pvps. Only do those catagories. Its only open world players that want the game to collasp down to 4 seperate routes of play, and have a ton of content in the 10% of the gsme theyre willing to play.

Im a m+ player, but i will do open world, i will do World Quests, i will do raids, i will do pvp. Now overbloating each part of the game makes it impossible for me to do that realistically. And telling me not to do it isnt the answer, the answer is i should be able to do all 4, as the games advertised really.

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Navarone ?

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I been taking it slowish and just unlocked world quests today.
There is a trilion things to do. Every time i go to deliver one side quest 10 more pops up.
I recommend getting the addons wholly and grail to see which quest you havent done.
Im still clearing quests I havent done i wotlk!
I been collecting music for my garnison. I switch from scryer to alfor and currently doing the faction switching quest in sholari basing. I still need 500+ crusader seal for mounts, mini pets and tmog. Not to mention 500000 darkmoon fair tokens.
And i havent even begun to scratch the surface of combatpets.
There is so much to do that i cant catch up.
I choose what I wanna do and slowly getting one thing done.
I put a audio book on, poor a cup of tea and then just enjoy the time i have for playing.
I will never get to do all and im fine with that. I dont rush. I just enjoy the game

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pretty much this, i am not nearly done with all the quests this expansion and i am still finding quests everywhere. to the point of not being able to accept them because my quest is completely full. But some people forget its an rpg and rush trough everything so they can just farm the same 6 dungeons the entire expansion long and then complain there is nothing to do despite them skipping alot of this expansions content


I dont entirely agree, i get where ur coming from you dont see the fact the “the big three” dont win

If i played m+ in the same fashion as u do world quests. I would do 8 dungeons a week thats it. 1 days worth of play a week.

If i raid, i will only kill 8 bosses a week, again 1 day of play.

If i do pvp ur only going to 2k again its 1 or 2 days play.

No game mode, strictly in itself provides 1 week or more then 2 days a week, in actual things to do, world quests are no different here.

The problem is m+ players, raiders, pvpers will mesh into the other catagories, they come on and do their world quests they come on to up their renown, they raid for tier sets, they do 8 dungeins to maximise reward. They do pvp for chances of a early weapon and more.

You cant say 1 communities favored realistically because it isnt. No matter who you are. If tunnel vision one type of content wearher thats raiding, m+ pvp or open world. You do not have enough contrnt to log on every day

The thing is, since WoD the games been advertised by ion himself saying he wants all communities to be 1 community not seperate he aims to design a game u benefit from partaking all content not just one.

Hence why rhe attracted playerbase have a issue with “well then dont do it. U cant do everything”

All content launchs with the first week or 2 of release having loads to do and drifting into low content. Its not just world quests, 3veryone gets punished for trying to only do 10% of the game.

By your concept on how WoW should work.

Raid lock outs shouldnt exist.
M+ vault should give u a additional piece of gear per 8 completed.
Pvp should endlessly go upwards based on a no capped score.

This would have to happen to make the other game modes “full of content to do every day”

as i say i get it, its annoying for someone in this position of only doing 10%, however I feel its become so normalised to expect a raider to do M+ and a M+ player to raid that you forget, its not because they want to. its because they have to realistically, there are LOTS of raiders that dislike M+. however their guilds expect them to do it so they just do it.


The original guns!!! :rofl: :gun:

I know some are disappointed by the change but it seems to me they are listening to the playerbase, they were going to make the WQs more frequent then there was a backlash and they decided it was better to not do that and stick to the original plan.

I realise it’s always going to be disappointing when you’re not part of the group that feel it’s feedback is listened to. They really can’t please everyone all of the time.

They are listening to the streamers and the chattering classes, for sure.

And what happened to you? :stuck_out_tongue: Are you lost in the Red Zone of the Twisting Nether? On your armoury page, you have been reduced to a placehoilder cube. Are you being imprisoned there? Blink twice if you need a rescur party. :rofl:

Honestly this is a positive thing, between a 10 hour work day, and other commitments, it’s nice to be able to just play a few hours a week and still be raid viable on the 12th.


GM and I joked this morning thats what its all about . Keeping the map clean :rofl: Though I feel its neither here nor there tbh. I don’t see why people feel compelled to do them if they don’t want to. Those that do enjoy it can go ahead on a daily basis clearing the map if that is what makes them happy.


She disappeared from the thumbnail too :rofl::rofl: I guess it’s because she’s BRB from the forum :rofl::rofl:


Where are you getting this notion of a huge success? If you look on any of the forums it’s been a pretty mixed reception with most saying it’s better than what we had but not amazing, then about the same number of post saying it’s the best thing ever as saying it’s boring and not fun.

If you’re going by youtube/twitch streamers then ofc they’re going to say it’s the best thing since sliced bread, then in 4 months they’ll be trashing it calling blizz out. Just like they did for the past 2 expacs

how is it lies when they posted a couple hours after the og post saying why they where scrapping the change