Blizzard lies and screws over 'non big 3 players' YET AGAIN

Well here is me with OCD actually like the expansion world quest changes. So there goes that theory, because that’s not how it works.


This conversation is kind of going round in circles and all I’m doing is repeating myself.

This isn’t about groups of players that some of you are so keen to lump everyone into categories. There are plenty of open world players finding loads of stuff to do.

There is no raiders think A, pvpers think B, open world players think C.

As someone who does raid, mythic plus and open world content I welcome this change. It is long overdue to stop making the game a mobile treadmill. MAUs are not a way to measure a game that has a subscription.

This change benefits all sorts of players and disappoints all sorts of players. Just like every change made in WoW. I know CE players that loved clearing the map of all WQs every day and others that loathed it. I know open world players who love and hated it. There is no one size fits all.

I totally get that you personally feel that it’s taking content away from you. But equally you must appreciate there are others who feel the opposite.


It’s things to do… if there is nothing to do why log in? But its ok next week you get your content fix :stuck_out_tongue: lol


I never said it made people sick. That’s an interesting interpretation.

I said it’s healthier for the game.

I’m having so much fun right now apart from the flying. I have loads to do in the game.

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this is the perfect case of “you think you do, but you dont”.

daily WQ means mostly 2 things:

  1. players will, as always, decide everything is a requirement and put too much pressure on themselves. even though this is far from the truth.

  2. you will finish the content too fast and get bored.

players think gated stuff are bad, but the truth is, that non-gated content will just cause some players to rush the game and then complain they dont have anhything left to do.

With your M+ gear and enchanted and all :stuck_out_tongue: lol. That’s good for you btw. Do you see me wanting to take that content away from you?

I’m not at end game yet, I’m taking it quite slow, reading the quests, clicking the other dialogue options and still doing my other activities (pet battles, mount runs, Darkmoon Faire etc.) but when I do get there I’m looking forward to it being a bit quietier. I’ll have time to level alts and maybe get back into professions (ignored them the last two expacs). as well as keeping up with the mount runs, pet battles and what-not.


and still the only argument so far i’ve heard against having more world quests is “i don’t want to do them”, why is it always that when a certain group of loud people, including a community “green” poster seem to not want something, it gets removed, but when us more regular players get bored we are told to “move to another game”?

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I’ll agree to disagree with you.

And WQs still exist, they have not been removed. Dailies still exist as well in zones. Hunts have been added to the game. There is still farmable content and things to collect.

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so many back and forth’s.
Are wq going daily or are they staying semi-weekly? xD

you may have stumbled upon a conspiracy here. it is of course disturbing to see that there is a group that can shape the game at their whim but it is even worse that most people do not realise. from one intellectual to another: good work uncovering this and be sure to spread the word.

Ok did them all last night on the news… What do I do until they reset.

Give it up man. You arent getting your way no matter how much you whine. Its over and the game is better for it as the majority have spoken.


No, the loudest has spoken for now…


Staying semi weekly


neat, thanks for answer!

You need me to tell you what to do in game?

I mean if you really seriously want suggestions I am more than willing but that really isn’t the vibe I’m getting from you

There is so much to do in the game at present. Even if don’t know about everything you can look through the achievements, read the news on the various sites, pick and choose what interests you.


Wow so much to do… I’ll add a new mount to my 200+ already. Ah do achievements lol Is that what you consider content? o and profs lol why as a world player would I need to max it?

Linking rep but don’t want dailies for rep…