Blizzard lies and screws over 'non big 3 players' YET AGAIN

Reckon you need a battery tmog - at least that way you would be remotely positive

that person only knows to complain and complain … im just tired of that person


Oh, that’s you and me and all the regulars here, and the r/wow and the MMO-C crowd and stream subscribers - aka “The vocal minority.”

The consistency test for your proposition is: If this change is good because people feel less pressured to do things, then they should also limit M+ to two dungeons a week, and raiding to two three hour sessions. Then people won’t feel pressured to do those so much either.

(And this is/was actually a thing. Do you remember all the complaints from raiders in Legion about being pressured to do M+ that they weren’t interested in?)

I see you have emerged from the cube - but you’re not keeping your mog up to date! You are derelict in your duty: How is the fashion world supposed to know whst’s “in” this season?


Subs wont go down,cuz its way better than Sl, bye and gluck

Oh this set is definitely “in” this season. I assure you flicks hair


Why tryin’ to fix what ain’t broke in the first place ?

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