Blizzard lies and screws over 'non big 3 players' YET AGAIN

And that in itself is high praise from the WoW community.

There hasn’t been an expansion yet that has been positively received by the WoW community not even Wrath or MoP, which are considered the pinnacle of WoW expansions, were praised or lauded when they were fresh content.

That’s true, I just think calling it a huge success is abit much. How is success being defined here. If it’s a financial success, then every expacs been a success. If it’s player retention, then it’s too early to tell. If you’re basing it on player enjoyment, then the only metric you have is the forums which would mean it’s been a neutral expac. Neither a huge success or a flop, so far it’s returning to a baseline.

That is really all you can expect from this expac. If the idea going forward is to move away from isolated expacs and with SL being so unpopular amongst fans they had no choice but to start from scratch which means most features and parts of the game are going to feel very shallow, the concept being this is a new base for them to build from.

Problem is a lot of us can basically tick off all of what you just said :rofl:
I haven’t rushed at all, I just have a lot of time.
If you don’t do the main 3 group content in end game though, all you have is getting rep and as it stands… dis gonna take a loooooooooooooong time. I don’t want them every single day but the Tuskaar for example need more ways to get rep.

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I wouldn’t mind daily world quests if they are more like daily quests, like a simple exclamation mark or whatever it is to show that there is a quest you can take.

But while flying from point A to point B getting talking heads again and again is way too annoying.

On top of that world quests interfere with the open world in a toxic way where you cant use the real world without clearing the event first.

World Quests interfere with the open world way too much, that it is beyond annoying at this point. I’m loving having them up semi-weekly so I can explore the world in peace for a few days.

doesnt matter what you think.

what matters is their activity meters. and those must be already beyond horrible if they in despreation tried to make change back to daily WQ which was stopped by Ion himself withut doubt.

A game shouldn’t feel like a job. You don’t have to log in every single day for hours to complete all. You can stop, enjoy the rest, play other games, do something else.
My renown level is still something like: 5 / 4 / 5 / 7 :rofl: I prioritised dragon riding, which I’m getting better. Now I’ve completed all the advanced silver and doing the golds :smiley:
I’m glad I’m not feeling forced to play to not lag behind but rather do it at my own pace. Less quests are ok, lot of things to do else, waiting for M+ to open.


BUDDY, if you don’t like doing WQ every day, don’t do them every day. There is no need, you won’t get excluded from invites because you don’t have rep. I know you people like to pretend this is the case, but it’s not. Just control yourself and do what you want to do instead of advocating to remove things that others like to do.

EDIT: same goes for everyone reading this who wants less frequent WQs, just do less of them, they are not mandatory content. Do not ask to remove content others enjoy just because you do not, this is childish. If you feel forced to do them every day the problem lies with you, because the rewards are not necessities to get into any kind of groups or to do any kind of content.

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See I’m not a streamer, I’m not sure what chattering class is. But I did not like the change they were proposing. I like the format we have atm. I am enjoying the game so much more with less chores and more funplay. I realise not everyone feels the same.

The new box thing is all the rage!!! Height of fashion :rofl: :red_square:

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that tmog looks amazing on you btw
agreed today wild arcana pvp wq gave the plate drakebreaker pants as reward
only miss belt and chest its the yellow version
we miss the lvl 70 primal storms event that drop the blue recolour+the unstable confluence parts

hope next pvp wq has the drakebreaker chest at 366 atleast
some of the of the purple strongboxes from maruuk hunt soup event and dragonbane keep
had 1 366 helmet and gloves which i already had

Nor does it matter what you think regarding how “catastrophic this expansion” is.

There are other…more player friendly ways to increase activity meters than “every-day slavery”.
You can have a look at FFXIV philosophy where their head dev(forgot his name, sry) even said that he is not expecting for people to play every day and coming and going for every patch cycle is absolutely fine in his eyes.

You can chose not to do WorldQuests, no one was forcing you.

Don’t any of you understand this? You CHOSE to do all those chores, no one was forcing you, the problem was you. There was absolutely no need to do every daily every day ever.

Content was taken away from players who enjoyed it because others cannot control themselves from doing content you don’t have to do at all.


This is honestly better, world quests resetting every 3 days is better for the game, I can focus my time on many other activities. Besides you may have very few world quests now but the more renown you get with the factions the more type of world quests you unlock.

Nothing has been taken away because it was never added.


Less WQ frequency is less content. This is fact. Just like limiting m+ repeatablility would result in less content.
Please don’t be stubborn just to have something to say, because you don’t like what I have to say.


Blizzard noticed the problem and announced more world quests reset every 24 hours. But the forum is so crying that someone will be ahead when they do more wq that blizzard withdrew from this decision. What came out of it? We have 3 races in 3 days. 2 bigger wqs for the whole week and a few side ones giving barely 75 reputation. With an 800% alt dragon, people will do it in a day and then have an empty map.


I will reply to every single one of you who brings up this argument.
You could always focus your time on other activities, because WQs are completely optional, their rewards do not and never did merrit having to do them every day unless you wanted to or couldn’t stop yourself from doing so, which would be a problem you have to work on yourself. Self control


If i done that, then my funeral was years ago :laughing::laughing:


Before that, you’d run out of money for bottles of booze :joy:.


dah they named daily quests for a rison :rofl: