Blizzard must take action against ppl quitting M+ mid dungeon

As i said, i wouldn’t queue at all if i had connection issues. If it happens a lot and you get banned for a day knowing that you’re having internet issues, its on you.

If you’re not stupid, you won’t risk and therefore don’t queue. I hope you can understand that completely sane logic that i just presented to you.

Good day to you, sir.

Grats on missing the point so completely.

So now they dont dc they subtly sabotage the run till someone leaves in frustration.

What now?

Doing the right thing is holding them hostage? :joy:

Insult them once they’ve left is 100% fair

Oh I always love this “defence” :joy:

What right thing do you talk about? People crapping on other players is not the right thing. People keeping other people in dungeons that can not be finished, is not the right thing. More? Be realistic. People do not leave over nothing. It just does not happen. People are doing wrong things and then others want to leave.

(opens up a huge box of IDGAF pills)
Here, take this, it does wonders!

Everything you say can and will be used against you.

And unfortunately we live in a time when a huge number of people actively seek out reasons to report others for etc. The virtue signaling mania is real. You are probably aware of all this.

We are really good at sweating the small stuff these days as people.

Personally, I have never understood how someone can take personally something a complete stranger on the internet tells them. They do not matter to me, so why does it matter what they say to me?

But competitive environments often lead to anger outbursts and keeping these emotions to yourself all the time can lead to bigger problems. I think the mage was mad at himself too in that situation and you enhanced it and it all derailed from there. Who knows?

By the way, that is the reason I do not pug. I feel safe to feel every emotion when I am with people I know and the threat of being wildly misinterpreted or me impulsively saying something I normally dont is nigh non-existent.

So yeah, I guess just dont pug :slight_smile:

I’m not a leaver either and I also agree it wont work for all the reasons that have been discussed to death before.

I know people don’t want to hear it but PuG content always carries a risk. I don’t know if a group I join is going to keep going or not when issues arrive. If I’m with a group I know then obviously we will agree amongst ourselves if we feel it’s worth carrying on. Depends what kind of key it is. If it’s a we are pushing for score key or just a weekly.

But no punishment system will work in WoW like they have in a different type of games. This is not a MOBA like League or an FPS where repeatedly leaving will get you a punishment.

Communities are also an option but do bear in mind they generally do not tolerate it’s members being toxic to each other. I hate groups with toxic players myself but will usually stick it out to the end.

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Why do you feel the need to insult anyone in a game?

If people are constantly leaving the OP’s dungeons, then there must be a common denominator.

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First of all, i didn’t make any mistakes, but if i did i would accept it and not feel insulted like a snowflake.

You are too stubborn to admit that what he did was toxic, now you’re trying the classic “no you” reply. Are you kidding me?

Even if I don’t support the idea of punish leavers to a certain degree. Going so far to report op to get his post hidden is very shameless

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As i mentioned, this happens to a lot of ppl who pug. You can see it on streams, youtube videos, discord servers. This kind of thing happening twice in a day isn’t common, but happens more than once per week due to me commenting on how ppl play their class.

If i see something wrong, i will tell the person what they should have done. It’s how we as a species have been doing things for millennia. It’s how we evolved. It’s how the little monkey learns that he can’t break a coconut with a stick, he must use a rock.

This happens because the community is suffering with the “woke” movement and everybody feeling insulted for things that would be considered normal a decade ago.

I say something you should have done in order to progress in a dungeon and your reply is “one more word”? You then leave the group effectively wasting 30 minutes of other 4 ppl.
That is selfish and inconsiderate.

In all honesty, trying to defend this behavior says a lot about you. You need to evaluate how you conduct yourself if you’re playing a multi player game. You need to consider that you might be wasting time for other ppl. You need to be punished like in any other competitive game. M+ has a rating, making it a competitive mode. Quitters in other games are punished, yet in the “woke” blizz they arent.

Blizzard goes on and on about how they don’t want a toxic community yet this kind of toxic behavior is very common and goes unpunished. I’m willing to bet that if they disclosed the numbers of reports due to quitting m+ the community would be very surprised.

It could even be the case that you don’t pug a lot, therefore don’t experience this kind of situations. But trying to defend it…idk man.

I am really interested in what the mage’s story is. Hearing only 1 side usually does not show the whole picture. And yeah, you do not really get the benefit of the doubt when you also send insults.

I pug a lot becase I wouldn’t be playing at all if I played as little as my friends, the leaves I’ve seen happen are justified in pretty much every case. I’ve seen a handful of leaves that I’ve thought aren’t justified since m+ was introduced. Last time was in SL where someone left instantly upon the tank pulling the pack right by the night fae skip in mists.

3 steps to fix your issue:

Number 1 : Learn to not be Toxic yourself.

Number 2: This will make you a much more pleasant person and increase your chances of making friends.

Number 3: Find friends that also wants to do mythic+, form a group with the ones that won’t leave, be happy.

See? No Blizzard needed.

Yes it’s true this isn’t a MOBA, but M+ having a rating makes it a competitive mode in the game. Being a competitive mode with punishment for ppl that quit ( a very toxic, inconsiderate and selfish behavior) makes it a healthy environment and cleanses the community. That is exactly why other games have this sort of punishment.

Yes it’s true that Pugging carries a risk, but why should the innocent pay for the toxic behavior of a single person? Not being punished for quitting for your own mistakes is extremely toxic and is why it keeps happening.

Another thing, claiming that it wont work without any evidence isn’t reasonable. Can you explain why it wouldn’t work in WoW Mythic plus when it’s effectively a competitive mode? I feel like i should mention that it’s a legit question. In no way i’m i trying to insult you.

It’s pretty much the same as a high score in tetris.

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This is an absurd comparison, and shows how naive (or dumb) you are.

Tetriz is a solo game. The entire reason of my post is that this is a multi player game with a competitive rating associated to it.

It baffles me that you are making that comparison. Please refrain yourself from ever commenting on my posts again.

You can’t put a policeman next to everyone, and automated systems can be exploited by spamming reports. Maybe one day AI will be clever enough to govern/police such cases, but for now we have to stick with this, as Blizz will not put manpower/effort into it since the number of reports would be enourmous, it would need way too much manpower to work trough it.
Am I annoyed by leavers too? Yes I am, but I also get over it because crying on the forums or in the corner won’t solve it. A “neutral” system is still better than an exploitable seemingly just one.


It’s pretty much a high score. It’s what you have achieved at the highest. It’s not fluctuating. Once you’ve done something on a certain level, it will remain there until you do it on a higher level or do it faster.

This in contrast to games or modes where you play against other players and your rating goes up and down constantly based on wins/losses.