She is a filthy traitor who showed sympathy towards Aethas Sunreaver. She already had a spotty record at the beginning when she wanted piece with the Horde, but then for a second we Alliance though she had grown up and changed, but nope she is back to her Horde loving ways.
Useless character, she drags the Alliance down, kill her Blizzarrd.
I will create an Anduin thread later if this one doesn’t get enough attention. But yes Jaina, Anduin, Magni and Velen are Alliance traitors. Only Greymane and Tyrande are true Alliance. We must kill all the traitors and make Tyrande queen. Or make Greymane queen. Both would make good queens.
Tbf with this thinking we should just do a cleansing of both sides. Baine, Thrall, and everyone involved in the peace treaty, also gone.
Also Malfoy, he’s useless anyways.
This is a common issue with elf “fan” thinkins they know things but they don’t.
Aethas is everything but no neutral lol, He knew everything about the mana bomb.
(and I m known as a pro blood elves supremacist x) but truth must prevail )
Why don’t you bomb the Ruins of Thermore then? That’ll get her angry.
Then blame the Horde. And pray they the WoW writers would take your idea and poorly implement it. There you go, now you’re a Blizzard Staff writer.
This story was probably one of the worst pieces of writing I’ve ever seen. And it’s got stiff competition from the 11.0 patch ngl.
It keeps happening. The main story is driving me up a wall, and the world building is decent.
What’s going on over there?! Who’s writing stories like “an old god blew up our city, let’s repent and be sorry and sad”?! AFTER we give said old god a huge setback, chase her off, and ally ourselves with some of the most powerful being on Azeroth and, by extension, in the universe.
I still get chills when watching the final cinematic of MoP, with Jaina going “Dismantle the Horde” in a manner emanating distilled hatred and seething hate.
If anything it’s Varian who sold the Alliance out then, he’s the one who should be kil- oh wait.
Without sarcasm, right now I cannot think of any Horde characters that strike me as interesting. Then again, I can’t think any of the Alliance either…
Aww, you got all choked up when you saw those boats float up in the sky, didn’t you?
It’s understandable. It was a very touching moment when they loaded the random junk onto the boats and floated them into the sky and obliterated them from existence.
What more could anyone ask for?
I dare say that scene gave Dumbledore’s death in Harry Potter a good run for its money.