Blizzard needs to reintroduce AP to save wow

I never said ‘only’. I said ‘by and large’. Which by definition means ther’s going to be exceptions. :blush:

Or; they simply just LIKED it. Don’t ignore that possibility.
You’re trying to spin a scenario here.

I don’t think one could say that though.

No. A poll for active players. ALL active players.

Since neither of us can prove our claims; let’s agree to disagree.

That’s disengenuous. If there’s a whole big list of issues; it’s not right to single out 1 issue.

I ‘have’ to run LFR weekly to be able to upgrade the gear I earned in world content.
That’s a chore for me; it’s not particularly difficult, but I dislike it. The exact same definition of a chore that people like you have been using throughout the previous three expansions.

I don’t care if they were bugged, they’re the most enjoyable dungeons we’ve had in the last 8 years.

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I agree with AP not being the worst after all (but they should reintroduce it rather as anima in sl if even) but titanforging part is big NO, we have crests now and it works so much better

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Side content is missing. Thorgast was a nice side hussle for cosmetics. Pocopo and the mount/pet forge were also good.

Tbh dragonflight just have boring dailies were you mindless kill some stuff.

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Mabye. But before AP was a thing, a lot of people only subbed to get through story and early patch content, ie are still doing the same wether AP is a thing, or not.

It’s a well know fact that the vast majority of wow players are only active each every month here and there instead of playing 365/365 days.

And I know for a fact most of these players don’t.

There were polls asking for borrowed powers and AP, although at small sample sizes, but that was a thing.

You liking AP makes you blind to the fundamental issues behind. AP was a major flaw.

Then don’t. You don’t need gear for open world content.

Yeah, because at least now I can pretty much engage with WQ whenever I want.

A agree in some points and disagree with some.
AP as an reward for everything was a good addition. You always got atleast something. AP as an power creep that you had to farm like an absolute moron was not a good addition. Where to found middleground idk.

Titanforging was a nice dopamine dose when it procced. It didnt had to be remowed completely…just capped so that items didnt proc 4 tiers higher than where they dropped.
A do think it should come back as an proc, because it would be a nice addition to current upgrading system where it would be clearly capped at max upgrade (like 8/8 or hero 5/5 etc.) and could proc anywhere in between.

I know you didnt mention this, but i do believe that bonus rolls should come back. It didnt hurt anything and it was nice additional chance before you got locked out for a week. I dont underatand why they even deleted it.

What i personaly believe should come back in some form are Class halls, class campaigns, and most importantly artifacts. Not the power and talents that came with them, but the socket system and the apearances.

Class halls and campaigns and basicaly all of legion main content were and absolute amazing stuff for casuals. Imho.

Apearances with different versions from different contents, achievements etc were a slam dunk aswell. Because lets be honest…all weapons since Legion looks like an absolute :poop: anyway and everyone mogging them to legion artifacts. This game needs a huge step up in weapon cosmetic department and the best way to do it was legion artifacts including the ilvl raising by socketing the relics that dropped instead of an actual weapons. Aside from the talents, spells and ap grind that came with it that was a nope for me.

Legion legendaries were nice too…when you could buy a specific ones for currency at the end. The item effect were often gameplay altering which is a nice little content on itself.

Next on the line for me is great vault. While an billion times better than legion and bfa…it still needs an polishing. They should just go all-in at this point and accept it as an main source of gearing and gear upgrades. Meaning that some sort of bad luck protection should take a place aswell as some sort of “slot blacklisting” where you could set one or two slots that you dont wanna an item for, or the other way around set one option of the three would guaranteed be a weapon for example… Something like that.

I do have a more stuff i would like added to the game, but these are more controversial that the above.

For example i would love gear like corruption back in the game, i personaly feel like it was the most brilliant kiss/curse, fun and intteresting addition this game has ever received. It was also overpowered af to be fair. But because the aquisition was implemented horrendeously at the start, they completely rulled it out as an failure under the pressure of negative comments. While all it needed was clear and not random method how to get them and tuning. Aswell as the negative effects. This feature disapearing to the “failed” void making me sad to this very day.

I would also like reforging back, proffesion bonuses back, million sockets in each item back, meta gems and socket colour bonuses back, enchants for every slot back, more slots for rings (like why not have 4-6 rings?), more diverse set bonuses, pvp set bonuses, 2v2 and rated bg solo q, more stats etc etc …i could be here all day.

But the general issue and main point which makes all of the above pointless if done wrong…is classes. If the class and character you play feels like :poop: , then no amount of content will save it. They have to nail classes, changes and gameplay first for the expansion. Not the million reworks in middle of a second main content patch of the epxansion.

All the nice features that comoletely dissapeared in the name of dumbing the game down for masses …and it still failed.

All just imho. Ofc.

It’s not a maybe; I can point to myself as an example.
I’m not saying it’s true for everyone of course, though; that’d be silly.

If that’s true, can you show me the source of that fact?

Same as the previous claim; if it’s a fact then there’s proof. Please show me this proof.

Yes but those were for quitting players or players that had quit recently, if I’m not mistaken; that’s again a misrepresentation of how people feel in general because quitting players are going to lean more towards the negative (for obvious reasons).

No it doesn’t make me blind at all.
I’m not saying it was perfect. I said that I liked it and that it worked for me and felt fun for me.
That doesn’t mean I can’t see things from other people’s viewpoint; but it does mean that issues from that viewpoint just aren’t applicable to me.

I’m not agreeing either with the OP that AP would ‘save WoW’.
But for me it would add back something that’s missing for me in DF: A prolonged progression path; something that allows me to work towards something for longer than just a few weeks.

Again a disengenuous reply.
What if I told you, you didn’t need to do get AP in world content in the previous expansions? Because you didn’t need it for endgame content; you could manage fine without the extra AP.
The ‘mandatory’ part was self inflicted because of meta-slavery or just being brainwashed by the obsessed fanatics.

So you agree then that ‘we’ shouldn’t be given chores either?
Thanks for at least acknowledging that!

You forgot Anima Power.

It’s not. I don’t raid, or do mythic+.

AP was detrimental making Legion launch one of the more frustrating expansion launches. It wasn’t until the last patch of legion where it was mostly just there, not doing anything major that it was decent.

Titanforging on the other hand gave players the incentive to participate in multiple layers of difficulty. Only issue was something that has been resolved in DF, namely that gear can be upgraded. So TF could easily be brought back but instead make it “break” the ilvl threshold it will instead just grant you free upgrades that can’t pass the upper boundary.

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Looking at players estimates, we can see a surge in every major patch release which tend to dip right away.
Given the fact the game is being seasoned then it’s safe to assume people quit once they’re done for said season.

Nope, I’m talking about those secret polls which are randomly sent. I know a guildie received one and he shared some of the questions, including about AP and things tied to that.

As Perrry Cox wound sing : “wrong wrong wrong wrong”. I mean, some mythic bosses were tuned around players having a certain amount of artifact traits so it kinda made AP grind mandatory so that we could successfully pass these checks. Or back in BFA when I couldn’t use my armors due to me being locked out of azerite traits ending up in me loosing DPS. So getting better gear was an actual DPS loss, what a great design !

And having something worthwhile to do, would keep more people around!
Thanks for enforcing my argument.

Ah I see. Ok, sure, but I feel the sample size of those is too small.

Oh right; when you say it, it’s true, but when I say it, it’s wrong.
That’s how it works?

I don’t think so.

Yes Azerite armors were horribly designed. I think we can all agree on that.
I’m NOT suggesting introducing a bad borrowed power system to the game.

That already exists in the game. Its the terciary stats and sockets. I think it works perfect. You get something extra, but not game breaking.

There is one thing in common for all the “controversial” suggestions: They might have been a good thing on paper, but they were ALL implemented horrendously.

Even after testing them in Alpha and Beta, players giving feedback about them. Blizz still had the audacity to claim to know “what players want”. They refuse to change.

Then they put them live anyway and receive a ton of negative comments (as predicted in Beta). And PAFF, now there nerf bats come in…

But not because of “duming down for the masses”, but because the only way to “quick fix” a broken system is to nerf it to the point where it feels like its not even there.

You were literally always able to do this… Unless you were a bleeding edge raider, key pusher or PvP player it literally didn’t matter. I got CE several times without ever feeling the need to mindlessly grind.

You were not doing keys hard enough to warrant grinding AP. I worked full-time and I spent hours with my family everyday as well. I never felt forced to grind AP because it literally didn’t matter. If you do push super bleeding edge content, then fair enough, but you’re a minority.

Is that why more players were playing in Legion & BFA whereas DF has no participation?

I agree that we should get 10man mythic back. 10-man works 100x better for a seasonal game, so they should do that if they want to continue down this route where you play the game for 1 months and then either raidlog or quit until next patch. Much easier to keep a 10-man team together than a 20+ roster.

“i’m not enjoying the content so I want you to make it all irrelevant so I don’t have to play”.

Number 1 there’s barely any content. Number 2 people are complaining about the rewards. Number 3, if you don’t enjoy playing wow and want to play it as little as possible then why are you even subbed?

It’s honestly wild to me. These people think casual players are just mindless drones who farm mount reskins & transmogs.

You’re 100% right. An MMORPG without character progression does not work.

I don’t even know if they’re happy anymore. I raid mythic, but my guild list is constantly offline. Same with my friends in their own guilds who talk about it. Everyone either quit o they’re just raidlogging while also complaining about a lack of content.

They’ve objectively done a lot of good things, I really believe that. But man they dropped the ball hard on probably the most important aspect which is character progression.

Catering to raidloggers & players who barely want to play wow is not it. Hopefully they realize this so we don’t get “Raidlogflight 2.0” as our next expansion.



Nobody is gonna invite someone that can’t use their azerite armor when they can pick someone that can use their azerite armor.


I never spammed Islands over & over and I regularly took breaks in Legion & BFA because the AP knowledge acted as good catch-up. By just playing the content you’d normally play you got more than enough AP anyways.

Now we can talk about the issues the system had, I don’t think it was perfect. Having a “floor” requirement for Azerite gear wasn’t good. However, a lot of players who didn’t need to spam grind AP gaslighted themselves into thinking they also needed it when they didn’t.

It’s not like it’s much different now either. Some players don’t invite you unless you have 4set early on in the season, just like some players did with azerite traits back in BFA.




No, perhaps you should learn the difference between subjective opinion and objective fact. Just because it’s a stupid idea in your opoinion, that does not make your opinion factually correct.



The requirement to lvl-up was extremely exponential so was the catch-up as well.

Week one 90k req
Week two 60k req
Week three 40k req

So you had option to mindlessly farm ap to unlock +3% leech on week one or to simply play the game and to unlock it passively so to say, grand total two resets later.

Oh no, Andy got +3% leech two weeks before me…


That’s a player issue. Not a game issue.

So many metaslaves are blaming the game and not themselves. They’re brainwashed and unless there’s an intervention from Blizzard’s side, they’ll never change.