Blizzard needs to reintroduce AP to save wow

I don’t.

I have a trinket on my paladin that I haven’t been able to replace even now, from world content. Even though it’s 411.

I’m not talking about loot distribution, RNG with loot etc tho. I’m specifically only talking about the upgrade system :slight_smile:

Yeah that is of course true. But the question is we really should hand out mythic raid gear ilvl for world quests. The fine line should be somewhere in the middle. Imo the current open world gear rewards is already quite high and maybe over the line of what is reasonable. Like what is the goal? Literally 1 shotting everything in the open world?

And on the other side; obviously it is also exagerating to ask mythic raid ilvl for +15’s, which is what Tah is refering to.

Neither am I.

The trinket is just absurdly strong for its ilvl and from where it drops. Like, I’ve had drops from m+ but they’re weaker than that trinket when I’m simming.

To quote some people about the trinket:

How can you get this higher then 411?

Even with 411 its surpass all my hc 441 raid trinkets.

Same here. For Havoc DH Serrated Glaive build (single target) this is simming higher on Patchwerk combined with Dragonfire Bomb Dispenser than my 437 Beacon to the Beyond…

This thing is kinda broken good for high APM melee characters, specially fury warriors. Sim yo self at 411 before vendoring

Yeah this thing is annoying, I can’t get rid of it it’s too good lol.

Like I said a few posts earlier, Blizzard seems intent on making elites content for world players. They either need to make sure this content remains relevant or allow world players to grow powerful enough to be able to take on their content.

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I am not disagreeing with that. But where does it end? Like do we want world players to keep powering up for a full season or is there also an end?

This worries me as well. Sure we can agree to normal-heroic gear level(just an example for the sake of discussion), but what will happen once the “world content guys” reach the plateu where they can’t progress anymore since I specificially remember that a certain Tah wants to “progress for eternity”. Then will either be back at square 1 where some people are complaining that they got nothing to do or we will have to shift the goal post further and we will likely start to crawl into mythic level territory.

Edit: Hate the autocorrect on this tablet.

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Who CARES if people complain?

The only thing that matters is people playing the game, which ppl clearly are not doing now. Blizz should never have listened to the complainers during Legion. Killed the game.

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I don’t have a specific ilvl wish there myself. I do wonder tho, why is it perceived as such a bad thing if world content players can slowly but steadily progress their gear over a season? Does it matter if they end up with three pieces of 447 gear after 6 months? And if it matters, why?

It’ll never be an alternative for those who enjoy raiding or M+. It’ll never be an alternative for those who wish to gear fast.

Lmao, my friend list was almost empty a few weeks into Legion because of AP. I resorted to playing another game than WoW for most of Legion.


Lost a few folks as well cause people got fed up with the never ending hamster wheel.

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You are basically giving an answer to my question :wink:

The short problem is; it becomes mandatory for everyone who wants high ilvl since nobody gets a full gearset of mythic ilvl. Allthough this season we can get very close with all the crafting options and now the upgrade path of mythic. It is the first season we got in this situation. Usually we get about 50-75% of our gear on max ilvl.

How so? I’m not saying that is what I want, I’m simply asking why that’d be a terrible thing.

Well, in DF this wheel is dead even before an expansion started. It was never alive even.

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And I’m reasoning from there, I think in that sense they have created a quite effective overarching system. I understand if alternative ways of gearing would be removed, a world progression path might feel mandatory again. But I reason from what we have :wink:

Sorry, somehow the message got posted. I just wanted a white line, so i editted the post :grin:

I think mythic ilvl is just too high for world content. You can get literally to 1 shot things. I can not imagine the game stays fun that way when that is your only content.

I still do the timewalking dungeons or DF dungeon event, I can comfortably do the heroic raid through pugging if I want to.

I do it because it’s an additional shot at getting what I want from the raid. It’s not fast, it’s not effective, it doesn’t come around often enough but when it does, it’s still something I do because it’s an additional shot at getting what I want from the raid.

If I had an additional shot at getting what I want, from other types of content, I would do that as well because an additional shot is an additional shot, no matter how long it takes.

It’s not very fun either to sit on your butt waiting in ZC hoping someone else will come along so you can tackle your elite for one (paltry, I may add) drake fragment because you can’t solo it with your 418 ilvl. It’s terrible design. And they keep doing it.

It’s not about oneshotting boars. It’s about the little content you do have to progress your character being a royal pain in the butt or downright impossible, or having to do content you really don’t like. It’s not right.

Yeah it is a problem the rares are on a weekly lockout.

Oh, you mean like grinding stomp keys to upgrade/craft gear? Yeah, I don’t want to do that but it’s faster and more effecient so I still do it.